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Generating tool of odoo-integration addons based on a Cenit IO shared collections

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#Cenit IO to odoo addons.

This is a tool for automating the creation of odoo-integration addons based on a Cenit IO shared_collections.


npm install -g


Run in console: cenit2odoo [options]


    -h, --help                       output usage information
    -V, --version                    output the version number
    -l, --local                      Specify that the collection is a local path to a the json file.
    -c, --collections [collections]  Names of the shared collections at the Cenit IO or local path to json file with 
                                     shared collection.
    -o, --out-dir [outDir]           Output directory for the resulting addon. Default is "odoo-addons".
    -s, --statics                    Specify that must be generated the templates static file.
    -i, --interactive                Specify that run in interactive mode.
    -a, --all                        Specify that will generate the addon for each shared collections in Cenit IO.
    -x, --exclude [exclude]          Names of shared collections to exclude. If list is empty, then the names are 
                                     taken of EXCLUDE_SHARED_COLLECTION environment variable.
    -v, --odoo-version [odooVersion] Specify odoo version (default 8.0).


  • Generate addon from local json file with shared collection:

        cenit2odoo -lc ./collections/gmail.json
  • Generate addon from remote shared collections in Cenit IO:

        cenit2odoo -c gmail
  • Generate multiples addons from remote shared collections in Cenit IO:

        cenit2odoo -c gmail,twitter
  • Generate addons in a specific path:

        cenit2odoo -sc gmail -o my-addons
  • Generate addon with static files templates:

        cenit2odoo -sc gmail
  • Generate addons in interactive mode:

        cenit2odoo -i
  • Generate addons with static files templates in interactive mode:

        cenit2odoo -si
  • Generate all addons.

        cenit2odoo -a
  • Generate all addons except gmail and twitter.

        cenit2odoo -ax gmail,twitter
  • Generate all addons except gmail and twitter using environment.

        export EXCLUDE_SHARED_COLLECTION="gmail,twitter"
        cenit2odoo -ax
  • Generate addon for odoo version 9.0:

        cenit2odoo -sc gmail -v 9.0


Generating tool of odoo-integration addons based on a Cenit IO shared collections






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