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Trainer Extensions

.. currentmodule:: chainer

In this section, you will learn about the following topics:

What is trainer Extension?

:class:`` is a callable object that takes a :class:`` object as an argument. By adding an :class:`` to a :class:`` using the :meth:`` method, the :class:`` will be called according to the schedule specified by using a trigger object (See the details in :ref:`trigger`)

The :class:`` object contains all information used in a training loop, e.g., models, optimizers, updaters, iterators, and datasets, etc. This makes it possible to change settings such as the learning rate of an optimizer.

Write a simple function

You can make a new :class:`` by writing a simple function which takes a :class:`` object as its argument. For example, when you want to reduce the learning rate periodically during training, an lr_drop extension can be written as follows:

.. testcode::

    def lr_drop(trainer):
        trainer.updater.get_optimizer('main').lr *= 0.1

Then you can add this function to a :class:`` object via :meth:`` method.

trainer.extend(lr_drop, trigger=(10, 'epoch'))

It lowers the learning rate every 10 epochs by multiplying 0.1 with the current learning rate.

Write a function decorated with @make_extension

:meth:`` is a decorator that adds some attributes to a given function. For example, the simple extension we created above can be written in this form:

.. testcode::

    @training.make_extension(trigger=(10, 'epoch'))
    def lr_drop(trainer):
        trainer.updater.get_optimizer('main').lr *= 0.1

The difference between the above example and this is whether it has a default trigger or not. In the latter case, :meth:`lr_drop` has its default trigger so that unless another trigger is specified via :meth:`` method, the trigger specified in :meth:`` is used by default. The code below acts the same as the former example, i.e., it reduces the learning rate every 10 epochs.


There are several attributes you can add using the :meth:`` decorator.

1. trigger

trigger is an object that takes a :class:`` object as an argument and returns a boolean value. If a tuple in the form (period, unit) is given as a trigger, it will be considered as an :class:`` that invokes the extension every period unit. For example, when the given tuple is (10, 'epoch'), the extension will run every 10 epochs.

trigger can also be given to the :meth:`` method that adds an extension to a :class:`` object. The priority of triggers is as follows:

See the details in the documentation of :meth:`` for more information.

2. default_name

An :class:`` is kept in a dictionary which is a property in a :class:``. This argument gives the name of the :class:``. Users will see this name in the keys of the snapshot which is a dictionary generated by serialization.

3. priority

As a :class:`` object can be assigned multiple :class:`` objects, the execution order is defined according to the following three values:

  • PRIORITY_WRITER: The priority for extensions that write some records to the observation dictionary. It includes cases that the extension directly adds values to the observation dictionary, or the extension uses the function to report values to the observation dictionary. Extensions which write something to reporter should go first because other Extensions which read those values may be added.
  • PRIORITY_EDITOR: The priority for extensions that edit the observation dictionary based on already reported values. Extensions which edit some values of reported ones should go after the extensions which write values to reporter but before extensions which read the final values.
  • PRIORITY_READER: The priority for extensions that only read records from the observation dictionary. This is also suitable for extensions that do not use the observation dictionary at all. Extensions which read the reported values should be fired after all the extensions which have other priorities, e.g, PRIORITY_WRITER and PRIORITY_EDITOR because it should read the final values.

See the details in the documentation of :class:`` for more information.

4. finalizer

You can specify a function to finalize the extension. It is called once at the end of the training loop, i.e., when :meth:`` has finished.

5. initializer

You can specify a function which takes a :class:`` object as an argument to initialize the extension. It is called once before the training loop begins.

Write a class inherited from the Extension class

This is the way to define your own extension with the maximum degree of freedom. You can keep any values inside of the extension and serialize them.

As an example, let's make an extension that drops the learning rate polynomially. It calculates the learning rate by this equation:

\eta = \eta_{\rm init} \left( 1 - \frac{t}{t_{\rm max}} \right)^{\rm power}

The learning rate will be dropped according to the curve below with {\rm power} = 0.5:


.. testcode::

    class PolynomialShift(training.Extension):

        def __init__(self, attr, power, stop_trigger, batchsize=None,
            self._attr = attr
            self._power = power
            self._init = None
            self._t = 0
            self._last_value = 0

            if stop_trigger[1] == 'iteration':
                self._maxiter = stop_trigger[0]
            elif stop_trigger[1] == 'epoch':
                if batchsize is None or len_dataset is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'When the unit of \'stop_trigger\' is \'epoch\', '
                        '\'batchsize\' and \'len_dataset\' should be '
                        'specified to calculate the maximum iteration.')
                n_iter_per_epoch = len_dataset / float(batchsize)
                self._maxiter = float(stop_trigger[0] * n_iter_per_epoch)

        def initialize(self, trainer):
            optimizer = trainer.updater.get_optimizer('main')
            # ensure that _init is set
            if self._init is None:
                self._init = getattr(optimizer, self._attr)

        def __call__(self, trainer):
            self._t += 1

            optimizer = trainer.updater.get_optimizer('main')
            value = self._init * ((1 - (self._t / self._maxiter)) ** self._power)
            setattr(optimizer, self._attr, value)
            self._last_value = value

        def serialize(self, serializer):
            self._t = serializer('_t', self._t)
            self._last_value = serializer('_last_value', self._last_value)
            if isinstance(self._last_value, np.ndarray):
                self._last_value = self._last_value.item()

stop_trigger = (10000, 'iteration')
trainer.extend(PolynomialShift('lr', 0.5, stop_trigger))

This extension PolynomialShift takes five arguments.

  • attr: The name of the optimizer property you want to update using this extension.
  • power: The power of the above equation to calculate the learning rate.
  • stop_trigger: The trigger given to the :class:`` object to specify when to stop the training loop.
  • batchsize: The training mini-batchsize.
  • len_dataset: The length of the dataset, i.e., the number of data in the training dataset.

This extension calculates the number of iterations which will be performed during training by using stop_trigger, batchsize, and len_dataset, then stores it as a property _maxiter. This property will be used in the __call__() method to update the learning rate. The initialize() method obtains the initial learning rate from the optimizer given to the :class:`` object. The serialize() method stores or recovers the properties, _t (number of iterations) and _last_value (the latest learning rate), belonging to this extension.