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\Config\ConsoleAppConfig.conf (SWELF APP CONFIG)

Ceramicskate0 edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 35 revisions



App Config Command Example Notes
log_collector log_collector=HostName
log_collector1 log_collector1=
log_collector2 log_collector2=
log_collector3 log_collector3=
log_collector4 log_collector4=HostName:514
log_collector5 log_collector5=
central_search_config entral_search_config=
central_app_config central_app_config=
central_plugin_search_config central_plugin_search_config =
central_whitelist_search_config central_whitelist_search_config =
output_format output_format=keyvalue Choose 1 output option(keyvalue,data,syslogxml,xml,syslog)
output_ips output_ips=true
output_hashs output_hashs=true
check_service_up check_service_up=sysmon Choose up to 10 services by Service Name to check if they are Running
transport_protocol transport_protocol=tcp Options are TCP or UDP
delete_local_log_files_when_done delete_local_log_files_when_done=true
debug debug=true
logging_level logging_level=warning
parse_sysmon_logs parse_sysmon_logs=true Parses Sysmon Logs when sending logs (v0.6.1.0 and later)

 This page provides configuration information and examples for the application.



 IPv4 of place to send some form of eventlog over port of your choosing(default udp/514)

 (SWELF in versions after will use the following format to send logs to any port) or{Any port you want over udp


 IPv4 of place to send some form of eventlog over port of your choosing(default udp/514)

 (SWELF in versions after will use the following format to send logs to any port) or{Any port you want over udp}


 The values possible for this command are "xml" ,"data" ,"syslog" ,"syslogxml", or "keyvalue"


 http://{IP or URL with or without uncommonport socket

 /DirPath to dir containing config files or file path


 http://IP or URL with or without uncommon port socket

 /DirPath to dir containing Search file or file path


 http://IP or URL with or without uncommonport socket

 /DirPath to dir containing search files or file path

central_whitelist_search_config http://IP or URL with or without uncommonport socket

 /DirPath to dir containing search files or file path


 It will search windows event log for severity level of event log and return just those logs

 Values for this command are "verbose","infomrtaion","warning", or "critical"


 Putting this on any line in the config file will tell app to output hashs.txt file to SWELF.exe current directory.                
 To not do this do not set or include the option in config.     

 File contains hashs from Sysmon logs.

 Format is output_hashs={Something}


 Putting this on any line in the config file will tell app to output ips.txt file to SWELF.exe current directory. 
 To not do this do not set or include the option in config.     

 File contains all ips from all logs searched.Format is output_ips={Something}


 Tells SWELF to send data to a port you specify (or 514 by default) in either tcp or UDP (UDP is default).   
 To not do this do not set or include the option in config.     

 tcp OR udp (to be released in not defined udp is default)


 If this value equals anything SWELF assumes you want to remove any file that it has read and sent the log off from.       
 To not do this do not set or include the option in config.     

 (to be released in and later)(if not defined do nothing is default, if defined with anything it will remove)


 You tell SWELF which app you want to monitor are in the "running" state at SWELF start. For Example "Sysmon". SWELF expects the name to be the "Service Name" as seen in the services plugin to mmc.exe.
 (to be released in and later)

example(Send Data): Log_Collector=

example(Send Data): Log_Collector1=

example(Send Data): Log_Collector1=

example(Send Data)(max collector number): Log_Collector5=

example(Dont Send Data): Log_Collector=

example(Dont Send Data):

example: outputformat=keyvalue

example: central_app_config=

example: central_search_config=

example: central_plugin_search_config=

  • Dont worry the port 8080 is optional its here to show that port doesnt matter if it can reach it.

example: log_level=infomrtaion

example: output_hashs=true

example: output_ips=true

example: check_service_up=Sysmon

example: check_service_up=Sysmon64


Central Configuration

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