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  1. Memoization (Not Covered in this repo)
  • useMemo to memoize a value, reduce unnecessary recomputations
  • useCallback to memoize a function to avoid unnecessary rerenders
  • React.memo to memoize a component which only change when there is a change in props. (Note: If component subscribes to Context API state then it will rerender even if you memoize)
  1. Code Splitting
  • Dynamic Imports (Dividing code into chunks and importing only when needed)
  • lazy loading to further improve optimization
  • useTransition Hook and Suspense to handle state update and displaying/handling state data
  1. Debouncing
  • Technique to control the frequency at which a funciton is executed. Execute after a pause
  • AutoComplete, window resize, user input
  1. Throttling
  • Technique to limit the execution of a function to set intervals.
  • AutoComplete, window resize, scrolling, button click handling.
  1. Imgae Optimization
  • Covered in other repo. (image-optimization)