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cgcardona edited this page Jan 13, 2013 · 47 revisions

AudioFile Introduction & Overview

Every AudioFile Application will consist of the following assets:

I. This directory structure:

  • AppName/
    • models/
    • views/
      • index.html
    • controller/
      • AppNameController.js
    • config/
      • AFManifest.json
    • public/
      • images/
        • logo40.png
        • logo120.png
      • stylesheets/
        • reset.css
      • javascripts/
        • jQuery.js
        • underscore.js

II. A javascript file which acts as the Application Controller/Delegate. This file should have all the methods for the AudioFile Application Lifecycle (onAFApplicationStart, onAFApplicationStop, onAFApplicationPause, and onAFApplicationUnpause)

AudioFile Application Lifecycle

Your Application can be started, stopped, paused, or unpaused by a User at any time so your Application Controller should contain the following 4 methods:

  1. onAFApplicationStart()

  2. onAFApplicationStop()

  3. onAFApplicationPause()

  4. onAFApplicationUnpause()

For more info check out the documentation for the AFController Object

Sub Frameworks

The AudioFile Framework itself is conceptually composed of smaller frameworks.

The Core Framework handles the lifecycle of the Audiofile Client.

The Pixel Framework handles anything UI related

The Genetics Framework handles anything genetics related

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