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ContentProvider Paths

falquaddoomi edited this page Jul 10, 2012 · 1 revision

A list of URIs which the content provider supports is below, along with the operations that are supported for each (i.e. query, insert, update, delete):

  • campaigns
  • query: returns all campaigns
  • insert: adds a campaign (populates surveys and survey prompts accordingly)
  • campaigns/{urn}
  • query: returns the campaign with the URN specified by {urn}
  • delete: removes the campaign with URN {urn} (and deletes from surveys, survey prompts, responses, and prompt responses accordingly)
  • surveys
  • query: returns all surveys
  • campaigns/{urn}/surveys
  • query: returns all surveys for the campaign specified by {urn}
  • campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{id}
  • query: returns the survey with the ID specified by {id}, belonging to campaign with urn {urn}
  • campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{id}/prompts
  • query: returns all survey prompts associated with the survey having id {id}, belonging to campaign with urn {urn}
  • surveys/prompts
  • query: returns all survey prompts, irrespective of survey (mostly for testing)
  • responses
  • query: returns all responses
  • insert: adds a response (populates prompt responses, too)
  • responses/#
  • query: returns the response specified by the primary key "#"
  • responses/#/prompts
  • query: returns all prompt responses for the response having the primary key "#"
  • prompts
  • query: returns all prompt responses (mostly for testing)
  • prompts/#
  • query: returns the prompt response specified by the primary key "#"
  • campaigns/{urn}/responses
  • query: returns all responses for the campaign specified by {urn}
  • campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{sid}/responses
  • query: returns all responses for the survey specified by {sid} within the campaign specified by {urn}
  • campaigns/{urn}/responses/prompts/{pid}
  • query: returns all prompts of the given {pid} within the campaign specified by {urn}
  • campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{sid}/responses/prompts/{pid}
  • query: returns all prompts of the given {pid} for the survey specified by {sid} within the campaign specified by {urn}
  • campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{sid}/responses/prompts/{pid}/{agg}
  • query: returns an aggregate function {agg} (one of "avg", "count", "max", "min, "total") for
  • the prompts of the given {pid} for the survey specified by {sid} within the campaign specified by {urn}
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