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Gizmo is an effortless way to create web applications in Clojure

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What is Gizmo?

Gizmo is an effortless way to create web applications in Clojure.

Gizmo is a set of practices we've accumulated from several Web applications and APIs developed with Clojure. It's an MVC microframework, which lets you develop parts of your app completely independently, which improves composition and allows you to effortlessly implement things like A/B testing and gradual feature rollouts.

Gizmo uses Enlive under the hood, so you will be able to let your front-end team work on HTML, CSS and JavaScript without interfering with your server development team, but also provides means for making sure their accidental changes (e.g. moved or deleted HTML entries) do not break application code.

Project Goals

Gizmo is not a replacement for Ring or Compojure. It's based on them, and doesn't re-implement their features.

  • Provide a convenient, idiomatic way of developing Clojure web apps
  • Give you a set of building blocks to bring you up to speed as fast as possible
  • Leave infinite flexibility in terms of all configuration and composition decisions
  • Help you to establish reasonable convention on where to put what (handlers, services, routes, HTML, CSS, and so on)
  • Be well documented
  • Be well tested

Project Maturity

Principles that are represented in Gizmo are battle-tested and proven to work very well for large Clojure Web applications. Gizmo as a library is very young and breaking API changes currently can happen at any point without prior notice.

Maven Artifacts

Most Recent Release

With Leiningen:

[clojurewerkz/gizmo "1.0.0-alpha2"]

With Maven:




Gizmo is a collection of good practices that ties multiple Clojure Web development libraries and a few concepts together (similar to DropWizard in Java, although slightly more opinionated).

With Gizmo, you build HTTP apps as one or more services, each of which can be started, stopped and performed a health check on. Request handling is implemented as a pipeline, which starts with a Ring request, includes a number of middlewares, a handler (picked by the router) and a responder.

Gizmo separates UI elements from HTTP request handling, and request handling logic from serving the response.

HTTP Request Lifecycle

Incoming HTTP requests are handled by Jetty and processed through a middleware stack. Middleware implements session handling, cookies, route parameters extraction, authentication, etc. A middleware takes a request hash hands it over to the routing function, which figures out which handler the request should be routed to.

Handler prepares the response and returns HTTP response code, response body and content type, and hands this hash over to responder. Depending on response content type, an appropriate renderer is invoked (for exmaple HTML or JSON).

Renderer renders a complete response body and returns the result back to Jetty, which sends it back to the client.

Request, Response and Environment

Even though Request, Response and Environment are closely related to each other, Gizmo separates these concepts. These (plus middleware) concepts are taken directly from Ring.

request is an initial request from a HTTP client, which contains information about the referrer, user agent, path and so on.

environment is a request that has been processed and refined by the middleware stack and request handler.

environment becomes response after it has been through the middleware, handler and renderer and is ready to be returned back to the client.

With this separation, you can refer to a specific part of request processing pipeline.

In all parts of your application, you can always refer to current (immutable) state of request by calling clojurewerkz.gizmo.request/request function. We strongly advise not to overuse availability of a complete request and always pass required parts of request to all functions explicitly. Although it's hard to draw a boundary where it is acceptable, just keep in mind that it will make your code less explicit and testable.


A middleware is a function that receives a request and modifies it. Middleware can terminate execution of request processing or return a result, or pass the request on to the next middleware.

Here's what middleware looks like:

(defn wrap-authenticated-only
  (fn [env]
    (if (user-authenticated? env)
      (handler (assoc env :new-key :new-value))
      {:status 401 :body "Unauthorized"})))

There are two execution paths here: if the user is authenticated, a request handler is called, so request processing is continued, otherwise middleware returns 401 Unauthorized response and halt further request processing.

In order to create a middleware stack, you thread the handler through set of middlewares, wrapping handler into the middleware, then wrapping resulting stack into another middleware function and so on.

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [compojure.handler :refer [api]]
            [ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]
            [my-app.routes :as routes]))
(def app
  (-> (api routes/main-routes)


Routing in Gizmo is built upon Compojure and Route One.

Routing recognizes URLs and dispatches them to a suitable handler. It also generates helper functions for creating Paths and URLs so that you wouldn't need to hardcode them and could specify them once for both parsing and generation purposes.

Following code defines routes for a simple application that's showing you docstrings of all the libraries in your Clojure classpath.

Root path "/" is handled by main/index handler function. Library path "/libs/:library" is handled by main/library-show, and so on.

(ns gizmo-cloc.routes
    (:use [clojurewerkz.route-one.compojure])
    (:require [compojure.core :as compojure]
              [compojure.route :as route]))

(compojure/defroutes main-routes
  (GET root      "/"                             request (gizmo-cloc.handlers.main/index request))
  (GET library   "/libs/:library"                request (gizmo-cloc.handlers.main/library-show request))
  (GET namespace "/libs/:library/nss/:namespace" request (gizmo-cloc.handlers.main/namespace-show request))
  (GET favicon   "/favicon.ico"                  _       (fn [_] {:render :nothing}))
  (route/not-found "Page not found"))

You can use generated routes by adding -path postfix for paths and -url postfix for URLs. You can find in-depth documentation for route parsing and generation in Route One.


A handler is a function responsible for requests matching a particular URL pattern. Handler take an environment, a request that's been processed by middleware stack, and returns a hash that's passed to a responder.

You can have full control over response params in response. For example, you can specify status, headers and so on. In order to specify type of your response, set :render key to either "html" or "json" (two built-in renderers), for example:

;; Render :response-hash and return it as JSON response
(defn index-json
  {:render :json
   :status 200
   :response-hash {:response :hash}))

;; Render HTML response with `index-content` widget as main content
(defn index-html
  {:render :html
   :status 200
   :widgets {:main-content gizmo-cloc.widgets.home/index-content}))

JSON rendering in Gizmo is just what you expect it to be: you return a map, it is serialized into JSON and returned to Jetty.

HTML rendering it's a bit more involved and includes a few concepts that help you to build modular Web applications.


In order to implement a custom response MIME type, use multimethods extending respond-with. For example, if you want to add an XML responder, you can write:

(ns my-app
  (:require [clojurewerkz.gizmo.responder :refer [respond-with]])

(defmethod respond-with :xml
  {:status 200
   :body (xml/serialize (:response-hash env))})


Layout is an outlining template that's shared between several pages on your website. Usually it's a set of common surroundings of an HTML page.

;; snippets/layout.clj
(ns gizmo-cloc.snippets.layouts
  (:require [clojurewerkz.gizmo.widget :refer [deflayout]]))

(deflayout application-layout "templates/layouts/application.html"

First defined layout will become a default layout for your application. If you have more than one layout, we stronly recommend you to specify layout explicitly at all times in order to avoid cases when, due loading order, wrong layout gets picked up as a default.

In order to specify layout use layout key in your handler return hash:

(defn index-html
  {:render :json
   :layout :application-layout})


Widget is a reusable entry that represents any part of your website. Examples include things like header, login form, user profile, or even a complete page within a layout. In some other frameworks, widgets are called partials or nested templates.

Widget consists of two parts: view and fetch. fetch is a function that receives a complete environment from handler.

fetch is a function that receives an environment and runs some code, potentially involving disk or network I/O. Sometimes fetch is used just to get a part of environment that's applicable for a particular view.

We recommend using Enlive for views, but view can return a string with HTML elements generated by any other rendering engine, like Stencil, Hiccup or your own HTML generation library.

A widget's fetch operations and view operations done in parallel with other widgets. fetch is where I/O operations go. Both view should be side-effect free, since the result will be cached. It it possible to turn caching off, too.

;; handlers/main.clj
(defn my-hander
  [{:keys [route-params]}]
  {:render :html
   :library (:library route-params)
   :namespace (:namespace route-params)
   :main-content  'gizmo-cloc.widgets.main/library-namespace-docs})

;; widgets/main.clj
(ns gizmo-cloc.widgets.main
    (:require [clojurewerkz.gizmo.widget :refer [defwidget]]
              [gizmo-cloc.snippets.main :as snippets]
              [gizmo-cloc.entities :as entities]))

(defwidget library-namespace-docs
  :view snippets/library-namespace-docs-snippet
  :fetch (fn [{:keys [library namespace]}]
           {:library      library
            :namespace    namespace
            :docs         (entities/docs library-name namespace)}))

Here, Gizmo passes a hash from my-handler straight to the fetch function of the library-namespace-docs widget, which performs a query to retrieve all docstrings for namespace of a library (the call to entieies/docs). Once again, fetch operations of widgets that are found on the page are done in parallel. This does not immediatly apply to nested widgets:, in these cases the parent widget will be rendered first, and after parent widget is rendered it's nested widgets will be also fetched and rendered in parallel.


A snippet is the view part of a widget, or a piece of HTML code that should be rendered within some other snippet.

For example, here's an HTML snippet for rendering a list of libraries in your classpath:

<div snippet="libraries-snippet">
  <ul snippet="libraries-list" class="list-unstyled">
    <li snippet="libraries-list-item">
      <a href="${library-path}">${library}</a>

snippet html attribute generates a selector that can be referenced within defsnippet. For example for libraries-snippet, the *libraries-snippet selector is created.

This is helpful for many reasons:

  • CSS selectors and IDs are flawed as identifiers between front-end and server-side as they're changed frequently and are required for other parts of application (front-end, specifically) to function correctly. You don't want to change your application code every time someone changes CSS class, ID or even tag of an element.
  • Since templates are loaded during macro expansion, you can catch errors and incompatibilities between HTML and application code during compilation time. If there was an element with snippet attribute is removed, it's * selector is unavailable, so you'll get a compile time exception.
  • Don't have to take care about positioning of elements and create additional means to specify their location. You add snippet HTML attribute once, reference it within defsnippet, and you're good to go, no additional effort involved.

Here is a snippet that will actually render libraries from your classpath to HTML:

(ns gizmo-cloc.snippets.main
  (:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]
            [gizmo-cloc.routes :as routes]
            [clojurewerkz.gizmo.enlive :refer [defsnippet within]]))

(defsnippet index-snippet "templates/main/index.html"
  (within *libraries-list [*libraries-list-item])
  (html/clone-for [library libraries]
                  [html/any-node] (html/replace-vars {:library-path (routes/library-path :library library)
                                                      :library library})))

replace-vars will take care of argument interpolation, clone-for will take list of libraries and create a libraries-list-item for each one of them.


Services are used to give you the flexibility of creating a long-running processes within your application. Typical examples are jetty webserver and nrepl server that are used in nearly all Clojure apps.

To create a service, you have to give it start, stop, alive and config functions.

  • config is a function that returns configuration for a service or a hardcoded configuration value
  • start is called in a separate thread, and is responsible for service startup
  • alive is used to check wether service is still alive
  • stop is responsible for stopping the service

For example, here's a service that manages a jetty server:

  ^{:doc "Jetty service"}
  (:use [clojurewerkz.gizmo.service])
  (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
            [clojurewerkz.gizmo.config :as config]
            [gizmo-cloc.core :as app-core]))

(defservice jetty-service
  :config #(:jetty config/settings)
  :alive (fn [service]
           (and service
               (state service)
               (.isRunning (state service))))
  :stop (fn [service]
          (.stop (state service)))
  :start (fn [service]
           (reset-state service
                        (jetty/run-jetty #'app-core/app (config service)))))

You can start it with

(start jetty-service)
;; or you can start all services together

You can check nrepl service example here and a more complex example of cooperative UDP socket listener here.


Configuration is a file loaded by clojurewerkz.gizmo.config/load-config!, which takes a path to configuration file and loads it to clojurewerkz.gizmo.config/settings variable, that's available at all times.

Leiningen project templates

You can use Gizmo Leiningen project template to generate Gizmo application skeletons.

You can get up and running with it by creating a new template and running it:

lein new gizmo-web my-app
cd my-app
lein run --config config/development.clj

Example applications

Reference application that demonstrates core principles of web development with Gizmo can be found here.


Gizmo does not yet have it's own mailing list. This will be resolved as soon as first artifacts are pushed to Clojars.

To subscribe for announcements of releases, important changes and so on, please follow @ClojureWerkz on Twitter.


Gizmo uses Leiningen 2. Make sure you have it installed and then run tests against supported Clojure versions using

lein all test

Then create a branch and make your changes on it. Once you are done with your changes and all tests pass, submit a pull request on GitHub.


Copyright © 2013 Oleksandr Petrov (CodeCentric AG), Michael Klishin

Double licensed under the Eclipse Public License (the same as Clojure) or the Apache Public License 2.0.


Gizmo is an effortless way to create web applications in Clojure






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