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Linformer model

Overview of the model

This directory contains an implementation for pre-training Linformer model as described by Wang et al. in [1].

Linformer's main idea is to address $O(n^2)$ attention complexity, where $n$ is the length of the input sequence [3]. In this regard, two projection matrices $E$ and $F$ of shapes $k \times n$ are introduced where $k$ is the projected dimension. These matrices pre-multiply the Keys and Values matrices passed as inputs to multi-head self attention layer. The following figures gives more insight [1]:

Fig.1 - Linformer multi-head linear self attention.

Fig.2 - Transformer multi-head self attention.

Fig.3 - Linformer self attention

where $n$ is sequence length, $d_{m}$ is the embedding dimension, $d_k$, $d_v$ are the hidden dimensions of the projection subspaces, $k$ is the projected dimension.

There are three variations of Linformer architecture based on the number of projection matrices [1]:

  1. Head-wise sharing: for each layer, we share two projection matrices $E$ and $F$ such that $E_{i}$ = $E$ and $F_{i}$ = $F$ across all heads $i$.

  2. Key-value sharing: in addition to head-wise sharing, we share Key and Value projection matrices. For each layer, we create a single projection matrix $E$ such that $E_{i}$ = $F_{i}$ = $E$ for each Key-Value projection matrix across all head $i$.

  3. Layer-wise sharing: we use a single projection matrix $E$ across all layers, for all heads, and for both Keys and Values matrices.

Sequence of steps to perform

The following block diagram shows a high-level view of the sequence of steps you will perform in this example.

Fig.4 - Flow Chart of steps to pretrain Linformer model

Key features from CSoft platform used in this reference implementation

  • Linformer supports Variable Sequence Length (VSL) configurations. At a high-level, this means that we can take advantage of Cerebras hardware's differences from GPU's to perform operations on different sized sequences in parallel, without processing padding tokens. This reduces the amount of time spent on computations that are never used in the end. To use VSL, simply add use_vsl: True to the model section of the configuration YAML file. For more details, see [2].

Structure of the code

  • configs: YAML configuration files. The parameter config files are for different maximum sequence lengths and supported Linformer variations as elaborated in Model Overview.
  • layers: Implementations of Linformer-specific layers.
  • Model implementation. A bulk of the model is defined in this script. It inherits from TFBaseModel. The model also uses Cerebras-defined layers that are located in common/tf/layers.
  • The entry point to the data input pipeline code. Defines input_fn.
  • The entry point to the model. Defines model_fn.
  • Training script. Performs training and validation.
  • Miscellaneous scripts, including get_params to parse the params dictionary from the YAML files.

Dataset generation


If you do not have spaCy, the natural language processing (NLP) library, then install it with the following commands:

pip install spacy
python -m spacy download en

Download and preprocess

The Wikicorpus dataset is used for pre-training Linformer model. We use mlcommons codebase to download and preprocess the Wikicorpus dataset. The dataset can be preprocessed by following steps below:

  1. Download and preprocess raw data using instructions mentioned here. At the end of this step, there are 500 files with names part-00xxx-of-00500 and eval.txt generated. These files contain one sentence of an article in one line and different articles separated by blank line.

  2. After the dataset is preprocessed, create a file called metadata.txt which contains full paths to files from part-00000-of-00500 to part-00499-of-00500 in order generated from step 1. This file would be passed to the input arg metadata_files in` to generate TFRecords for Masked Language Modeling task.

Sample metadata.txt:


TFRecords generation

Use to generate TFRecords for pre-training. Note that Linformer model uses maximum sequence length (MSL) of 512 for its pre-training runs unlike BERT [4]. Refer to and bert/input/scripts/ for more details. should be used to create data without the next sentence prediction (NSP) labels. Note that generates TFRecords to be used with only when --disable_masking is passed as input to or with

    Usage: [-h] --metadata_files METADATA_FILES
                                            [METADATA_FILES ...]
                                            [--multiple_docs_separator MULTIPLE_DOCS_SEPARATOR]
                                            [--document_separator_token DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR_TOKEN]
                                            [--overlap_size OVERLAP_SIZE]
                                            [--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE]
                                            [--input_files_prefix INPUT_FILES_PREFIX]
                                            --vocab_file VOCAB_FILE [--do_lower_case]
                                            [--max_seq_length MAX_SEQ_LENGTH]
                                            [--dupe_factor DUPE_FACTOR]
                                            [--short_seq_prob SHORT_SEQ_PROB]
                                            [--min_short_seq_length MIN_SHORT_SEQ_LENGTH]
                                            [--masked_lm_prob MASKED_LM_PROB]
                                            [--max_predictions_per_seq MAX_PREDICTIONS_PER_SEQ]
                                            [--spacy_model SPACY_MODEL]
                                            [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                                            [--num_output_files NUM_OUTPUT_FILES]
                                            [--name NAME] [--seed SEED]

    Required arguments:
    --metadata_files METADATA_FILES [METADATA_FILES ...]
                        Path to the text file containing a list of file
                        names corresponding to the raw input documents
                        to be processed and stored; Multiple metadata
                        files must be separated by a space.
    --vocab_file VOCAB_FILE
                            Path to the vocabulary file.

    Optional arguments:
    -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
                            Pass this flag when a single text file contains
                            multiple documents separated by
                            <multiple_docs_separator> (default: False).
    --multiple_docs_separator MULTIPLE_DOCS_SEPARATOR
                            String which separates multiple documents in a single
                            text file. If newline character, pass `\n`.
                            There can only be one separator string for
                            all the documents.
                            (default: `\n`)
                            Pass this flag when the document is already
                            split into sentences, with one sentence in
                            each line. There is no requirement for further
                            sentence segmentation of a document
                            (default: False).
                    Pass this flag when tokens for the same example can come from 
                    multiple documents (default: False).
    --document_separator_token DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR_TOKEN
                            If an example can span multiple documents, use this separator to 
                            indicate separate tokens of different documents 
                            (default: `[SEP]`).
    --overlap_size OVERLAP_SIZE
                            The overlap size between tokens of the current and previous 
                            example. Defaults to None, which sets the overlap to 
                            max_seq_len/4 (default: None).
    --buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE
                            Number of tokens to be processed at a time (default: 1000000).
    --input_files_prefix INPUT_FILES_PREFIX
                            Prefix to be added to paths of the input
                            files. For example, can be a directory where
                            raw data is stored if the paths are relative.
    --do_lower_case       Pass this flag to lower case the input text.
                            Must be True for uncased models and False for cased models. Note 
                            that if your vocab file has only lowercased letters, and you did 
                            not provide this flag, a lot of tokens will be mapped to `[UNK]` 
                            and vice versa (default: False).
    --max_seq_length MAX_SEQ_LENGTH
                            Maximum sequence length (default: 128).
    --dupe_factor DUPE_FACTOR
                            Number of times to duplicate the input data (with
                            different masks). For static masking, it is a common practice to 
                            duplicate the data, and provide different masking for the same 
                            input to learn more generalizable features (default: 10).
    --short_seq_prob SHORT_SEQ_PROB
                            Probability of creating sequences that are
                            shorter than the maximum sequence length
                            (default: 0.1).
    --min_short_seq_length MIN_SHORT_SEQ_LENGTH
                            The minimum number of tokens to be present in an
                            example if short sequence probability > 0. If None,
                            defaults to 2 + overlap_sizeAllowed values are between
                            [2 + overlap_size, max_seq_length-2) (default: None)
    --disable_masking     If False, TFRecords will be stored with
                            static masks. If True, masking will happen
                            dynamically during training (default: False).
    --masked_lm_prob MASKED_LM_PROB
                            Probability of replacing input tokens with a mask token `[MASK]` 
                            for a language modeling task (default: 0.15).
    --max_predictions_per_seq MAX_PREDICTIONS_PER_SEQ
                            Maximum number of masked LM predictions per
                            sequence (default: 20).
    --spacy_model SPACY_MODEL
                            The spaCy model to load (either a shortcut
                            link, a package name or a path). It is used to process the data 
                            files and segment them into sentences if the flag 
                            `single_sentence_per_line` is not set. Default model is set to 
                            the small English pipeline trained on written web text.
                            (default: en_core_web_sm).
    --mask_whole_word     Set to True to use whole word masking and
                            False to use per-WordPiece masking
                            (default: False).
    --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                            Directory where TFRecords will be stored.
                            (default: ./tfrecords/).
    --num_output_files NUM_OUTPUT_FILES
                            TFRecords will be separated into the
                            specified number of files on disk. The larger the number of 
                            files, the easier it becomes to parallelize writing/reading of 
                            the TFRecords (default: 10).
    --name NAME           Name of the dataset, i.e., prefix to use
                            for TFRecord names (default: "examples").
    --seed SEED           Seed for the random number generators (default: 0).

The following command can be used to generate TFRecords used for training the model.

python --metadata_files=<full path to metadata.txt from step 2> --vocab_file=../../../../vocab/google_research_cased_L-12_H-768_A-12.txt --multiple_docs_in_single_file --single_sentence_per_line --overlap_size=0 --buffer_size=10000 --dupe_factor=1 --max_sequence_length=512 --disable_masking --output_dir=<full path to where the TFrecords should be written>

Input function pipeline

We use to read the raw unmasked examples from TFRecords and dynamically mask the sequences before passing them to the model for training.

How to run

To compile/validate, run train and eval on Cerebras System

Please follow the instructions on our Developer Docs at:

To run train and eval on GPU/CPU

If running on a cpu or gpu, activate the environment from Python GPU Environment setup, and simply run:

python --mode train --params <path/to/yaml> --model_dir </path/to/model_dir>

For each of these commands

  • path/to/yaml is a path to the YAML configuration file containing the model parameters. Parameters for the Linformer base configuration can be found in the configs directory. The parameter config files are for different maximum sequence lengths and supported Linformer variations as elaborated in Model Overview.
  • path/to/model_dir is the path to the model directory where compile and training artifacts will be saved.

Evaluation on the validation set can be run on GPU or Cerebras System with similar commands by passing the input arg --mode=eval to

Configuration files included for this model

In the configs directory, we have configuration files for Linformer. The configuration files provided use different variations of Linformer Attention as described in Model overview section and different projected lengths. The user can vary model.projected_dims parameter to change the projected dimension of attention. To use different variants of Linformer attention, the parameter model.attention_style can be set to either linformer-shared-kv or linformer-shared-layers or linformer-shared-heads.

All configs are meant for running in Pipeline mode with Appliance mode and Kubernetes. Slurm flow is available as a legacy support.


[1] Linformer: Self-Attention with Linear Complexity by Sinong Wang, et al.

[2] VTS Conceptual Explanation Blog

[3] Pipeline Execution Mode

[4] BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding by Jacob Devlin, et al.