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Raspberry Pi temperature vs room temperature

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 running 24/7, doing various infrequent activities.

It's passively cooled, which means that its idle temperature is impacted by the ambient room temperature.

Could it then be possible to create a model where, by measuring the Raspberry Pi temperature, we can calculate the ambient room temperature?

To build such a model I bought an external USB connected temperature sensor, and started logging the internal (Raspberry Pi) temperature together with the external (room) temperature, and also load averages.

This project uses Sigbla to load and display the internal and external temperatures in a chart. No model has yet been created, but this is a first step towards that. I'll do a follow-up later at some point where I also include the load averages and likely some linear regression to build such a model.

I have done a blog post if you're keen, but here's what the chart looks like:

Temperature chart

How to run

I've included the temperature logs in the data folder.

You can build and run using these files like so:

./gradlew clean build
java -jar build/libs/raspberry-pi-temperature-1.0-all.jar data/temperature.log data/outside_temp.log

When running you can access the chart and temperature table in your browser from the URLs printed to the console.