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Merge pull request #251 from cmc333333/cp-appendix
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Constraint programming for appendix paragraph markers
  • Loading branch information
khandelwal committed Jun 2, 2014
2 parents df8644b + 4c25742 commit 3d50940
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Showing 4 changed files with 249 additions and 300 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions regparser/tree/
Expand Up @@ -34,10 +34,16 @@ def lineage(self):
stack is used to keep track of a tree, this list includes a list of
'parents', as the last element of each level is the parent being
return list(reversed([els[-1][-1] for els in self.m_stack]))
if self.m_stack[0]:
return list(reversed([els[-1][-1] for els in self.m_stack]))
return []

def lineage_with_level(self):
return list(reversed([els[-1] for els in self.m_stack]))
if self.m_stack[0]:
return list(reversed([els[-1] for els in self.m_stack]))
return []

def add_to_bottom(self, m):
self.m_stack = [[m]] + self.m_stack
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254 changes: 105 additions & 149 deletions regparser/tree/xml_parser/
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
from regparser.grammar.interpretation_headers import parser as headers
from regparser.grammar.utils import Marker
from regparser.layer.formatting import table_xml_to_plaintext
from regparser.layer.key_terms import KeyTerms
from regparser.tree.depth import markers
from regparser.tree.depth.derive import derive_depths
from regparser.tree.paragraph import p_levels
from regparser.tree.struct import Node, walk
from regparser.tree.struct import Node
from regparser.tree.xml_parser import tree_utils
from regparser.tree.xml_parser.interpretations import build_supplement_tree
from regparser.tree.xml_parser.interpretations import get_app_title
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,26 +53,6 @@ def is_appendix_header(node):
for lvl in p_levels]

def in_same_p_level(node, stack_level):
"""Given a node and a stack level (i.e. a list of (depth, node) pairs),
check if the node should be in the same paragraph depth as the stack
level. Do this by checking what types of labels are present in the stack
stack_level = filter(lambda pr: hasattr(pr[1], 'p_level'), stack_level)
if not hasattr(node, 'p_level'):
return len(stack_level) == 0
if stack_level:
prev_node = stack_level[-1][1]
prev_level = prev_node.p_level
prev_node, prev_level = None, None
par_level = p_levels[node.p_level]
return (prev_level == node.p_level and
par_level.index(prev_node.label[-1]) <

class AppendixProcessor(object):
"""Processing the appendix requires a lot of state to be carried in
between xml nodes. Use a class to wrap that state so we can
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,134 +138,48 @@ def subheader(self, xml_node, text):

self.m_stack.add(self.depth, n)

def _indent_if_needed(self):
"""Indents one level if preceded by a header"""
last = self.m_stack.peek()
if last and last[-1][1].title:
self.depth += 1
def paragraph_with_marker(self, text, tagged_text):
"""The paragraph has a marker, like (a) or a. etc."""
# To aid in determining collapsed paragraphs, replace any
# keyterms present
node_for_keyterms = Node(text, node_type=Node.APPENDIX)
node_for_keyterms.tagged_text = tagged_text
node_for_keyterms.label = [initial_marker(text)[0]]
keyterm = KeyTerms.get_keyterm(node_for_keyterms)
if keyterm:
mtext = text.replace(keyterm, '.'*len(keyterm))
mtext = text

for mtext in split_paragraph_text(mtext):
if keyterm: # still need the original text
mtext = mtext.replace('.'*len(keyterm), keyterm)
node = Node(mtext, node_type=Node.APPENDIX,

def paragraph_no_marker(self, text):
"""The paragraph has no (a) or a. etc. Indents one level if
preceded by a header"""
"""The paragraph has no (a) or a. etc."""
self.paragraph_counter += 1
n = Node(text, node_type=Node.APPENDIX,
label=['p' + str(self.paragraph_counter)])

self.m_stack.add(self.depth, n)

def find_next_text_with_marker(self, node):
"""Scan xml nodes and their neighbors looking for text that begins
with a marker. When found, return it"""
if node.tag == 'HD': # Next section; give up
return None
if node.tag in ('P', 'FP'): # Potential text
text = tree_utils.get_node_text(node)
pair = initial_marker(text)
if pair:
return text
if node.getnext() is None: # end of the line
return None
return self.find_next_text_with_marker(node.getnext())

def split_paragraph_text(self, text, next_text=''):
marker_positions = []
for marker in _first_markers:
# text.index('(') to skip over the periods, spaces, etc.
marker_positions.extend(text.index('(', m.start())
for m in marker.finditer(text))
# Remove any citations
citations = internal_citations(text, require_marker=True)
marker_positions = [pos for pos in marker_positions
if not any(cit.start <= pos and cit.end >= pos
for cit in citations)]
texts = []
# Drop Zeros, add the end
break_points = [p for p in marker_positions if p] + [len(text)]
last_pos = 0
for pos in break_points:
last_pos = pos
return texts

def paragraph_with_marker(self, text, next_text=''):
"""The paragraph has an (a) or a. etc."""
marker, _ = initial_marker(text)
n = Node(text, node_type=Node.APPENDIX, label=[marker])

if initial_marker(next_text):
next_marker, _ = initial_marker(next_text)
next_marker = None

this_p_levels = set(idx for idx, lvl in enumerate(p_levels)
if marker in lvl)
next_p_levels = set(idx for idx, lvl in enumerate(p_levels)
if next_marker in lvl)
previous_levels = [l for l in self.m_stack.m_stack if l]
previous_p_levels = set()
for stack_level in previous_levels:
previous_p_levels.update(sn.p_level for _, sn in stack_level
if hasattr(sn, 'p_level'))

# Ambiguity, e.g. 'i', 'v'. Disambiguate by looking forward
if len(this_p_levels) > 1 and len(next_p_levels) == 1:
next_p_level = next_p_levels.pop()
# e.g. an 'i' followed by a 'ii'
if next_p_level in this_p_levels:
this_p_idx = p_levels[next_p_level].index(marker)
next_p_idx = p_levels[next_p_level].index(next_marker)
if this_p_idx < next_p_idx: # Heuristic
n.p_level = next_p_level
# e.g. (a)(1)(i) followed by an 'A'
new_level = this_p_levels - previous_p_levels
if next_p_level not in previous_p_levels and new_level:
n.p_level = new_level.pop()

# Ambiguity. Disambiguate by looking backwards
if len(this_p_levels) > 1 and not hasattr(n, 'p_level'):
for stack_level in previous_levels:
for lvl, stack_node in stack_level:
if getattr(stack_node, 'p_level', None) in this_p_levels:
# Later levels replace earlier ones
n.p_level = stack_node.p_level

# Simple case (no ambiguity) and cases not seen above
if not getattr(n, 'p_level', None):
n.p_level = min(this_p_levels) # rule of thumb: favor lower case

# Check if we've seen this type of marker before
found_in_prev = False
for stack_level in previous_levels:
if stack_level and in_same_p_level(n, stack_level):
found_in_prev = True
self.depth = stack_level[-1][0]
if not found_in_prev: # New type of marker
self.depth += 1
self.m_stack.add(self.depth, n)

def graphic(self, xml_node):
"""An image. Indents one level if preceded by a header"""
self.paragraph_counter += 1
gid = xml_node.xpath('./GID')[0].text
text = '![](' + gid + ')'
n = Node(text, node_type=Node.APPENDIX,
label=['p' + str(self.paragraph_counter)])

self.m_stack.add(self.depth, n)

def table(self, xml_node):
"""A table. Indents one level if preceded by a header"""
self.paragraph_counter += 1
n = Node(table_xml_to_plaintext(xml_node),
label=['p' + str(self.paragraph_counter)],

self.m_stack.add(self.depth, n)

def fence(self, xml_node, fence_type):
"""Use github-like fencing to indicate this is a note or code"""
Expand All @@ -294,9 +191,53 @@ def fence(self, xml_node, fence_type):
n = Node("\n".join(texts), node_type=Node.APPENDIX,
label=['p' + str(self.paragraph_counter)],

self.m_stack.add(self.depth, n)

def depth_zero_finder(self, node):
"""Look back through all known nodes to see if this is a
continuation of a previous set of paragraph markers"""
for depth, prev_node in self.m_stack.lineage_with_level():
for typ in (markers.lower, markers.upper, markers.ints,
if prev_node.label[-1] in typ and node.label[-1] in typ:
typ = list(typ)
prev_idx = typ.index(prev_node.label[-1])
current_idx = typ.index(node.label[-1])
if current_idx == prev_idx + 1:
return depth
return self.depth + 1

def end_group(self):
"""We've hit a header (or the end of the appendix), so take the
collected paragraphs and determine their depths and insert into the
heap accordingly"""
if self.nodes:
nodes = list(reversed(self.nodes))
markers = [n.label[-1] for n in self.nodes if not
if markers:
results = derive_depths(markers)
# currently no heuristics applied
depths = list(reversed(
[a.depth for a in results[0].assignment]))
depths = []
depth_zero = None # relative for beginning of marker depth
self.depth += 1
while nodes:
node = nodes.pop()
if AppendixProcessor.filler_regex.match(node.label[-1]):
# Not a marker paragraph
self.m_stack.add(self.depth, node)
depth = depths.pop()
# Match old behavior, placing marker paragraphs as
# children within non-marker paragraphs above
if depth_zero is None:
depth_zero = self.depth_zero_finder(node)
self.depth = depth_zero + depth
self.m_stack.add(self.depth, node)
self.nodes = []

def process(self, appendix, part):
self.m_stack = tree_utils.NodeStack()
Expand All @@ -305,6 +246,8 @@ def process(self, appendix, part):
self.header_count = 0
self.depth = None
self.appendix_letter = None
# holds collections of nodes until their depth is determined
self.nodes = []

remove_toc(appendix, self.appendix_letter)
Expand All @@ -319,18 +262,14 @@ def is_subhead(tag, text):
text = tree_utils.get_node_text(child, add_spaces=True).strip()
if ((child.tag == 'HD' and child.attrib['SOURCE'] == 'HED')
or child.tag == 'RESERVED'):
self.hed(part, text)
elif is_subhead(child.tag, text):
self.subheader(child, text)
elif initial_marker(text) and child.tag in ('P', 'FP', 'HD'):
if child.getnext() is None:
next_text = ''
next_text = self.find_next_text_with_marker(
child.getnext()) or ''
texts = self.split_paragraph_text(text, next_text)
for text, next_text in zip(texts, texts[1:]):
self.paragraph_with_marker(text, next_text)
text, tree_utils.get_node_text_tags_preserved(child))
elif child.tag in ('P', 'FP'):
elif child.tag == 'GPH':
Expand All @@ -342,18 +281,35 @@ def is_subhead(tag, text):
elif child.tag == 'CODE':
self.fence(child, child.get('LANGUAGE', 'code'))

while self.m_stack.size() > 1:

if self.m_stack.m_stack[0]:
root = self.m_stack.m_stack[0][0][1]

def per_node(n):
if hasattr(n, 'p_level'):
del n.p_level

walk(root, per_node)
return root
return self.m_stack.m_stack[0][0][1]

def split_paragraph_text(text):
"""Split text into a root node and its children (if the text contains
collapsed markers"""
marker_positions = []
for marker in _first_markers:
# text.index('(') to skip over the periods, spaces, etc.
marker_positions.extend(text.index('(', m.start())
for m in marker.finditer(text))
# Remove any citations
citations = internal_citations(text, require_marker=True)
marker_positions = [pos for pos in marker_positions
if not any(cit.start <= pos and cit.end >= pos
for cit in citations)]
texts = []
# Drop Zeros, add the end
break_points = [p for p in marker_positions if p] + [len(text)]
last_pos = 0
for pos in break_points:
last_pos = pos
return texts

def process_appendix(appendix, part):
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions regparser/tree/xml_parser/
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import itertools
import logging
import re
import string

from regparser.citations import Label, remove_citation_overlaps
from regparser.layer.key_terms import KeyTerms
Expand All @@ -11,7 +10,6 @@
from regparser.tree.interpretation import merge_labels, text_to_labels
from regparser.tree.struct import Node, treeify
from regparser.tree.xml_parser import tree_utils
from regparser.utils import roman_nums

_marker_regex = re.compile(
Expand Down

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