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Race Ronin Chain

An (almost) on-chain game where you race the Ronin chain based on block hashes using the Foundry framework.

See the full details in the Chainstack Developer Portal — Ronin: On-Chain meta racing game


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • Chainstack account: Needed to deploy a Ronin node. Start for free.
  • Foundry: Used for compiling, testing, and deploying the contract. Follow the installation instructions here.
  • Necessary for participation and winner calculation & submission scripts. Installation can be done via pip: pip install web3.

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository: Access all necessary files for the game.

    git clone
    cd race-ronin-chain
  2. Add your Chainstack RPC node: Add your Chainstack RPC node URL to the foundry.toml file.

    version = "0.8.19"
    src = "src"
    out = "out"
    libs = ["lib"]
    eth_rpc_url = "CHAINSTACK_NODE_ENDPOINT"
  3. Generate the contract ABI: If you modify the contract, generate a new ABI with:

forge build --silent && jq '.abi' ./out/RaceRoninChain.sol/RaceRoninChain.json > ./abi/RaceRoninChain.abi

  1. Deploy the contract: Ronin does not support EIP-1559, so use legacy transactions.

forge create src/RaceRoninChain.sol:RaceRoninChain --private-key YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY --constructor-args TREASURY_ADDRESS --legacy

Replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY with your deployer private key and TREASURY_ADDRESS with the address to receive the house fees.

  1. Interact with the contract: Use the provided Python scripts to enter races and compute & submit winners.
  • For generating predictions and entering races.
  • For calculating and submitting race winners.

Ensure to provide necessary variables like private keys, addresses, and Chainstack

endpoints within the scripts.


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