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Data Structures

Data Structures Overview

fig: Block data structures.

Type Aliases

name type
Address byte[32]
Amount uint64
BlockID HashDigest
FeeRate uint64
Graffiti byte[GRAFFITI_BYTES]
HashDigest byte[32]
Height uint64
Nonce uint64
Round uint64
StateSubtreeID byte
Timestamp uint64
VotingPower uint64

Blockchain Data Structures


Blocks are the top-level data structure of the LazyLedger blockchain.

name type description
header Header Block header. Contains primarily identification info and commitments.
availableDataHeader AvailableDataHeader Header of available data. Contains commitments to erasure-coded data.
availableData AvailableData Data that is erasure-coded for availability.
lastCommit Commit Previous block's Tendermint commit.


Block header, which is fully downloaded by both full clients and light clients.

name type description
height Height Block height. The genesis block is at height 1.
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of this block.
lastBlockID BlockID Previous block's ID.
lastCommitRoot HashDigest Previous block's Tendermint commit root.
consensusRoot HashDigest Merkle root of consensus parameters for this block.
stateCommitment HashDigest The state root after this block's transactions are applied.
availableDataRoot HashDigest Root of commitments to erasure-coded data.
proposerAddress Address Address of this block's proposer.


name type description
availableDataCommitments HashDigest[] Commitments to all erasure-coded data.


Data that is erasure-coded for data availability checks.

name type description
transactionData TransactionData Transaction data. Transactions modify the validator set and balances, and pay fees for messages to be included.
intermediateStateRootData IntermediateStateRootData Intermediate state roots used for fraud proofs.
evidenceData EvidenceData Evidence used for slashing conditions (e.g. equivocation).
messageData MessageData Message data. Messages are app data.


name type description
height Height
round Round
blockID BlockID
signatures CommitSig[]


Timestamp is a type alias.

LazyLedger uses a 64-bit unsigned integer (uint64) to represent time in TAI64 format.


BlockID is a type alias.

The block ID is a single Merkle root: the root of the block header's fields, in the order provided in the spec. The root is computed using a binary Merkle tree.


HashDigest is a type alias.

Output of the hashing function. Exactly 256 bits (32 bytes) long.


Address is a type alias.

Addresses are the hash digest of the public key.


enum BlockIDFlag : uint8_t {
    BlockIDFlagAbsent = 1,
    BlockIDFlagCommit = 2,
    BlockIDFlagNil = 3,
name type description
blockIDFlag BlockIDFlag
validatorAddress Address
timestamp Timestamp
signature Signature


name type description
r byte[32] r value of the signature.
vs byte[32] 1-bit v value followed by last 255 bits of s value of signature.

Output of the signing process.


Objects that are committed to or signed over require a canonical serialization. This is done using TODO.


All protocol-level hashing is done using Keccak-256, and not SHA3-256 (FIPS 202). This is to enable compatibility with Ethereum's EVM. Keccak-256 outputs a digest that is 256 bits (i.e. 32 bytes) long.

Libraries implementing Keccak-256 are available in Go ( and Rust (

Unless otherwise indicated explicitly, objects are first serialized before being hashed.

Public-Key Cryptography

Consensus-critical data is authenticated using ECDSA, with the curve secp256k1. A highly-optimized library is available in C (, with wrappers in Go ( and Rust (

Public keys are encoded in uncompressed form, as the concatenation of the x and y values. No prefix is needed to distinguish between encoding schemes as this is the only encoding supported.

Deterministic signatures (RFC-6979) should be used when signing, but this is not enforced at the protocol level as it cannot be.

Signatures are represented as the r and s (each 32 bytes), and v (1-bit) values of the signature. r and s take on their usual meaning (see: SEC 1, 4.1.3 Signing Operation), while v is used for recovering the public key from a signature more quickly (see: SEC 1, 4.1.6 Public Key Recovery Operation). Only low-s values in signatures are valid (i.e. s <= secp256k1.n//2); s can be replaced with -s mod secp256k1.n during the signing process if it is high. Given this, the first bit of s will always be 0, and can be used to store the 1-bit v value.

v represents the parity of the Y component of the point, 0 for even and 1 for odd. The X component of the point is assumed to always be low, since the possibility of it being high is negligible.

Putting it all together, the encoding for signatures is:

|    32 bytes   ||           32 bytes           |
[256-bit r value][1-bit v value][255-bit s value]

This encoding scheme is derived from EIP 2098: Compact Signature Representation.

Merkle Trees

Merkle trees are used to authenticate various pieces of data across the LazyLedger stack, including transactions, messages, the validator set, etc. This section provides an overview of the different tree types used, and specifies how to construct them.

Binary Merkle Tree

Binary Merkle trees are constructed in the same fashion as described in Certificate Transparency (RFC-6962), except for using a different hashing function. Leaves are hashed once to get leaf node values and internal node values are the hash of the concatenation of their children (either leaf nodes or other internal nodes).

Nodes contain a single field:

name type description
v HashDigest Node value.

The base case (an empty tree) is defined as the hash of the empty string:

node.v = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470

For leaf node node of leaf data d:

node.v = h(0x00, serialize(d))

For internal node node with children l and r:

node.v = h(0x01, serialize(l), serialize(r))

Note that rather than duplicating the last node if there are an odd number of nodes (the Bitcoin design), trees are allowed to be imbalanced. In other words, the height of each leaf may be different. For an example, see Section 2.1.3 of Certificate Transparency (RFC-6962).

Leaves and internal nodes are hashed differently: the one-byte 0x00 is prepended for leaf nodes while 0x01 is prepended for internal nodes. This avoids a second-preimage attack where internal nodes are presented as leaves trees with leaves at different heights.


name type description
root HashDigest Merkle root.
key byte[32] Key (i.e. index) of the leaf.
siblings HashDigest[] Sibling hash values.
leaf byte[] Leaf value.

A proof for a leaf in a binary Merkle tree.

Namespace Merkle Tree

Shares in LazyLedger are associated with a provided namespace ID. The Namespace Merkle Tree (NMT) is a variation of the Merkle Interval Tree, which is itself an extension of the Merkle Sum Tree. It allows for compact proofs around the inclusion or exclusion of shares with particular namespace IDs.

Nodes contain three fields:

name type description
n_min NamespaceID Min namespace ID in subtree rooted at this node.
n_max NamespaceID Max namespace ID in subtree rooted at this node.
v HashDigest Node value.

The base case (an empty tree) is defined as:

node.n_min = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
node.n_max = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
node.v = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470

For leaf node node of data d:

node.n_min = d.namespaceID
node.n_max = d.namespaceID
node.v = h(0x00, serialize(d))

The namespaceID message field here is the namespace ID of the leaf, which is a NAMESPACE_ID_BYTES-long byte array.

Leaves in an NMT must be lexicographically sorted by namespace ID in ascending order.

For internal node node with children l and r:

node.n_min = min(l.n_min, r.n_min)
else if r.n_min == PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE_ID
  node.n_max = l.n_max
  node.n_max = max(l.n_max, r.n_max)
node.v = h(l, r) = h(0x01, serialize(l), serialize(r))

Note that the above snippet leverages the property that leaves are sorted by namespace ID: if l.n_min is PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE_ID, so must {l,r}.n_max. By construction, either both the min and max namespace IDs of a node will be PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE_ID, or neither will: if r.n_min is PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE_ID, so must r.n_max.

For some intuition: the min and max namespace IDs for subtree roots with at least one non-parity leaf (which includes the root of an NMT, as the right half of an NMT as used in LazyLedger will be parity shares) ignore the namespace ID for the parity leaves. Subtree roots with only parity leaves have their min and max namespace ID set to PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE_ID. This allows for shorter proofs into the tree than if the namespace ID of parity shares was not ignored (which would cause the max namespace ID of the root to always be PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE_ID).

A compact commitment can be computed by taking the hash of the serialized root node.


name type description
rootHash HashDigest Root hash.
rootNamespaceIDMin NamespaceID Root minimum namespace ID.
rootNamespaceIDMax NamespaceID Root maximum namespace ID.
key byte[32] Key (i.e. index) of the leaf.
siblingValues HashDigest[] Sibling hash values.
siblingMins NamespaceID[] Sibling min namespace IDs.
siblingMaxes NamespaceID[] Sibling max namespace IDs.
leaf byte[] Leaf value.

When verifying an NMT proof, the root hash is checked by reconstructing the root node root_node with the computed root_node.v (computed as with a plain Merkle proof) and the provided rootNamespaceIDMin and rootNamespaceIDMax as the root_node.n_min and root_node.n_max, respectively.

Sparse Merkle Tree

Sparse Merkle Trees (SMTs) are sparse, i.e. they contain mostly empty leaves. They can be used as key-value stores for arbitrary data, as each leaf is keyed by its index in the tree. Storage efficiency is achieved through clever use of implicit defaults, avoiding the need to store empty leaves.

Additional rules are added on top of plain binary Merkle trees:

  1. Default values are given to leaf nodes with empty leaves.
  2. While the above rule is sufficient to pre-compute the values of intermediate nodes that are roots of empty subtrees, a further simplification is to extend this default value to all nodes that are roots of empty subtrees. The 32-byte zero, i.e. 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, is used as the default value. This rule takes precedence over the above one.
  3. The number of hashing operations can be reduced to be logarithmic in the number of non-empty leaves on average, assuming a uniform distribution of non-empty leaf keys. An internal node that is the root of a subtree that contains exactly one non-empty leaf is replaced by that leaf's leaf node.

Nodes contain a single field:

name type description
v HashDigest Node value.

The base case (an empty tree) is defined as the hash of the empty string:

node.v = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470

For leaf node node of leaf data d with key k:

node.v = h(0x00, k, h(serialize(d)))

The key of leaf nodes must be prepended, since the index of a leaf node that is not at maximum depth cannot be determined without this information. Leaf values are hashed so that they do not need to be included in full in non-membership proofs.

For internal node node with children l and r:

node.v = h(0x01, serialize(l), serialize(r))


SMTs can further be extended with compact proofs. Merkle proofs are composed, among other things, of a list of sibling node values. We note that, since nodes that are roots of empty subtrees have known values (the default value), these values do not need to be provided explicitly; it is sufficient to simply identify which siblings in the Merkle branch are roots of empty subtrees, which can be done with one bit per sibling.

For a Merkle branch of height h, an h-bit value is appended to the proof. The lowest bit corresponds to the sibling of the leaf node, and each higher bit corresponds to the next parent. A value of 1 indicates that the next value in the list of values provided explicitly in the proof should be used, and a value of 0 indicates that the default value should be used.

A proof into an SMT is structured as:

name type description
root HashDigest Merkle root.
key byte[32] Key (i.e. index) of the leaf.
depth uint16 Depth of the leaf node. The root node is at depth 0. Must be <= 256.
siblings HashDigest[] Sibling hash values.
includedSiblings byte[32] Bitfield of explicitly included sibling hashes. The lowest bit corresponds the leaf node level.
leaf byte[] Leaf value.

Erasure Coding

In order to enable trust-minimized light clients (i.e. light clients that do not rely on an honest majority of validating state assumption), it is critical that light clients can determine whether the data in each block is available or not, without downloading the whole block itself. The technique used here was formally described in the paper Fraud and Data Availability Proofs: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities.

The remainder of the subsections below specify the 2D Reed-Solomon erasure coding scheme used, along with the format of shares and how available data is arranged into shares.

Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding

Note that while data is laid out in a two-dimensional square, rows and columns are erasure coded using a standard one-dimensional encoding.

Reed-Solomon erasure coding is used as the underlying coding scheme. The parameters are:

  • 16-bit Galois field
  • AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE parity pieces (i.e AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE * 2 total pieces), for an erasure efficiency of 50%. In other words, any 50% of the pieces from the AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE * 2 total pieces are enough to recover the original data.
  • SHARE_SIZE bytes per piece

Leopard-RS is a C library that implements the above scheme with quasilinear runtime.

2D Reed-Solomon Encoding Scheme

The 2-dimensional data layout is described in this section. The roots of NMTs for each row and column across four quadrants of data in a 2k * 2k matrix of shares, Q0 to Q3 (shown below), must be computed. In other words, 2k row roots and 2k column roots must be computed. The row and column roots are stored in the availableDataCommitments of the AvailableDataHeader.

fig: RS2D encoding: data quadrants.

The data of Q0 is the original data, and the remaining quadrants are parity data. Setting k = AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE, the original data first must be split into shares and arranged into a k * k matrix. Then the parity data can be computed.

Where A -> B indicates that B is computed using erasure coding from A:

  • Q0 -> Q1 for each row in Q0 and Q1
  • Q0 -> Q2 for each column in Q0 and Q2
  • Q2 -> Q3 for each row in Q2 and Q3

fig: RS2D encoding: extending data.

As an example, the parity data in the second column of Q2 (in striped purple) is computed by extending the original data in the second column of Q0 (in solid blue).

fig: RS2D encoding: extending a column.

Now that all four quadrants of the 2k * 2k matrix are filled, the row and column roots can be computed. To do so, each row/column is used as the leaves of a NMT, for which the compact root is computed (i.e. an extra hash operation is used to produce a single HashDigest). In this example, the fourth row root value is computed as the NMT root of the fourth row of Q0 and the fourth row of Q1 as leaves.

fig: RS2D encoding: a row root.

Finally, the availableDataRoot of the block Header is computed as the Merkle root of the binary Merkle tree with the row and column roots as leaves.

fig: Available data root.

Invalid Erasure Coding

If a malicious block producer incorrectly computes the 2D Reed-Solomon code for a block's data, a fraud proof for this can be presented.


name type description
share Share The share.
proof NamespaceMerkleTreeProof The Merkle proof of the share in availableDataRoot.
isCol bool A Boolean indicating if the proof is from a row root or column root; false if it is a row root.
position uint64 The index of the share in the offending row or column.


name type description
shareProofs ShareProof[] The available shares in the offending row or column.
root HashDigest The Merkle root of the offending row or column.
proof NamespaceMerkleTreeProof The Merkle proof of the row or column root in availableDataRoot.
isCol bool A Boolean indicating if it is an offending row or column; false if it is a row.
position uint64 The index of the row or column in the square.


name type description
namespaceID NamespaceID Namespace ID of the share.
rawData byte[SHARE_SIZE] Raw share data.

A share is a fixed-size data chunk associated with a namespace ID, whose data will be erasure-coded and committed to in Namespace Merkle trees.

A share's raw data (rawData) is interpreted differently depending on the namespace ID.

For shares with a reserved namespace ID through NAMESPACE_ID_MAX_RESERVED, the first SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes (the * in the example layout figure below) is the starting byte of the length of the canonically serialized first request that starts in the share, or 0 if there is none, as a canonically serialized big-endian unsigned integer. In this example, with a share size of 256 the first byte would be 80 (or 0x50 in hex).

fig: Reserved share.

For shares with a namespace ID above NAMESPACE_ID_MAX_RESERVED, the first SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes have no special meaning and are simply used to store data like all the other bytes in the share.

For non-parity shares, if there is insufficient request data to fill the share, the remaining bytes are padded with 0.

Arranging Available Data Into Shares

The previous sections described how some original data, arranged into a k * k matrix, can be extended into a 2k * 2k matrix and committed to with NMT roots. This section specifies how available data (which includes transactions, intermediate state roots, evidence, and messages) is arranged into the matrix in the first place.


  1. For each of transactionData, intermediateStateRootData, and evidenceData, serialize:
    1. For each request in the list:
      1. Serialize the request (individually).
      2. Compute the length of each serialized request, serialize the length, and pre-pend the serialized request with its serialized length.
    2. Split up the length/request pairs into SHARE_SIZE-SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES-byte shares and assign the appropriate namespace ID. This data has a reserved namespace ID, so the first SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes for these shares must be set specially.
  2. Concatenate the lists of shares in the order: transactions, intermediate state roots, evidence.

Note that by construction, each share only has a single namespace, and that the list of concatenated shares is lexicographically ordered by namespace ID.

These shares are arranged in the first quadrant (Q0) of the AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE*2 * AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE*2 available data matrix in row-major order. In the example below, each reserved data element takes up exactly one share.

fig: Original data: reserved.

Each message in the list messageData is independently serialized and split into SHARE_SIZE-byte shares. For each message, it is placed in the available data matrix, with row-major order, as follows:

  1. Place the first share of the message at the next unused location in the matrix, then place the remaining shares in the following locations.

Transactions must commit to a Merkle root of a list of hashes that are each guaranteed (assuming the block is valid) to be subtree roots in one or more of the row NMTs. For additional info, see the rationale document for this section.

However, with only the rule above, interaction between the block producer and transaction sender may be required to compute a commitment to the message the transaction sender can sign over. To remove interaction, messages can optionally be laid out using a non-interactive default:

  1. Place the first share of the message at the next unused location in the matrix whose column in aligned with the largest power of 2 that is not larger than the message length or AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE, then place the remaining shares in the following locations unless there are insufficient unused locations in the row.
  2. If there are insufficient unused locations in the row, place the first share of the message at the first column of the next row. Then place the remaining shares in the following locations. By construction, any message whose length is greater than AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE will be placed in this way.

In the example below, two messages (of lengths 2 and 1, respectively) are placed using the aforementioned default non-interactive rules.

fig: Original data: messages.

The non-interactive default rules may introduce empty shares that do not belong to any message (in the example above, the top-right share is empty). These must be explicitly disclaimed by the block producer using special transactions.

Available Data


name type description
wrappedTransactions WrappedTransaction[] List of wrapped transactions.


Wrapped transactions include additional metadata by the block proposer that is committed to in the available data matrix.

name type description
index uint64 Index of this transaction in the list of wrapped transactions. This information is lost when splitting transactions into fixed-sized shares, and needs to be re-added here for fraud proof support. Allows linking a transaction to an intermediate state root.
transaction Transaction Actual transaction.
messageStartIndex uint64 Optional, only used if transaction pays for a message or padding. Share index (in row-major order) of first share of message this transaction pays for. Needed for light verification of proper message inclusion.


name type description
signedTransactionData SignedTransactionData Data payload that is signed over.
signature Signature Signature.


enum TransactionType : uint8_t {
    Transfer = 1,
    PayForMessage = 2,
    PayForPadding = 3,
    CreateValidator = 4,
    BeginUnbondingValidator = 5,
    UnbondValidator = 6,
    CreateDelegation = 7,
    BeginUnbondingDelegation = 8,
    UnbondDelegation = 9,
    Burn = 10,

Signed transaction data comes in a number of types:

  1. Transfer
  2. PayForMessage
  3. PayForPadding
  4. CreateValidator
  5. BeginUnbondingValidator
  6. UnbondValidator
  7. CreateDelegation
  8. BeginUnbondingDelegation
  9. UnbondDelegation
  10. Burn

Common fields are denoted here to avoid repeating descriptions:

name type description
type TransactionType Type of the transaction. Each type indicates a different state transition.
amount Amount Amount of coins to send, in 1u.
to Address Recipient's address.
maxFeeRate FeeRate The maximum fee rate the sender is willing to pay.
nonce Nonce Nonce of sender.
name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.Transfer.
amount Amount
to Address
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce

Transfers amount coins to to.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.PayForMessage.
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce
messageNamespaceID NamespaceID Namespace ID of message this transaction pays a fee for.
messageSize uint64 Size of message this transaction pays a fee for, in bytes.
messageShareCommitment HashDigest Commitment to message shares (details below).

Pays for the inclusion of a message in the same block.

The commitment to message shares messageShareCommitment is a Merkle root of message share roots. Each message share root is a subtree root in a row NMT. For rationale, see rationale doc.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.PayForPadding.
messageNamespaceID NamespaceID Namespace ID of padding this transaction pays a fee for.
messageSize uint64 Size of padding this transaction pays a fee for, in bytes.

Pays for the inclusion of a padding shares in the same block. Padding shares are used between real messages that are not tightly packed. For rationale, see rationale doc.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.CreateValidator.
amount Amount
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce
commissionRate Decimal

Create a new Validator at this address for amount coins worth of voting power.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.BeginUnbondingValidator.
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce

Begin unbonding the Validator at this address.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.UnbondValidator.
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce

Finish unbonding the Validator at this address.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.CreateDelegation.
amount Amount
to Address
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce

Create a new Delegation of amount coins worth of voting power for validator with address to.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.BeginUnbondingDelegation.
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce

Begin unbonding the Delegation at this address.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.UnbondDelegation.
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce

Finish unbonding the Delegation at this address.

name type description
type TransactionType Must be TransactionType.Burn.
amount Amount
maxFeeRate FeeRate
nonce Nonce
graffiti Graffiti Graffiti to indicate the reason for burning.


name type description
wrappedIntermediateStateRoots WrappedIntermediateStateRoot[] List of wrapped intermediate state roots.


name type description
index uint64 Index of this intermediate state root in the list of intermediate state roots. This information is lost when splitting intermediate state roots into fixed-sized shares, and needs to be re-added here for fraud proof support. Allows linking an intermediate state root to a transaction.
intermediateStateRoot IntermediateStateRoot Intermediate state root. Used for fraud proofs.


name type description
root HashDigest Root of intermediate state, which is composed of the global state and the validator set.


Wrapper for evidence data.

name type description
evidences Evidence[] List of evidence used for slashing conditions.


name type description
pubKey PublicKey
voteA Vote
voteB Vote


name type description
x byte[32] x value of public key.
y byte[32] y value of public key.


enum VoteType : uint8_t {
    Prevote = 1,
    Precommit = 2,
name type description
type VoteType
height Height
round Round
blockID BlockID
timestamp Timestamp
validatorAddress Address
validatorIndex uint64
signature Signature


name type description
messages Message[] List of messages.


name type description
namespaceID NamespaceID Namespace ID of this message.
rawData byte[] Raw message bytes.


The state of the LazyLedger chain is intentionally restricted to containing only account balances and the validator set metadata. One unified Sparse Merkle Tree is maintained for the entire chain state, the state tree. The root of this tree is committed to in the block header.

The state tree is separated into 2**(8*STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES) subtrees, each of which can be used to store a different component of the state. This is done by slicing off the highest STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes from the key and replacing them with the appropriate reserved state subtree ID. Reducing the key size within subtrees also reduces the collision resistance of keys by 8*STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES bits, but this is not an issue due the number of bits removed being small.

Three subtrees are maintained:

  1. Accounts
  2. Active validator set
  3. Inactive validator set


name type description
balance Amount Coin balance.
nonce Nonce Account nonce. Every outgoing transaction from this account increments the nonce.
isValidator bool Whether this account is a validator or not.
isDelegating bool Whether this account is delegating its stake or not.
delegationInfo Delegation Optional, only if isDelegating is set. Delegation info.

In the accounts subtree, accounts (i.e. leaves) are keyed by the hash of their address. The first byte is then replaced with ACCOUNTS_SUBTREE_ID.


enum DelegationStatus : uint8_t {
    Bonded = 1,
    Unbonding = 2,
name type description
status DelegationStatus Status of this delegation.
validator Address The validator being delegating to.
stakedBalance VotingPower Delegated stake, in 4u.
beginEntry PeriodEntry Entry when delegation began.
endEntry PeriodEntry Entry when delegation ended (i.e. began unbonding).
unbondingHeight Height Block height delegation began unbonding.

Delegation objects represent a delegation. They have two statuses:

  1. Bonded: This delegation is enabled for a Queued or Bonded validator. Delegations to a Queued validator can be withdrawn immediately, while delegations for a Bonded validator must be unbonded first.
  2. Unbonding: This delegation is unbonding. It will remain in this status for at least UNBONDING_DURATION blocks, and while unbonding may still be slashed. Once the unbonding duration has expired, the delegation can be withdrawn.


enum ValidatorStatus : uint8_t {
    Queued = 1,
    Bonded = 2,
    Unbonding = 3,
    Unbonded = 4,
name type description
status ValidatorStatus Status of this validator.
stakedBalance VotingPower Validator's personal staked balance, in 4u.
commissionRate Decimal Commission rate.
delegatedCount uint32 Number of accounts delegating to this validator.
votingPower VotingPower Total voting power as staked balance + delegated stake, in 4u.
pendingRewards Amount Rewards collected so far this period, in 1u.
latestEntry PeriodEntry Latest entry, used for calculating reward distribution.
unbondingHeight Height Block height validator began unbonding.
isSlashed bool If this validator has been slashed or not.
slashRate Decimal Optional, only if isSlashed is set. Rate at which this validator has been slashed.

Validator objects represent all the information needed to be keep track of a validator. Validators have four statuses:

  1. Queued: This validator has entered the queue to become an active validator. Once the next validator set transition occurs, if this validator has sufficient voting power (including its own stake and stake delegated to it) to be in the top MAX_VALIDATORS validators by voting power, it will become an active, i.e. Bonded validator. Until bonded, this validator can immediately exit the queue.
  2. Bonded: This validator is active and bonded. It can propose new blocks and vote on proposed blocks. Once bonded, an active validator must go through an unbonding process until its stake can be freed.
  3. Unbonding: This validator is in the process of unbonding, which can be voluntary (the validator decided to stop being an active validator) or forced (the validator committed a slashable offence and was kicked from the active validator set). Validators will remain in this status for at least UNBONDING_DURATION blocks, and while unbonding may still be slashed.
  4. Unbonded: This validator has completed its unbonding and has withdrawn its stake. The validator object will remain in this status until delegatedCount reaches zero, at which point it is destroyed.

In the validators subtrees, validators are keyed by the hash of their address. The first byte is then replaced with ACTIVE_VALIDATORS_SUBTREE_ID for the active validator set or INACTIVE_VALIDATORS_SUBTREE_ID for the inactive validator set. Active validators are Bonded, while inactive validators are not Bonded. By construction, the validators subtrees will be a subset of a mirror of the accounts subtree.


name type description
numValidators uint32 Number of active validators.

Since the active validator set is stored in a Sparse Merkle Tree, there is no compact way of proving that the number of active validators exceeds MAX_VALIDATORS without keeping track of the number of active validators. The active validator count is stored in the active validators subtree, and is keyed with zero (i.e. 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), with the first byte replaced with ACTIVE_VALIDATORS_SUBTREE_ID.


name type description
rewardRate Amount Rewards per unit of voting power accumulated so far, in 1u.

For explanation on entries, see the reward distribution rationale document.


TODO define a format for numbers in the range [0,1]

Consensus Parameters

Various consensus parameters are committed to in the block header, such a limits and constants.

name type description
version uint64 The VERSION.
chainID uint64 The CHAIN_ID.
shareSize uint64 The SHARE_SIZE.
shareReservedBytes uint64 The SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES.
availableDataOriginalSquareSize uint64 The AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_SIZE.

In order to compute the consensusRoot field in the block header, the above list of parameters is Merkleized in a plain binary Merkle tree, whose root is assigned to the consensusRoot.