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CCL Unit Tests

Unit tests for CCL written in CCL.


Anatomy of CCL Unit
Mocking Framework
Manual Execution
Maven Execution
Simple Example

Anatomy of CCL Unit

A unit test is a null parameter subroutine whose name begins with "test".
A test case is an include file with a .inc extension which contains unit tests and optionally setup and teardown routines.

CCL Unit generates a [temporary] program from a test case file and then executes the unit tests defined within that file.

A setupOnce is a null parameter subroutine named setupOnce.
  • If a test case contains a setupOnce, CCL Unit will execute it before executing any of the unit tests in the test case.
  • Use a setupOnce to perform any preparation steps that need performed one time before executing all the tests.
A setup is a null parameter subroutine named setup.
  • If a test case contains a setup, CCL Unit will execute it just before the execution of each unit test in the test case.
  • Use a setup to perform any preparation steps that need to be freshly repeated before each test is executed.
A teardown is a null parameter subroutine named teardown.
  • If a test case contains a teardown, CCL Unit will execute it just after the execution of each unit test in the test case.
  • Use a teardown to perform any cleanup steps (such as rollback) that need to be repeated after each test completes.
A teardownOnce is a null parameter subroutine named teardownOnce.
  • If a test case contains a teardownOnce, CCL Unit will execute it after all of the tests in the test case have finished executing.
  • Use a teardownOnce to perform any final cleanup steps that need performed one time after all the tests have completed.
An assert is a statement asserting a particular condition is true.
  • Look here for details about asserts and a list of all the avaiable asserts.
  • Example: call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "expected hello world", some_str, "hello world")
A timer asserts the elapse between two execution points does not exceed a specified threshold.
  • Start a timer named "timer name" by invoking call cclutStartTimer("timer name", CURREF)
      • The second parameter is optional and will default to CURREF.
      • An error will occur if there already is a timer with the same name.
  • To complete the timer invoke call cclutEndTimer("timer name", threshold)

A unit test will fail if it has an assert that fails or a timer that does not meet its threshold or if a CCL error occurs while the test is executing. It will pass otherwise.

Mocking Framework

See CCL Unit Mocking for instructions on mocking database data and other things for CCL Unit Tests.

Manual Execution

During devlopment it is desirable to perform the test phase of the modify/test/repeat cycle as swiftly as possible. Manually executing a single test provides for this and avoids the time overhead of the maven execution described farther down.

  • Transfer your test case file to the back end.
  • excute cclut or cclut_ff.
  • Examine the output.
  • Repeat.
  • If the test case file is modified, transfer it again.
  • If the testing target (script) is modified, recompile the script.

cclut and cclut_ff are prompt programs which generate a temporary program from a test case and execute its tests.

If its failFast parameter is checked (true), cclut will fail fast, i.e., stop executing tests as soon as some test produces an assert failure or a runtime error. Otherwise it will continue executing tests even after it encounters assert failures or errors. After all tests complete, cclut generates a report listing the status of every executed test along with a list of all failed asserts and runtime errors that were encountered.

The cclut_ff program always fails fast and merely echoes out the final status preceded by information about the assert failure and/or errors which led to the failure in case the test case run was not successful. It indicates whether the tests executed successfully and if not, indicates the assert failure or error that was encountered.

Both cclut and cclut_ff have the following parameters:

  • outputLocation - location to write the output, "MINE" by default.
  • testCaseDirectory - logical name for the directory containing the test case file, "cclsource" by default.
  • testCaseName - (required) the name of the test case file with or without the .inc extension
  • testNamePattern - a regular expression to limit which tests are executed by matching the test name, ".*" by default.
  • optimizerMode - the optimizer mode (CBO or RBO) to set when running the tests, the current system value by default.
  • deprecatedFlag - the severity level (E,W,I,L,D) if deprecated constructs are encounter when testing, E (error) by default.

cclut offers the following additional parameter:

  • failFast - indicate whether to fail fast or not, true by default.


cclut "MINE", "ccluserdir", "ut_my_script", "testOne" go

cclut_ff "MINE", "ccluserdir", "ut_my_script", "", "CBO" go

Maven Execution

Maven is a build system that can transfer all of the source and test files to the back end, compile them, execute all of the test cases, and collect the test results and code coverage data.

See ccl-maven-plugin for instructions.

Maven plugins can be configure to generate HTML reports displaying the test results and code coverage data which is stored in not particularly legible xml files as well as various other reports. See ccl-testing to learn about the reporting plugins.

Simple Example


drop program ex_cclut_simple_math go
create program ex_cclut_simple_math
    This is a CCL program which performs basic math operations on integers.
    It is used as the subject under test (SUT) for a rudimentary example of CCL Unit.

    @request The expected request structure.
        @field valueOne The first integer in the operation.
        @field valueTwo The second integer in the operation.
        @field operation The operation to perform (case insensitive).
            @value ADD Perform an addition.
            @value SUBTRACT Perform a subtraction.
            @value MULTIPLY Perform a multiplication.
            @value DIVIDE Perform a division.
    record request(
      1 valueOne = i4
      1 valueTwo = i4
      1 operation = vc
    @reply The expected reply structure.
        @field result The result of the operation.        
        record reply
        1 result = i4

    Adds two integers.
    @param pNumOne The base value.
    @param pNumTwo The value to be added to the base value.
    @returns The result of the addition.
subroutine (public::addValues(pNumOne = i4, pNumTwo = i4) = i4)
    return(pNumOne + pNumTwo)
    Subtracts two integers.
    @param pNumOne The base value.
    @param pNumTwo The value to be subtracted from the base value.
    @returns The result of the subtraction.
subroutine (public::subtractValues(pNumOne = i4, pNumTwo = i4) = i4)
    return(pNumOne - pNumTwo)
    Multiplies two integers.
    @param pNumOne The base value.
    @param pNumTwo The value to multiply the base value by.
    @returns The result of the multiplication.
subroutine (public::multiplyValues(pNumOne = i4, pNumTwo = i4) = i4)
    return(pNumOne * pNumTwo)
    Divides two integers.
    @param pNumOne The base value.
    @param pNumTwo The value to divide the base value by.
    @returns The result of the division.
subroutine (public::divideValues(pNumOne = i4, pNumTwo = i4) = i4)
    return(pNumOne / pNumTwo)

    The main logic of the program.
subroutine (public::main(null) = null)
    set reply->status_data.status = 'S'
    case (cnvtupper(request->operation))
    of "ADD":
        set reply->result = addValues(request->valueOne, request->valueTwo)
    of "SUBTRACT":
        set reply->result = subtractValues(request->valueOne, request->valueTwo)
    of "MULTIPLY":
        set reply->result = multiplyValues(request->valueOne, request->valueTwo)
    of "DIVIDE":
        if (request->valueTwo = 0)
            set reply->status_data.status = 'F'
            set reply->status_data.subeventstatus[1].OperationName = "DIVIDE"
            set reply->status_data.subeventstatus[1].OperationStatus = "F"
            set reply->status_data.subeventstatus[1].targetObjectName = "DIVIDE"
            set reply->status_data.subeventstatus[1].targetObjectValue = "Division by Zero"
            go to exit_script
        set reply->result = divideValues(request->valueOne, request->valueTwo)
        set reply->status_data.status = 'F'
        set reply->status_data.subeventstatus[1].targetObjectName = request->operation
        set reply->status_data.subeventstatus[1].targetObjectValue = "Unrecognized Operation"

    call main(null) 


end go

Test Case

    An example test case for testing ex_cclut_simple_math using CCL Unit.

record simpleMathRequest(
    1 valueOne = i4
    1 valueTwo = i4
    1 operation = vc

record simpleMathReply(
    1 result = i4

    initialization performed before each test executes.
subroutine (setup(null) = null)
    declare stat = i4 with protect, noconstant(0)
    set stat = initrec(simpleMathRequest)
    set stat = initrec(simpleMathReply)
end ;setup

    clean performed after each test completes. 
    the rollback is gratuitous in this example, but is generally a good idea to undo any updates made by a unit test.
subroutine (teardown(null) = null)
end ;teardown
    Verifies add works as expected.
subroutine (testAdd(null) = null)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 13
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 29
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "ADD"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "testAdd", simpleMathReply->result, 42)
end ;testAdd

    Verifies subtract works as expected.
subroutine (testSubtract(null) = null)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 71
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 29
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "SUBTRACT"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "testSubtract", simpleMathReply->result, 42)
end ;testSubtract

    Verifies multiply works as expected.
subroutine (testMultiply(null) = null)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 7
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 6
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "MULTIPLY"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "testMultiply", simpleMathReply->result, 42)
end ;testMultiply
    Verifies divide works as expected.
subroutine (testDivide(null) = null)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 300
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 7
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "DIVIDE"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "testDivide", simpleMathReply->result, 42)
end ;testDivide

    Verifies divide by zero works as expected.
subroutine (testDivideByZero(null) = null)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 42
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 0
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "DIVIDE"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "/0 status", simpleMathReply->status_data.status, "F")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "/0 operationName", simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.operationName, "DIVIDE")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "/0 operationStatus", simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.operationStatus, "F")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "/0 targetObjectName", simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.targetObjectName, "DIVIDE")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "/0 targetObjectValue", simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.targetObjectValue, "Division by Zero")
end ;testDivideByZero

    Verifies a failed status is returned when the operation name is unrecognized. 
subroutine (testUnknowOperation(null) = null)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 42
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 0
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "Evade"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "BadOp status", simpleMathReply->status_data.status, "F")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "BadOp operationName", simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.operationName, "")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "BadOp operationStatus", simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.operationStatus, "")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "BadOp targetObjectName", simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.targetObjectName, "Evade")
    call cclutAssertVcEqual(CURREF, "BadOp targetObjectValue", 
            simpleMathReply->subeventstatus.targetObjectValue, "Unrecognized Operation")
end ;testUnknowOperation

    Verifies the operation is case-insensitive.
subroutine (testCharacterCase(null) = null)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 31
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 11
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "add"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "add character case", simpleMathReply->result, 42)

    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 53
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "SuBtRaCt"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "subtract character case", simpleMathReply->result, 42)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 3
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 14
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "mulIply"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "subtract character case", simpleMathReply->result, 42)
    set simpleMathRequest->valueOne = 128
    set simpleMathRequest->valueTwo = 3
    set simpleMathRequest->operation = "diVide"
    execute ex_cclut_simple_math with replace("REQUEST", SIMPLEMATHREQUEST), replace("REPLY", SIMPLEMATHREPLY)
    call cclutAssertI4Equal(CURREF, "subtract character case", simpleMathReply->result, 42)
end ;testCaseSensitivity