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Chandu Avni's Digital Garden

Digital Gardens

Digital gardens are a way to present ideas and information. The content in a digital garden differs from a blog, because the latter is organized by reverse chronology and the former is nonlinear and based on forming links between ideas. In many (but not all) cases, blog posts are intended to be perfect at the time of publication and rarely edited afterwards. Digital gardens allow for quick notes that can be revisted in the future. (Read Maggie Appleton's A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Gardenfor further information on digital gardens vs blogs.) Ideas in a digital garden grow through writing and revising in public, which lends itself to the concept of learning in public. (Rizèl Scarlett's How to learn in public elaborates on the benefits of learning in public.)

Set Up

The site runs on a subdomaain of my main website. (Main website's repository is available on GitHub.)

This site is a fork of Maxime Vaillancourt's digital garden Jekyll template.

I loosely followed Mike Tannenbaum's guide for setting up markdown files using Obsidian within the Jekyll directory for the digital garden.


This site is a fork of Maxime Vaillancourt's digital garden Jekyll template. That template's source code is available under the MIT license.