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songy23 authored and kjin committed Oct 18, 2018
1 parent 869ce34 commit b171208
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 0 deletions.
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Releasing OpenCensus Node Packages (for Maintainers Only)

This document explains how to publish all OC Node modules at version x.y.z. Ensure that you’re following semver when choosing a version number.

## Update to latest locally

Use `git fetch` and `git checkout origin/master` to ensure you’re on the latest commit. Make sure
you have no unstaged changes. Ideally, also use `git clean -dfx` to remove all ignored and
untracked files.

## Create a new branch

Create a new branch called `x.y.z-proposal` from the current commit.

## Use Lerna to prepare each package for release

Use `npm install` and `lerna bootstrap` to initialize all package directories.
Also, use `lerna publish --skip-npm --skip-git` to bump version numbers.
Ensure that the version being bumped to is `x.y.z`. This should create some unstaged changes.

## Create a new commit

Create a new commit with the exact title: `chore(multiple): x.y.z release proposal`.

## Use the Changelog to create a GitHub Release

On [GitHub Releases](,
follow the example set by recent releases to populate a summary of changes, as well as a list of
commits that were applied since the last release. `git log --oneline --no-decorate` is a good way
to get that list of commits. Save it as a draft, don’t publish it. Don’t forget the tag -- call
it `vx.y.z` and leave it pointing at `master` for now (this can be changed as long as the GitHub
release isn’t published).

## Create a new PR

Push the branch to GitHub and create a new PR with that exact name. The commit body should just
be a link to the *draft* notes. Someone who can access draft notes should approve it, looking
in particular for test passing, and whether the draft notes are satisfactory.

## Merge and pull

Merge the PR, and pull the changes locally (using the commands in the first step). Ensure that
`chore(multiple): x.y.z release proposal` is the most recent commit.

## Publish all packages

Go into each directory and use `npm publish` to publish the package. You can use the following
script to automate this.


for dir in $(ls packages); do
pushd packages/$dir
npm publish

Check your e-mail and make sure the number of “you’ve published this module” emails matches the number you expect.

## Publish the GitHub Release

Publish the GitHub release, ensuring that the tag points to the newly landed commit corresponding to release proposal `x.y.z`.

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