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released this 15 Oct 21:39

<a name"4.0.0">

4.0.0 (2018-10-15)


Breaking Changes

  • As described in GH Issue #58, the previous change
    to the error comparison algorithm isn't compatible with IE and
    Safari due to those browsers adding extra enumerable properties
    onto Error objects. This commit causes Error objects to only
    include their name, message, and code properties in the
    comparison, regardless of enumerability.

  • This commit drops support for versions of Node
    that are no longer maintained.

  • feat: change error comparison algorithm

BREAKING CHANGE: Previously, Error objects were compared using
strict equality. This commit causes Error objects to be compared
using deep equality instead, but treats them as a special case by
including their name and message properties in the comparison,
regardless of enumerability.
