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How Do I Use This Tool?

KamasamaK edited this page Aug 9, 2017 · 13 revisions

Quick Start

java -jar <jar path> -folder <somefolder>

open cflint-result.html in your browser


java -jar CFLint-1.2.0-all.jar -help
java -jar CFLint-1.2.0-all.jar -folder c:\source\cfmx
java -jar CFLint-1.2.0-all.jar -file c:\source\cfmx\index.cfm
java -jar CFLint-1.2.0-all.jar -file c:\source\cfmx\index.cfm -json -stdout

Command-line options

Switch Description Notes
-config list of rules in config file
-configfile <filepath> specify the location of the config file
-e, -logerror log parsing errors as bugs
-excludeRule <codes> specify rules to exclude (comma-separated param)
-extensions <exts> specify the extensions of the CF source files (comma-separated param) Default: .cfm,.cfc
-file <files> file(s) to scan (comma-separated param)
-filterFile <filepath> filter file
-folder <folders> folder(s) to scan (comma-separated param)
-h, -help display this help
-html output in HTML format Default format
-htmlfile <file> specify the output HTML file Default: cflint-results.html
-htmlstyle <style> specify the output HTML style Params: [default|plain]
-includeRule <codes> specify rules to include (comma-separated param)
-json output in JSON format
-jsonfile <file> specify the output JSON file Default: cflint-results.json
-q, -quiet quiet
-rules list of all supported rules
-showprogress show progress bar
-singlethread show progress bar
-stdin <filepath> use stdin for file input with optional file path Default: source.cfc
-stdout output to stdout only
-text output in plain text
-textfile <file> specify the output text file Default: cflint-results.txt
-ui show UI Deprecated
-v, -verbose verbose
-version show the version number
-xml output in XML format
-xmlfile <file> specify the output XML file Default: cflint-results.xml
-xmlstyle <style> specify the output XML style Params: [cflint|findbugs]