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Releases: certtools/intelmq-api


01 Mar 21:15
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3.3.0 (2024-03-01)

  • Bump version number to be in sync with the main intelmq version
  • minor fixes to re-enable all the github workflows and disable the workflows which did not run anymore.

3.2.0 Feature release: Rewrite to fastapi backend

19 Jul 11:36
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  • Removed support for Python 3.6.
  • Removed duplication of the CLI commands. Adding users could be done now only by using scripts/intelmq-api-adduser


  • Added code style checks to CI.
  • Added interactive API documentation available at /docs endpoint.
  • Added the line length limit in Python files as 100 chars.
  • Added the intelmq-api-setup-systemd script to help with initial setup.


  • The base API framework was changed from hug to the FastAPI. All endpoints were rewritten to use it
    and the structure of the files were changed to better align with the FastAPI concepts.
  • All endpoints returns now the proper Content-Type header.
  • On authentication error, in the returned JSON dictionary, the key with explanation was changed
    from errors to error. This is consistent with all other error messages.
  • The startup point of the application is now intelmq_api.main:app
  • The API is no longer a WSGI app. The Debian package is updated to run Gunicorn as a server and
    configure Apache2 as a proxy. If you had non-default configuration, please review new examples.

Known issues:

  • The interactive API documentation on /docs doesn't respect setting Authorization header.
  • The OS native package is prepared for Debian 11 (and distribution based on it) only. For other
    platforms, installation using pip is recommended.

3.0.1 Bugfix Release

02 Sep 13:06
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Installation instructions:

  • Return a matching error message if the session storage is disabled and therefore a login is not possible (PR#36 by Sebastian Wagner, fixes #35).

Known issues

  • Monitor: Loading referenced configuration files causes 500 fails if file does not exist (#37).

3.0.0 Major release

02 Jul 16:58
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Installation instructions:

  • The API endpoint /api/config no longer provides the BOTS file, as it was removed from IntelMQ. The new endpoint /api/bots provides the same information.
  • Adapt the configuration file handling to IntelMQ 3.0 (PR#30 by Birger Schacht).
    In IntelMQ 3 the defaults.conf and the pipeline.conf were dropped,
    therefore access to those files via the API is not useful anymore.
    At the same time, the runtime.conf now includes pipeline configuration
    and is stored as a YAML file. Given those changes, the whole
    configuration file handling had to be rewritten: There are now 3 API
    • /api/runtime to read (get) and write (post) the runtime configuration
    • /api/positions to read (get) and write (post) the positions configuration
    • /api/harmonization to read (get) the harmonization information
      Everything is still done using JSON objects, the conversion to YAML is
      done internally.
      The removal of the save_file method also includes the removal of some
      sanity checks that ran before the file was saved. Some of those should
      probably be part of intelmq itself (i.e. checking for allowed characters
      in bot names).
  • fix json output and add error handling (PR#31 by Birger Schacht, fixes #14):
    Hug can not simply return a string that contains json. Therefore the
    content of the files first has to converted to a JSON object.
    This commit also implements simple error handling in case the files do
    not exists or can not be created.
  • The version API-endpoint now correctly reports the version of IntelMQ API
    as intelmq-api, not as intelmq-manager (by Sebastian Wagner).

3.0.0 Release candidate 1

25 Jun 09:33
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This is just an intermediate release candidate release towards 3.0.0. Please do not use it in production.

2.3.1 Bugfix release

25 Mar 14:26
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Installation instructions:

Session database permission errors: Catch the exception in the code and add a hint to check the permissions of both the file and the directory (PR#25 by Birger Schacht, fixes #23).

2.3.0 Feature release

04 Mar 11:51
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This is the first release as separate project. intelmq-api has been a part of intelmq-manager but has now been turned into its own
It is based on intelmq-manager's commit certtools/intelmq-manager@829f8cf7aeda6f455e4085a69bde297015e5d0a5` from November 2020.