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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 12, 2023. It is now read-only.


Repository files navigation alternative front-end

Alternative front-end for


Node.js 7.x

You can install nvm to make things easy. Once nvm is installed, you just have to run nvm install in the project root folder to install the expected version of Node.js

Next time you want to contribute to the project, do not forget to run nvm use in the project root folder to set the right version of Node.js for your terminal session (it is even more simple if you're also a direnv user. Check the .envrc file).


We use Yarn to deal with dependencies resolution.


To communicate with the api hosted at, you first have to create an account at

Available commands

Install dependencies

$ yarn install

Serve app and watch for changes

$ yarn start

Test the app

$ yarn test # or `yarn test:auto` if you're a TDD person

Build the app for production

$ yarn build