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Version: 0.2.4 Type: application AppVersion: v0.36.0

A Helm chart for Tekton pipelines



Key Type Default Description
configDefaults.Example string "################################\n# #\n# EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION #\n# #\n################################\n\n# This block is not actually functional configuration,\n# but serves to illustrate the available configuration\n# options and document them in a way that is accessible\n# to users that kubectl edit` this config map.\n#\n# These sample configuration options may be copied out of\n# this example block and unindented to be in the data block\n# to actually change the configuration.\n\n# default-timeout-minutes contains the default number of\n# minutes to use for TaskRun and PipelineRun, if none is specified.\ndefault-timeout-minutes: "60" # 60 minutes\n\n# default-service-account contains the default service account name\n# to use for TaskRun and PipelineRun, if none is specified.\ndefault-service-account: "default"\n\n# default-managed-by-label-value contains the default value given to the\n# "" label applied to all Pods created for\n# TaskRuns. If a user's requested TaskRun specifies another value for this\n# label, the user's request supercedes.\ndefault-managed-by-label-value: "tekton-pipelines"\n\n# default-pod-template contains the default pod template to use for\n# TaskRun and PipelineRun. If a pod template is specified on the\n# PipelineRun, the default-pod-template is merged with that one.\n# default-pod-template:\n\n# default-affinity-assistant-pod-template contains the default pod template\n# to use for affinity assistant pods. If a pod template is specified on the\n# PipelineRun, the default-affinity-assistant-pod-template is merged with\n# that one.\n# default-affinity-assistant-pod-template:\n\n# default-cloud-events-sink contains the default CloudEvents sink to be\n# used for TaskRun and PipelineRun, when no sink is specified.\n# Note that right now it is still not possible to set a PipelineRun or\n# TaskRun specific sink, so the default is the only option available.\n# If no sink is specified, no CloudEvent is generated\n# default-cloud-events-sink:\n\n# default-task-run-workspace-binding contains the default workspace\n# configuration provided for any Workspaces that a Task declares\n# but that a TaskRun does not explicitly provide.\n# default-task-run-workspace-binding: \n# emptyDir: {}\n"`
configLeaderElection.leaseDuration string "60s"
configLeaderElection.renewDeadline string "40s"
configLeaderElection.retryPeriod string "10s"
configLogging.loglevelController string "info"
configLogging.loglevelWebhook string "info"
configLogging.zapLoggerConfig string "{\n \"level\": \"info\",\n \"development\": false,\n \"sampling\": {\n \"initial\": 100,\n \"thereafter\": 100\n },\n \"outputPaths\": [\"stdout\"],\n \"errorOutputPaths\": [\"stderr\"],\n \"encoding\": \"json\",\n \"encoderConfig\": {\n \"timeKey\": \"ts\",\n \"levelKey\": \"level\",\n \"nameKey\": \"logger\",\n \"callerKey\": \"caller\",\n \"messageKey\": \"msg\",\n \"stacktraceKey\": \"stacktrace\",\n \"lineEnding\": \"\",\n \"levelEncoder\": \"\",\n \"timeEncoder\": \"iso8601\",\n \"durationEncoder\": \"\",\n \"callerEncoder\": \"\"\n }\n}\n"
configObservability.Example string "################################\n# #\n# EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION #\n# #\n################################\n\n# This block is not actually functional configuration,\n# but serves to illustrate the available configuration\n# options and document them in a way that is accessible\n# to users that kubectl edit this config map.\n#\n# These sample configuration options may be copied out of\n# this example block and unindented to be in the data block\n# to actually change the configuration.\n\n# metrics.backend-destination field specifies the system metrics destination.\n# It supports either prometheus (the default) or stackdriver.\n# Note: Using Stackdriver will incur additional charges.\nmetrics.backend-destination: prometheus\n\n# metrics.stackdriver-project-id field specifies the Stackdriver project ID. This\n# field is optional. When running on GCE, application default credentials will be\n# used and metrics will be sent to the cluster's project if this field is\n# not provided.\nmetrics.stackdriver-project-id: \"<your stackdriver project id>\"\n\n# metrics.allow-stackdriver-custom-metrics indicates whether it is allowed\n# to send metrics to Stackdriver using \"global\" resource type and custom\n# metric type. Setting this flag to \"true\" could cause extra Stackdriver\n# charge. If metrics.backend-destination is not Stackdriver, this is\n# ignored.\nmetrics.allow-stackdriver-custom-metrics: \"false\"\nmetrics.taskrun.level: \"task\"\nmetrics.taskrun.duration-type: \"histogram\"\nmetrics.pipelinerun.level: \"pipeline\"\nmetrics.pipelinerun.duration-type: \"histogram\"\n"
controller.ports[0].name string "http-metrics"
controller.ports[0].port int 9090
controller.ports[0].protocol string "TCP"
controller.ports[0].targetPort int 9090
controller.ports[1].name string "http-profiling"
controller.ports[1].port int 8008
controller.ports[1].targetPort int 8008
controller.ports[2].name string "probes"
controller.ports[2].port int 8080
controller.ports[2].targetPort int 0
controller.replicas int 1
controller.tektonPipelinesController.image.repository string ""
controller.tektonPipelinesController.image.tag string "303da752778cfb1f9b25e1b4b2db0a6754dc4029f2246eca79cc9f9ec16ae201"
controller.type string "ClusterIP"
featureFlags.disableAffinityAssistant string "false"
featureFlags.disableCredsInit string "false"
featureFlags.enableApiFields string "stable"
featureFlags.enableCustomTasks string "false"
featureFlags.enableTektonOciBundles string "false"
featureFlags.requireGitSshSecretKnownHosts string "false"
featureFlags.runningInEnvironmentWithInjectedSidecars string "true"
featureFlags.sendCloudeventsForRuns string "false"
kubernetesClusterDomain string "cluster.local"
pipelinesInfo.version string "v0.36.0"
webhook.ports[0].name string "http-metrics"
webhook.ports[0].port int 9090
webhook.ports[0].targetPort int 9090
webhook.ports[1].name string "http-profiling"
webhook.ports[1].port int 8008
webhook.ports[1].targetPort int 8008
webhook.ports[2].name string "https-webhook"
webhook.ports[2].port int 443
webhook.ports[2].targetPort int 8443
webhook.ports[3].name string "probes"
webhook.ports[3].port int 8080
webhook.ports[3].targetPort int 0
webhook.replicas int 1
webhook.type string "ClusterIP"
webhook.webhook.image.repository string ""
webhook.webhook.image.tag string "d762e0e8033609e6908ce7689018624c9b6443a48bb0ecccf108eb88ccbde331"
webhook.webhook.resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
webhook.webhook.resources.limits.memory string "500Mi"
webhook.webhook.resources.requests.cpu string "100m"
webhook.webhook.resources.requests.memory string "100Mi"