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Self-Driving Car Project with a Raspberry Pi using the Raspian OS

Front of Car Car Body This project contains code that can be implemented on a Raspberry Pi using the Python 3 coding language. This code is designed to be implemented on an already built car with 1 Raspberry Pi, running the newest Raspian OS, as the single-board computer controlling the car. See the Objectives point below to see what the code can make the car do.

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Supplies (the ones I used in this project)

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2019 Quad Core 64 Bit WiFi Bluetooth (4GB)
  • Raspberry Pi 4 Case w/cooling Fan and Heatsinks
  • Pi Camera Wide Angled Fisheye Lens 5MP 1080P
  • Micro Servo SG90 9g
  • 3V DC Motors (2x)
  • L298N Motor Driver
  • 64 GB Micro SD Card
  • Portable 3A High-Speed Power Bank
  • Rechargeable 9V Batteries
  • Mini Breadboard
  • 470 Ohm Resistors (1x) (more to come once additional future objectives are achieved)
  • Personally Designed and Printed 3D Car Body Parts (can't purchase)


Achieved Objectives

  • Detect lane lines
    • Code:
  • Detect stop sign and stop car
    • Code:
    • Data: stopsign_good.xml
  • Train car on built track using 1 Raspberry Pi camera as the only sensor
    • Code:
      • To drive car from computer and collect data:
      • To pull data from github and build the CNN model:
      • Note: model.h5 and model.tflite are my models built from my data
  • Drive car from the CNN (convolutional neural network) model built based on training data in previous step
    • Code:

Future Objectives

Note: As these objectives are accomplished, the related code will be added to this repository and these points will be moved to the Achieved Objectives section

  • Detect a traffic light at an intersection and respond accordingly
  • Stop and avoid humans and other cars on crosswalks or on road
  • Implement LiDAR sensor to improve human and other car interaction/path planning
  • Add lights and blinkers to drive car in dark areas


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