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JAuth Lib

1. Introduction

JAuth Lib is a set of Java modules that boots up your JWT-based authentication tasks faster.

Versions compatibility table:

JAuth Lib version Spring Boot version Spring Cloud version
0.0.0 2.6.7 2021.0.1
0.1.0 2.7.6 2021.0.5

2. Modules

3. Installation

Add the core dependency first:

implementation 'io.github.censodev:jauth-lib-core:0.0.0'

If you are handling the authentication tasks with Spring Web, add the below dependency:

implementation 'io.github.censodev:jauth-lib-spring-web:0.0.0'

In opposite, if you are working with Spring Gateway, add dependency:

implementation 'io.github.censodev:jauth-lib-spring-gateway:0.0.0'

4. Usages

4.1. Define the authenticatable entity

You need to create an entity implements the interface CanAuth. Go to example

4.2. Create a security configuration

At this step, you need to create a configuration with at least 2 beans:

  • TokenProvider: Note that, the secret property is required and has no default value.
  • SecurityFilterChain: Create a SpringWebAuthFilter or SpringGatewayAuthFilter and register it before UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter

Go to example

4.3. Generate token

Go to example

4.4. Get credential in application runtime

You can use the SecurityContextHolder to get the token's credential:

class Test {
    void getCredential() {
        Optional<User> u = Optional.ofNullable((User) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getCredential());


JAuth Lib is a set of Java modules that boots up your JWT-based authentication tasks faster








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