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This repository contains my submission for the Task 5 (Urban Sound Tagging) of the the DCASE 2019 Challenge. The code from the baseline ( was used as a starting point.

It is part of my master thesis internship done at Orange Labs Lannion

Setting up an environment

You will need the environment presented in the baseline ( + two additional libraries: soundfile and librosa (using 'pip install <name_of_the_library>'). Using tensorflow-gpu is recommended.

Dowloading the data

You can download the data at: and store the folders 'train' and 'validate' into the folder 'data'

Extracting the input features

The feature engineering uses the method presented in the book 'Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python'. First the recordings are re-sampled using a sampling rate of 22050Hz. Then three features are extracted from these signals:

  • the mel-spectrograms using 64 mel-bands and a hop length of 512 thus resulting a 64 rows x 431 colums image
  • the averaged value of the harmonic and percussive components (64 rows x 431 colums image)
  • the derivative of the log-mel spectrograms (64 rows x 431 colums image)

python data/annotations.csv data features

This transforms the sounds in the repository 'data' using the file 'annotations.csv' and store them in the repository 'features'

Training a model

The model is a VGG-16 network pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset. For more details, see the technical report.

python data/annotations.csv dcase-ust-taxonomy.yaml features/mel output baseline_coarse

This trains a model using the input features in 'features/mel'

Generating output files

Then an output file following the Dcase challenge format is generated:

python data/annotations.csv dcase-ust-taxonomy.yaml features/mel output baseline_coarse

Evaluating the performance

The metrics of the challenge are computed:

python output/baseline_coarse/*/output_mean.csv data/annotations.csv dcase-ust-taxonomy.yaml

'*' is the timestamp


Coarse level model

Coarse level evaluation:


  • Micro AUPRC: 0.8261913279303387
  • Micro F1-score (@0.5): 0.743362831858407
  • Macro AUPRC: 0.611261794893059
  • Coarse Tag AUPRC:
    • 1: 0.8684264612721558
    • 2: 0.6049144982578505
    • 3: 0.5650667475752684
    • 4: 0.6889917351156993
    • 5: 0.9205722885890331
    • 6: 0.1799830711437796
    • 7: 0.9479529102624412
    • 8: 0.11418664692824343

Fine level model

Fine level evaluation:


  • Micro AUPRC: 0.7014738063991779
  • Micro F1-score (@0.5): 0.6127583108715184
  • Macro AUPRC: 0.4724765604745462
  • Coarse Tag AUPRC:
    • 1: 0.6531594643746426
    • 2: 0.2512843567121016
    • 3: 0.5434017171930277
    • 4: 0.31237853424904555
    • 5: 0.8335765730854546
    • 6: 0.11773996273721583
    • 7: 0.8865961250349249
    • 8: 0.18167575040995732

Coarse level evaluation:


  • Micro AUPRC: 0.7740104836386648
  • Micro F1-score (@0.5): 0.6375779162956368
  • Macro AUPRC: 0.567213952487685
  • Coarse Tag AUPRC:
    • 1: 0.8523622398735744
    • 2: 0.2701405020236839
    • 3: 0.5434017171930277
    • 4: 0.6421566170571933
    • 5: 0.9037666467289218
    • 6: 0.18743184569126736
    • 7: 0.9567763009238545
    • 8: 0.18167575040995732


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