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Advanced Data Visualization with ggplot2

Rice University Workshop (March 2021)

by Allison Horst

Workshop guide

Available here:

Workshop outline

  • Conceptual hierarchy of data viz
  • ggplot2 basics review
    • Aesthetic mapping
    • Themes
    • Labels
    • Facets (& facet grids vs facet wraps)
    • Getting things in order (e.g. fct_reorder)
  • Advanced customization in ggplot2
    • scales for thoughtful breaks and labels
    • …and color schemes (+ paletteer!)
    • In the weeds of themes (gridlines, panel colors, margins, etc.)
    • Direct annotation (as an alternative to legends)
    • Repulsive labels (e.g. ggrepel)
    • Highlighting for clarity (e.g. with gghighlight)
  • Compound figures with patchwork
  • A few new graph types to consider
    • Marginal plot
    • Beeswarm plots with ggbeeswarm
    • Heatmaps with geom_tile()
    • A map! in ggplot2
  • Export & save your graphs
  • Keep learning

Workshop prep:

There are two ways you can get the workshop materials:

  1. Create a free RStudio Cloud account, and access the materials here: If you use this option, make sure to click “Make permanent copy” or your work will be deleted when you close the project.

  2. Fork & clone this repo to work locally.

Required packages:

Make sure you have recent versions of the following packages installed for the workshop:

General use packages:

  • tidyverse
  • here
  • janitor

Specifically for plots:

  • patchwork
  • ggrepel
  • gghighlight
  • paletteer
  • ggExtra
  • ggbeeswarm

Spatial data simplified:

  • sf

And for another dataset we’ll explore:

  • gapminder


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