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Stephen Vickers edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 3 revisions

Each LTI tool to be connected with the WordPress instance must be configured by the WordPress administrator. When adding a new tool, the values of the default settings will be used to initialise the configuration; these can be changed as required.

LTI Tools

The LTI Tools and Network LTI Tools options added to the Settings menu on the admin dashboard display a list of registerted LTI tools.

LTI tools in the Admin Dashboard

Buttons at the top of the page provide access to the Default settings page and a page to register a new LTI tool. The menu below the name of each existing tool offers options to:

  • edit its configuration.
  • toggle its enabled/disabled status.
  • move it to the bin.

A tool which has been moved to the bin can be permanently deleted by clicking on the Bin link at the top of the page and selecting the Delete permanently option from the menu beneath its name. Alternatively, the Restore option can be used to move the tool back to the active list.

Default settings

Default settings page in the Admin Dashboard

  1. General Settings
  • Debug mode - check this box to use debug-level logging for connections to this tool.
  • Delete data on uninstall? - check this box to have all tools and settings deleted when the plugin is uninstalled.
  • Platform GUID - an optional string which will be sent as the tool_consumer_instance_guid parameter (or equivalent claim) in messages.
  1. Privacy Settings
  • Send user's name? - check this box to include the user's name in LTI launch messages
  • Send user's ID? - check this box to include the user's ID in LTI launch messages
  • Send user's email? - check this box to include the user's email address in LTI launch messages
  • Send user's role? - check this box to include the user's role in LTI launch messages
  • Send user's username? - check this box to include the user's username (login ID) in LTI launch messages
  1. Role Mappings

    This section allows the default role mapping for a tool to be specified. Each WordPress role may be associated with zero, one or more LTI roles. The selection here represents the default mappings used when adding a new tool (see below). The following LTI roles are supported:

    • Administrator
    • Content developer
    • Instructor
    • Learner
    • Mentor
    • Teaching assistant
  2. Presentation Settings

  • Presentation target - select where the LTI tool should be opened (new window, popup, iframe, or embed)
  • Width of popup window - the width to use when opening an LTI tool in a popup window or iframe, including when embedded (optional)
  • Height of popup window - the height to use when opening an LTI tool in a popup window or iframe, including when embedded (optional)
  1. Security settings
  • Key ID - value to use for the kid header in a JWT (required for LTI 1.3 connections only).
  • Private key - the private key in PEM format used to sign messages being sent to tools (required for LTI 1.3 connections only). The same private key is used for all tools.
  • Offer platform storage to tools? - check this box to implement a browser-based storage facility for use by LTI tools.

Add/edit LTI tool page

Add/edit tool page in the Admin Dashboard

An LTI tool has the following configuration settings. When adding a new tool, some of the setting values will be initialised with the value set on the default settings page (see above).

  1. General Settings
  • Name - a human-readable name for the LTI tool used for administrators only (required).
  • Code - a lowercase code used to identify the LTI tool when adding a link to it on a content page (required).
  • Enabled? - check this box to enable the LTI tool and allow it to be used.
  • Debug mode - check this box to use debug-level logging for connections to this tool.
  • Launch message URL - the URL to which launch messages should be sent as provided by the tool provider (required).
  • Use Content-Item/Deep Linking? - .
  • Content-Item/Deep Linking URL - .
  • Custom parameters - a list of custom parameters to be included in launch messages, entered one per line in the format name=value (optional).
  1. Presentation Settings
  • Presentation target - select where the LTI tool should be opened (new window, popup, iframe, or embed).
  • Width of popup window - the width to use when opening an LTI tool in a popup window or iframe, including when embedded (optional).
  • Height of popup window - the height to use when opening an LTI tool in a popup window or iframe, including when embedded (optional).
  1. Role mappings Use this section to select the LTI role(s), if any, which should be passed to the tool for each user based on their WordPress role. The initial selection for a tool will be that specified on the default settings page (see above).
  2. Privacy Settings
  • Send user's name? - check this box to include the user's name in LTI messages.
  • Send user's ID? - check this box to include the user's ID in LTI messages.
  • Send user's email? - check this box to include the user's email address in LTI messages.
  • Send user's role? - check this box to include the user's role in LTI messages.
  • Send user's username? - check this box to include the user's username (login ID) in LTI messages.
  1. LTI 1.0/1.1/1.2 Configuration
  • Consumer Key - as provided by the tool provider.
  • Shared secret - as provided by the tool provider.
  1. LTI 1.3 Configuration
  • Login Initiation URL - as provided by the tool provider.
  • Redirection URI(s) - as provided by the tool provider.
  • Public Keyset URL - as provided by the tool provider (or a public key).
  • Public key (PEM format) - as provided by the tool provider (or a public keyset URL).

An enabled LTI tool will connect using LTI 1.3 when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. A Login Initiation URL is specified.
  2. One or more Redirection URIs are specified.
  3. A kid value is specified on the default settings page.
  4. A private key value is specified on the default settings page.

When LTI 1.3 is to be used, the platform details to be shared with the tool provider are displayed in a box at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, launch messages will use LTI 1.0 provided both a consumer key and shared secret have been specified.

Multisite versions of WordPress

When a multisite version of WordPress is being used, tools can be configured at both the network and site levels. Tools at both levels can be used on a site page. If a site-level tool is defined with the same code as a network-level tool, its name is struck through and the network-level tool will take precedence.

Duplicate tool in the site Admin Dashboard