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Zero/few shot learning components for scikit-learn pipelines with large-language models and transformers.


Why stormtrooper?

Other packages promise to provide at least similar functionality (scikit-llm), why should you choose stormtrooper instead?

  1. Fine-grained control over you pipeline.
    • Variety: stormtrooper allows you to use virtually all canonical approaches for zero and few-shot classification including NLI, Seq2Seq and Generative open-access models from Transformers, SetFit and even OpenAI's large language models.
    • Prompt engineering: You can adjust prompt templates to your hearts content.
  2. Performance
    • Easy inference on GPU if you have access to it.
    • Interfacing HuggingFace's TextGenerationInference API, the most efficient way to host models locally.
    • Async interaction with external APIs, this can speed up inference with OpenAI's models quite drastically.
  3. Extensive Documentation
    • Throrough API reference and loads of examples to get you started.
  4. Battle-hardened
    • We at the Center For Humanities Computing are making extensive use of this package. This means you can rest assured that the package works under real-world pressure. As such you can expect regular updates and maintance.
  5. Simple
    • We opted for as bare-bones of an implementation and little coupling as possible. The library works at the lowest level of abstraction possible, and we hope our code will be rather easy for others to understand and contribute to.

News 🔥

  • Hugging Face's Text Generation Inference is now supported in stormtrooper and can be used to speed up inference with generative and text2text LLMs. (0.4.1)
  • You can now use OpenAI's chat models with blazing fast ⚡ async inference. (0.4.0)
  • SetFit is now part of the library and can be used in scikit-learn workflows. (0.3.0)


Here are a couple of motivating examples to get you hooked. Find more in our docs.

pip install stormtrooper
class_labels = ["atheism/christianity", "astronomy/space"]
example_texts = [
    "God came down to earth to save us.",
    "A new nebula was recently discovered in the proximity of the Oort cloud."

Zero-shot learning

For zero-shot learning you can use zero-shot models:

from stormtrooper import ZeroShotClassifier
classifier = ZeroShotClassifier().fit(None, class_labels)

Generative models (GPT, Llama):

from stormtrooper import GenerativeZeroShotClassifier
# You can hand-craft prompts if it suits you better, but
# a default prompt is already available
prompt = """
### System:
You are a literary expert tasked with labeling texts according to
their content.
Please follow the user's instructions as precisely as you can.
### User:
Your task will be to classify a text document into one
of the following classes: {classes}.
Please respond with a single label that you think fits
the document best.
Classify the following piece of text:
### Assistant:
classifier = GenerativeZeroShotClassifier(prompt=prompt).fit(None, class_labels)

Text2Text models (T5): If you are running low on resources I would personally recommend T5.

from stormtrooper import Text2TextZeroShotClassifier
# You can define a custom prompt, but a default one is available
prompt = "..."
classifier =Text2TextZeroShotClassifier(prompt=prompt).fit(None, class_labels)
predictions = classifier.predict(example_texts)

assert list(predictions) == ["atheism/christianity", "astronomy/space"]

OpenAI models: You can now use OpenAI's chat LLMs in stormtrooper workflows.

from stormtrooper import OpenAIZeroShotClassifier

classifier = OpenAIZeroShotClassifier("gpt-4").fit(None, class_labels)
predictions = classifier.predict(example_texts)

assert list(predictions) == ["atheism/christianity", "astronomy/space"]

Few-Shot Learning

For few-shot tasks you can only use Generative, Text2Text, OpenAI (aka. promptable) or SetFit models.

from stormtrooper import GenerativeFewShotClassifier, Text2TextFewShotClassifier, SetFitFewShotClassifier

classifier = SetFitFewShotClassifier().fit(example_texts, class_labels)
predictions = model.predict(["Calvinists believe in predestination."])

assert list(predictions) == ["atheism/christianity"]

Fuzzy Matching

Generative and text2text models by default will fuzzy match results to the closest class label, you can disable this behavior by specifying fuzzy_match=False.

If you want fuzzy matching speedup, you should install python-Levenshtein.

Inference on GPU

From version 0.2.2 you can run models on GPU. You can specify the device when initializing a model:

classifier = Text2TextZeroShotClassifier(device="cuda:0")