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Package to run a genotype quality control pipeline


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Genotype Quality Control Pipeline

This Python package is designed to execute a genotype quality control pipeline, encapsulating several years of research at CGE Tübingen.

Basic requirements

The quality control pipeline is built on PLINK 1.9 as the main tool. The cge-comrare-pipeline serves as a wrapper for the various pipeline steps. To run the pipeline, PLINK 1.9 must be installed on the system.

The pipeline is designed to seamlessly run with minimal input and produce cleaned binary files as a result. To accomplish this, the following folder structure is expected:

  1. The inputData folder should contain the binary files with the genotype data to be analyzed in PLINK format (.bed, .bim, .fam files).

  2. The outputData folder will contain the resultant files of the quality control pipeline. Below, the pipeline output will be detailed.

  3. The dependables folder is designed to contain necessary files for the pipeline.

  4. The configFiles older is essential for the correct functioning of the pipeline. It should contain three configuration files: parameters.JSON, paths.JSON and steps.JSON.

Configuration Files

These two files contain all the information necessary to run the pipeline.

Quality Control Pipeline Parameters

The parameters.JSON file contains values for PLINK commands that will be used in the pipeline. If this file is not provided, the default values of the pipeline will be taken into account. These are

    "maf" : 0.05,
    "geno": 0.1,
    "mind": 0.1,
    "hwe" : 0.00000005,
    "sex_check": [0.2, 0.8],
    "indep-pairwise": [50, 5, 0.2],
    "chr_y": 24,
    "ref_threshold": 4,
    "stu_threshold": 6,
    "reference_pop": "SAS",
    "pca": 10,
    "ibd_thres": 0.185,
    "kingship": 0.354,
    "umap_n_neighbors": 15,
    "umap_min_dist": 0.1,
    "umap_metric": "euclidean"

If you wish to change at least one of the default values, please provide the full information in the configuration file. The corresponding .JSON file for the cge-comrare-pipeline default parameters can be found in the repository.

Paths to Project Folders

The paths.JSON file contains the addresses to the project folder as well as the prefix of the input and output data. The file must contain the following fields:

    "input_directory"      : "<path to folder with project input data>",
    "input_prefix"         : "<prefix of the input data>",
    "output_directory"     : "<path to folder where the output data will go>",
    "output_prefix"        : "<prefix for the output data>",
    "dependables_directory": "<path to folder with dependables files>"

If the CLI is run locally you should provide the full path to the directories.

Pipeline Steps

The steps.JSON file has the following structure:

    "pca"    : true,
    "sample" : true,
    "variant": true

With the above configuration, all three steps will run seamlessly, which is the recommended initial configuration. If you want to skip some steps, change the value to false. For example,

    "pca"    : false,
    "sample" : true,
    "variant": true

allows you to run only the sample and variant quality control. Note that an exception will be raised if the PCA step has not been run, as the necessary files for the sample steps would not be available.

Dependable Files

This folder should contain additional files to run the quality control pipeline. The structure inside the directory should be as follows:


Notice that the files all_phase3.bed, all_phase3.bim, all_phase3.fam and all_phase3.psam correspond to the 1000 Genomes phase 3. In addition, the file high-LD-regions.txt corresponds to the build 38, in order to be consistent with 1000 Genomes phase 3 build.

The file geographic_info.txt is optional. It should contain two columns: the first one for individual ids, and the second one with geographical (or another categorical information that allows to split the study population) information. With this file it can be built a plot to see the genes distribution by categories. If the file is not present the plot will not be generated. The separator between the two columns must be a blank space.

In a future realease is intended to add this step in the pipeline.

Output Data

This folder has the following structure:


Results of PCA analysis

This folder contains the results from the PCA analysis. Once the process is finished the folder will contain two folders and four files. The two folders are

  1. fail_samples: it contains a .txt file with the samples that failed the ancestry check;
  2. log_files: it contains the .log files of all the PLINK executed commands. The four files are
  3. results.clean.bim, results.clean.bed and results.clean.fam: PLINK binary files with the samples who passed the quality control;
  4. results.pca.eigenvec: matrix with the eigenvectors from the principal component decomposition.

Recall that the cleaned binary files will feed the next steps.


In this folder one can find the plots that are generated along the pipeline.

Results of Sample Quality Control

This folder contains the results from the Sample Quality Control. Once the process is done the folder will contain two folders and three files. The two folders are

  1. fail_samples: it contains .txt files with the samples that failed the different stages of the sample qc;
  2. log_files: it contains the .log files of all the PLINK executed commands. The three files are
  3. results.clean.bim, results.clean.bed and results.clean.fam: PLINK binary files with the samples who passed the quality control.

Recall that the cleaned binary files will feed the next steps.

Results of Variant Quality Control

This folder contains the results from the Variant Quality Control. Once the process is done the folder will contain two folders and three files. The two folders are

  1. fail_samples: it contains .txt files with the samples that failed the different stages of the variant qc;
  2. log_files: it contains the .log files of all the PLINK executed commands. The three files are
  3. results.clean.bim, results.clean.bed and results.clean.fam: PLINK binary files without the variants that failed the quality control.

These cleaned binary files are ready for the next steps of the GWAS analysis.


The pipeline is easy to use. Once installed in the system or in a virtual enviroment one needs to run the following command:

python3 cge_comrare_pipeline --path_params <path to parameters.JSON> 
                             --file_folders <path to paths.JSON> 
                             --steps <path to steps.JSON>
                             --pca-first <true or false>
                             --use-kingship <true or false>

The first three parameters are the path to the three configuration files. The fourth and fifth parameters are used to control the pipeline behavior.

Docker Container

With the Dockerfile one can create a Docker container for the pipeline. Notice that the container needs to intereact with physical files. Then, we recommend the usage of the following command:

docker run -v <path to project folder>:/data <docker_image_name>:<tag> --path_params <relative path to parameters.JSON> --file_folders <relative path to paths.JSON> --steps <relative path to steps.JSON> --pca-first false --use-kingship false

It is important to remark that the path to the files in paths.JSON must be relative to their location inside data folder in the Docker container.


Package to run a genotype quality control pipeline








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