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TypeScript plugin for Sublime Text 3 using TypeScript tools :

Sublime Text 2 is not supported anymore. Use T3S instead.


This is a clone of the Typescript T3S Plugin, but with a lots of changes. If you switch to ArcticTypescript, please:

  • read this readme
  • uninstall T3S
  • only use one root file
  • delete the *.sublime-workspace files in your projects
  • close all file tabs in your old T3S Projects
  • update your key binding overrides, The new key is 'ArcticTypescript'

Important Changes:


  • build system: (relative) paths with spaces are now enclosed in "" automatically
  • If you used additional "" to workaround the issue, you have to remove them, refer to messages/0.4.0.txt


  • relative root files now have a different base directory
  • The default shortcut to switch to the error view changed to: CTRL + ALT + E
  • There are 4 new shortcuts to jump to the first four Errors: CTRL + ALT + E + H (or J, K, L)


  • TypeScript language auto completion
  • TypeScript language error highlighting
  • TypeScript language syntax highlighting
  • Typescript file outline view
  • A build System
  • Basic refactoring


Create a project file first (read below).

  • ctrl+space Trigger code completion.
  • alt+shift+e Open a view listing all the errors across all the files of the project.
  • alt+shift+e, h Goto first error in error list.
  • alt+shift+e, j Goto second error in error list.
  • alt+shift+e, k Goto third error in error list.
  • alt+shift+e, l Goto 4th error in error list.
  • f1 Click on a property, a class, a method etc... then press f1 to have details about it.
  • f2 Click on a property, a class, a method etc... then press f2 to refactor the member (EXPERIMENTAL use at your own risk).
  • f3 Open a outline view of the file (class,methods,properties, etc...).
  • f4 Click on a property, a class, a method etc... then press f4 to go to the definition.
  • f5 Reload the current project.
  • f8 or ctrl+b Build the project.



Tested on Ubuntu so far. For Windows & OSX please submit any issues.


Your Project

General Information about projects and ArcticTypescript

This plugin uses the typescript-tools ( to provide code completion, parsing, ...

To init the services, a so-called root file is required. This enables the tools to find all typescript files which belong together. Currently this is not implemented properly. Until this is fixed, i recommend to ONLY use ONE root file.

If you have multiple entry points, use the one which includes more references. For example use test.ts instead of main.ts as rootfile, so all test files will be included in the internal project tree of the typescript tools. Or create a kind of fake root.ts file that references all your other entry points (main.ts, test.ts, ...).

Project Settings

For ArcticTypescript to work, you must define some settings either

  1. inside your project_name.sublime-project file if you have one
  2. or by creating a .sublimets at the root of your project folder.

You can look inside the example folder for setup examples.

If you open any .ts file and ArcticTypescript can't find any project settings, you will be promted to create them.

To open a project, you need to open the folder where your project is with File > Open Folder ... or Project > Open Project ...

Watch out, the settings (names, ..) may change in future versions of ArcticTypescript. If you encounter problems, read the changelog and readme first.

Project Settings in a projectname.sublime-project file

And also add (optional) project settings :


The build parameters (except for pre_processing_commands and post_processing_commands) are converted into the command line options of the typescript compiler tsc.

  • Either output_dir_path (for --outDir) or concatenate_and_emit_output_file_path (for --out) must contain a file path/directory. If you want to insert a relative path, it has to start with a dot: . The relative path is relative to the folder of the root file.
  • For any path related config option: If no path is given, please insert "none".
  • show_build_file displays the compiled file in an extra view inside of sublime.
Project Settings in a .sublimets file

You want to create a single root file project and don't want to create a sublime-project You can create a .sublimets file in the folder containing the typescript root file :


And also add (optionnal) your project settings :



You can acces the plugin settings from Preferences > Packages Settings > ArcticTypescript, to modify the settings please copy the default settings inside the user settings one, and make your modification there otherwise your settings will be override by an update of the plugin, or put the settings inside your project file.

You have 6 settings available:

  1. auto_complete: if you want to have sublime normal completion with typescript completion

  2. node_path: to set you node path

  3. error_on_save_only: to highlight errors only while saving or while typing, the default is showing error highlighting while typing

  4. build_on_save: to build the project each time you save

  5. show_build_file: to show the resulting javascript file of the current TypeScript file in a split view when building

  6. the build parameters


you can have normal sublime auto completion with typescript completion (if changed you need to restart sublime)


You can set the path to node : (if changed you need to restart sublime)


Error highlighting while typing (will lag a bit du to calculation and this cannot be changed):


Error highlighting only shown when saving:


On save the file can be automaticaly built or not :


You can show the resulting javascript file of the current TypeScript file in a split view when building :


I've added a build system that take most of the command line parameters of TSC, i'll not explain them here, you can install TSC and look at the parameters via tsc -h

And you also have two extra parameters that are pre_processing_commands and post_processing_commands that give you the opportunity to do command line things before and after tsc compiling

These are the default values:


Here's an example that do:

  1. One pre processing command : node .settings/.components

  2. The actual compilation with an output dir and amd module : tsc /absolute/path/to/filename.ts --outDir ./.build --module amd

  3. Two post processing commands : node .settings/.silns.js and r.js.cmd -o .settings/.build.js

     		"node .settings/.components"
     		"node .settings/.silns.js",
     		"r.js.cmd -o .settings/.build.js"



When you load a .ts file the plugin will initialize the root file or the current file and it can take some time for huge project.

The Sublime Text Status bar will indicate Typescript initializing during this phase and disapear when it's finished

Show Type:

you can click on variable or a method and press F1 to have detail about it (doc comments etc...)

Got to definition:

you can click on variable or a method and press F4 to go to the definition

Outline View:

you can open an Outline view by pressing F3 on a file to list class variables and methods tou can then click on an item to scroll towards it


You can circle through the function variables (if there's some) like with the snippets with the tab key

Error highlighting:

You can click on highlighted part to see the error description in the status bar

Error View:

You have the possibility to open an Error view that will list all the errors accross all your project file with the command alt+shift+e You can then click on each row, it'll open or focus the already open file concerned by the error.

Reloading the project:

You have the possibility to reload the project by pressing F5, you can see in the console when the reload is finished

Building the project:

you can build the current project with F8 on a file. if you have activated show_build_file option it will show a Split view with the corresponding javascript file


I'm using the same error icons has SublimeLinter. I took inspiration from:

v0.2.0 Changes (updates i make can break some things as i don't always fully check on each OS)

  • On focusing a ts file if no project is found for it; a project creation process begin

  • You need to redo your project settings as i've added the possibility to have settings per project (cf. examples)

  • You need to redo your user settings as the file name have changed to reflect the plugin name

  • Error and Outline panels have been replaced by views (you can click on each line to go to the corresponding place)

  • Build system is integrated to the plugin (you still need tsc) and you can set your node path (settings)

  • You can build on save (settings) and have a the current file resulting javascript file in a split view (settings)

  • When you close all the ts file of a project, the project (and the node corresponding node process) is closed

  • One branch only for Sublime text 2 and 3

  • Completion on : with ctrl+space to have the primitives and interface

  • Quick panel for user message (initialisation,closing project etc...)

  • Todo :

    1. Better layout management
    2. Tests everything on OSes and ST2/ST3


Typescript Integration (for Sublime Text 3 only)






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