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Machine Learning & Deep Learning Tutorials Awesome

Table of Contents


Interview Resources

Artificial Intelligence

Genetic Algorithms


Useful Blogs

Resources on Quora

Kaggle Competitions WriteUp

Cheat Sheets


Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Model Validation using Resampling

- Cross Validation - Training with Full dataset after CV? - Which CV method is best? - Variance Estimates in k-fold CV - Is CV a subsitute for Validation Set? - Choice of k in k-fold CV - CV for ensemble learning - k-fold CV in R - Good Resources - Overfitting and Cross Validation - Preventing Overfitting the Cross Validation Data | Andrew Ng - Over-fitting in Model Selection and Subsequent Selection Bias in Performance Evaluation - CV for detecting and preventing Overfitting - How does CV overcome the Overfitting Problem

- Bootstrapping - Why Bootstrapping Works? - Good Animation - Example of Bootstapping - Understanding Bootstapping for Validation and Model Selection - Cross Validation vs Bootstrap to estimate prediction error , Cross-validation vs .632 bootstrapping to evaluate classification performance

Deep Learning

- Deep Learning Frameworks - Torch vs. Theano - dl4j vs. torch7 vs. theano - Deep Learning Libraries by Language

- [Theano](
    - [Website]( 
    - [Theano Introduction](
    - [Theano Tutorial](
    - [Good Theano Tutorial](
    - [Logistic Regression using Theano for classifying digits](
    - [MLP using Theano](
    - [CNN using Theano](
    - [RNNs using Theano](
    - [LSTM for Sentiment Analysis in Theano](
    - [RBM using Theano](
    - [DBNs using Theano](
    - [All Codes](
    - [Deep Learning Implementation Tutorials - Keras and Lasagne](

- Feed Forward Networks - A Quick Introduction to Neural Networks - Implementing a Neural Network from scratch , Code - Speeding up your Neural Network with Theano and the gpu , Code - Basic ANN Theory - Role of Bias in Neural Networks - Choosing number of hidden layers and nodes , 2 , 3 - Backpropagation Explained - ANN implemented in C++ | AI Junkie - Simple Implementation - NN for Beginners - Regression and Classification with NNs (Slides) - Another Intro

- Recurrent and LSTM Networks - awesome-rnn: list of resources (GitHub Repo) - Recurrent Neural Net Tutorial Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Code - NLP RNN Representations - The Unreasonable effectiveness of RNNs , Torch Code , Python Code - Intro to RNN , LSTM - An application of RNN - Optimizing RNN Performance - Simple RNN - Auto-Generating Clickbait with RNN - Sequence Learning using RNN (Slides) - Machine Translation using RNN (Paper) - Music generation using RNNs (Keras) - Using RNN to create on-the-fly dialogue (Keras) - Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) - Understanding LSTM Networks - LSTM explained - Beginner’s Guide to LSTM - Implementing LSTM from scratch , Python/Theano code - Torch Code for character-level language models using LSTM - LSTM for Kaggle EEG Detection competition (Torch Code) - LSTM for Sentiment Analysis in Theano - Deep Learning for Visual Q&A | LSTM | CNN , Code - Computer Responds to email using LSTM | Google - LSTM dramatically improves Google Voice Search , Another Article - Understanding Natural Language with LSTM Using Torch - Torch code for Visual Question Answering using a CNN+LSTM model - Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) - LSTM vs GRU

- Recursive Neural Network (not Recurrent) - Recursive Neural Tensor Network (RNTN) - word2vec, DBN, RNTN for Sentiment Analysis

- Restricted Boltzmann Machine - Beginner's Guide about RBMs
- Another Good Tutorial - Introduction to RBMs - Hinton's Guide to Training RBMs - RBMs in R - Deep Belief Networks Tutorial - word2vec, DBN, RNTN for Sentiment Analysis

- Autoencoders: Unsupervised (applies BackProp after setting target = input) - Andrew Ng Sparse Autoencoders pdf - Deep Autoencoders Tutorial - Denoising Autoencoders , Theano Code - Stacked Denoising Autoencoders

- Convolutional Neural Networks - An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks - Awesome Deep Vision: List of Resources (GitHub) - Intro to CNNs - Understanding CNN for NLP - Stanford Notes , Codes , GitHub - JavaScript Library (Browser Based) for CNNs - Using CNNs to detect facial keypoints - Deep learning to classify business photos at Yelp - Interview with Yann LeCun | Kaggle - Visualising and Understanding CNNs

Natural Language Processing

- word2vec - Google word2vec - Bag of Words Model Wiki - A closer look at Skip Gram Modeling - Skip Gram Model Tutorial , CBoW Model - Word Vectors Kaggle Tutorial Python , Part 2 - Making sense of word2vec - word2vec explained on deeplearning4j - Quora word2vec - Other Quora Resources , 2 , 3 - word2vec, DBN, RNTN for Sentiment Analysis

Computer Vision

Support Vector Machine

Reinforcement Learning

Decision Trees

Random Forest / Bagging



Stacking Models

Vapnik–Chervonenkis Dimension

Bayesian Machine Learning

Semi Supervised Learning


Other Tutorials

  • For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using R, please refer to this list . ★ 15, pushed 143 days ago
  • For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using Python, please refer to this list .