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Hubla Transactions

Built with

  • TypeScript
  • NestJS
  • Prisma
  • Postgres
  • Vue.js
  • TailwindCSS


The project can be run in a production environment with a single docker-compose located on project root

  1. Install docker and docker-compose
  2. Copy .env.example to a .env file on project root, making changes if necessary
    • The NGINX_PORT variabel defines the port in wich the application will be exposed
  3. The web interface can be accessed at http://localhost:NGINX_PORT and the server at http://localhost:NGINX_PORT/api/
    • Setting NGINX_PORT to 80, the default HTTP port, exposes the app at http://localhost and http://localhost/api/
  4. At project root run:
    • docker-compose up


There is also a docker-compose setup in the server directory for running the backend test suites

  1. cd server
  2. Make sure the variables in .env.test have appropriate values
  3. Run:
    • yarn docker:test:run


Curently there is no docker development environment setup

  • Prerequisites
  1. A running postgres service, either in a Docker container or in a local instance
  2. Having Node installed
  • Back-end
  1. cd server
  2. Copy .env.example to a .env file, making changes if necessary
  3. yarn start:dev
  • Front-end
  1. cd client
  2. Copy .env.example to a .env file, making changes if necessary
    • The VITE_SERVER_BASE_URL environment variable should point to the running server URL
  3. yarn dev

Database ERD


🚀 Routes

  • The default responses are:

    • 200 - Successful GET request
    • 201 - Successful POST request
    • 204 - Successful DELETE request
    • 401 - Auth errors
    • 404 - Resource not found
    • 422 - Body validation error on POST requests
  • By default routes require: Authorization: Bearer TOKEN header for JWT auth

  • 🔓 denotes an open route

- 🔓 Hello from running server!


POST /auth/signup
    - 🔓 Route for creating a new user
    - body:{
        "username": "jondoe",
        "password": "DonJoe27"
    - response: {"token": "JWT_TOKEN"}
POST /auth/signin
    - 🔓 Route for signing an existing user
    - body:{
        "username": "jondoe",
        "password": "DonJoe27"
    - Response: {"token": JWT_TOKEN}
POST /auth/delete
    - Deletes current signed user
    - headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN"}


POST /transactions/upload
    - Route for creating many transactions via input file
    - Duplicate transactions are ignored by a unique (vendorId & productId & date) contraint
    - headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN"}
    - Form Data: { file }
GET /transactions
    - Route for getting all trnasactions
    - headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN"}
    - Response: array of transactions
GET /credentials/:id
    - Route for finding one transaction
    - headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN"}
    - Response: transaction
DELETE /credentials/:id
    - Route for deleting one transaction
    - headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN"}