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Extended JobManifest including execution logic

Ricardo Graciani edited this page Nov 1, 2013 · 1 revision

Current DIRAC Workflow implementation is over complicated, and at the same time it misses a fundamental piece: logic control (what to do if Module X execution produces an error, or if I want to do loops, or if statements).

Start from the current JobManifest implementation as DIRAC CFG we need to allow a complete description of the workload execution Executable and Arguments are not simple Options like now, but rather full sections. Once we agree on such description a tool that would take care of controlling its execution should allow to substitute the current "dirac-jobexec + JobDescription.xml" solution. The new mechanism should handle in the same way all user jobs.

The extended JobManifest will move from:

  Executable = /bin/ls
  Arguments = -ltr *.txt



Let's start with Arguments. In the simpler case it is just an option with an string value (just like now) but also other alternatives must be added: numerical values, coma separated list of strings or numerical values, and finally a CFG section that translate into a kwargs dict. So we should be able to handle:

Arguments = Hello
Arguments = Hello, World
Arguments = 1
Arguments = 0.5, 0.5, 3
  Arguments = Any of the above
  Site = MySite
  LogLevel = DEBUG
  Iterations = 10

Have a look at, in, that allows to use variables in CFGs and thus in JobManifest:

def expand( self ):
  Expand all options into themselves
  a = something-$b
  b = hello

  will end up with
  a = something-hello
  b = hello

The logic below will also be required:

  B = $A



B will be a deep copy of A (as a section), this needs to be implemented.

For the Executable, in the simpler case we have to support the current situation, it is an option with a string value. But in the general case it will be a full CFG section describing the job execution logic:

Executable = /bin/ls

should become:


What needs to be described in that new section is:

  • A list of named modules that are going to be used. Few standard ones should be available like "Exit", "ShellExec", "GetData", etc
  • An execution logic
  • An error handing logic

So in first approach it will look like:


Some Options could be defined to manipulate arguments, merging, concatenating, etc. And in a trivial case Modules section can be skipped.

Now to each of these section (this is still quite preliminary ideas, but I think are not too far from a working solution).

Modules: it is a container of sections each one describing an named module. On execution each module will be instantiated, it will have to inherit from a proper "Module" class to be defined and include an execute method that returns S_OK/S_ERROR with some limitations (only string, numerical types and lists, sequences or dicts using them are allowed) and a "getCFG" method that returns the default entry to be added when creating a new job description.

  # This are named description of each module to be used in Execution
  # For simple cases the Module can be named after the python Module
  # and search for in a default location:
  #    [XXX]DIRAC.Job.Modules.[ModuleName]
  #   in this case Path can be skipped
  # the Default Arguments for the Module is the Input CFG defined in Execution section
  # Arguments can be a string, a list of strings or a full section (dictionary)
  # the default Output is the Result dictionary returned by the execute method
  # All Options with updated values after the execution of the module should be made available
     # This path could be the default one to be searched for in all available extensions
     Path = Job.Modules.ShellExec
     # When called each module will get an Input CFG with named arguments
     # This is the default if nothing else is set
     Arguments = $Input
     # This is the default if nothing else is set
     # Result = CFG version of the result returned after the execution
     # After execution the return dictionary is passed as Result and the JobManifest reevaluated
     Status = $Result/OK
     # The result assumes that apart from OK and Value/Message this module also includes
     # ExitCode, StdOut, StdErr (name of StdOut/StdErr Files)
     # in the returned result dict
     ExitCode = $Result/ExitCode
     StdOut = $Result/StdOut
     StdErr = $Result/StdErr

Execution: it is a container for subsection describing the execution logic of the job (remember that CFG keeps track of the order). Something like:

Execution {

# If we are not going to add anything we can directly use Input # For old stile JDLs, they will translate into something like # Arguments # { # Executable = some executable_path # Arguments = string, number, list of strings, list of numbers or CFG (dict) # } # And will make use of a "default" ShellExec module, does not need to be declared # LogicFlow # { # Arguments = $Input # Module = ShellExec, Arguments, Status # } # OnError # { # # Exit is just another available module like ShellExec # Module = Exit, 1 # } # # Otherwise, use something like # For a linear execution with loop and conditional statements LogicFlow {

# This is a sequential list of describing how to execute Modules The number is irrelevant, but # names must start with keyword Module, # plus some options to allow manipulation of Input Arguments # each Module can be a list or a list of lists (a list of Modules to be executed, that can be empty) # The list should include at least one item (the name of the Module in the Modules section) # The second item is passed as argument to the execute method of the Module # they can be a string, a list (args) or a dictionary (kwargs) # The third and any further item are outputs from the execution of the module, they may come from # the Result Dict returned by the actual execution, or be determined in some other way. Module1 = ShellExec, $Input, Status # After execution of Module1, $Module1/Result will always, as well as # be defined and in this case also $Module1/Status, Arguments = $Module1/Arguments/Executable, '-l', $Module1/Result/StdOut Module2 = ShellExec, $Arguments # or even things like this at a later stage (This look very much like # what we need for workflows of Jobs) # Iterations of the same Module 1 definition Module3 = [ $Module1 for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ] # Conditional execution Module4 = [ $Module1 for i in [1,] if $Module3/Status ]

} OnError {

# If a given module from the LogicFlow is defined here, and Module['Result']['OK'] == False # the defined Error "Module is executed" Module1 = Exit, 1 Module3 = Exit, 3 Module4 = Exit, 0



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