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My Python3 solutions to LeetCode programming questions

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Python Solutions to LeetCode Problems

All solutions and solution explanations are my own.

** = Hard Difficulty

#11: Container With Most Water

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Sliding Window, Two Pointers

#21: Container With Most Water

  • Links: Problem - Solution
  • Concepts: Linked Lists, Priority Queues (Heap Queue)

#40: Combination Sum II

  • Links: Problem - Solution
  • Concepts: Depth-First Search, Dynamic Programming

#41: First Missing Positive**

#51: N-Queens**

#72: Edit Distance**

  • Links: Problem - Solution
  • Concepts: Depth-First Search, Dynamic Programming

#83: Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

#84: Largest Rectangle in Histogram**

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Queues, Stacks

#90: Subsets II

#97: Interleaving String

#118: Pascal's Triangle

#143: Reorder List

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Linked Lists, Double-Ended Queues

#146: LRU Cache

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Classes, Ordered Hash Tables

#198: House Robber

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Dynamic Programming

#239: Sliding Window Maximum

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Sliding Windows, Priority Queues

#283: Move Zeroes

#300 - Longest Increasing Subsequence

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Dynamic Programming, Memoization

#392 - Is Subsequence

#658: Find K Closest Elements

#678: Valid Parenthesis String

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Double-Ended Queues

#688: Valid Palindrome II (Beats 99.69%)

#746: Min Cost Climbing Stairs

#846: Hand of Straights

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Counters, Set Operations

#929 Unique Email Addresses

#2013: Detect Squares

  • Links: Solution
  • Concepts: Geometry, Classes


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