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OSX Build Instructions

Dan Mick edited this page Jul 30, 2014 · 4 revisions

##Building Calamari Clients on OSX

  1. install Xcode via the app store
  2. install Command Line Tools via Xcode's preferences/downloads
  3. install homebrew
  4. Make sure brew is installed correctly using brew doctor. You will probably have to add /usr/local/bin to your shell PATH.
  5. brew install git node to install nodejs and git
  6. npm may be installed by node. If it is not you can grab it from here
  7. npm install -g grunt-cli yeoman bower You may need to prefix this with sudo or run as root.
  8. I use homebrew's version of ruby and gem because Apple ships an older one which may have an old version of compass. gem install compass to find out how old it is.
  9. checkout the code git clone
  10. cd calamari-clients
  11. make build-real
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