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ask edited this page Sep 29, 2010 · 5 revisions

2.1.0 (TBA)

  • Snapshots & Cameras
e.g. takes snapshots of cluster state at intervals and stores them in a database, for monitoring that doesn’t have to be real-time. django-celery ships with a camera that stores snapshots of the cluster state in the database. The Django admin interface can then be used to view currently running and the history of executed tasks.
  • Custom celerybeat schedule stores.

The periodic task schedule is moved out of the task registry.
PeriodicTask classes/@periodic_task decorator will be deprecated,
replaced by a configuration setting, and the ability to create custom schedule stores will be added.

Django-celery will ship with the ability to store the schedule in the database,
where the schedule can be modified in the Django admin interface.

        name: dict(name=task_name, schedule=run_every,
                   args=(), kwargs={}, options={}, relative=False)

2.2.0 (TBA)

  • Option to use Kombu instead of Carrot (
  • App refactor: