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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 24, 2021. It is now read-only.


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ISV Docs

Adding Content
Running and Testing Pipeline


Use GitHub to add / edit files


To work locally

Clone this repo, if you have not already done so.

Create your working branch

The master branch is protected, so you have two possibilities: work on a branch or work with the github inline editor which will allow you to create branch + PR on save.

For more complex work that needs to be saved/backed up in between we recommend to create a branch directly.

Adding content

All content is located in the content directory. GitLab Markdown Guide

The top level menu

The awesome-pages plugin for mkdoc will automatically add the page to the top level. See Awesome Pages Plugin Github Repo for more information.

Converting Google Docs

If you have existing documentation in Google Docs, get the Docs to Markdown Add-On to easily convert it. Docs to Markdown Image

Running and testing

Ensure that you have docker installed an use the script to build and run the server locally. It will be served at


The pipeline is running at It's manually triggered.

It is deployed via the pipeline/ script.

The current iteration of this pipline builds the doc from one repistory (isv-docs), the ability to build from multiple repistory can be done in the collect_docs() function in the job deploy-isv-docs

The docs are hosted here, deployed by the job build-and-deploy which creates the html and publishes it to the branch gh-pages which is configured for GitHub Pages.

To use the to set the pipeline you are expected to have the environment variable CONCOURSE_TARGET_NAME set which is the name of your "fly target". It could easily go into an .envrcfile using direnv so you have per project control over your fly target.