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A line-based builder for extracting code regions from source files.

Documentation for a package or framework often contains code excerpts. There are two main approaches to ensuring that such code excerpts remain up-to-date as the package or framework code base evolves. (1) A literate programming approach, where code fragments are extracted from the docs, then analyzed and tested. (2) A complementary approach where named code regions are extracted from sources, and docs are refreshed (as needed) when code regions change.

Both approaches have their merits, but code_excerpter, and its companion tool code_excerpt_updater, support (2). More specifically:

  • code_excerpter is a builder that can be used to extract code regions from source files.
  • code_excerpt_updater can be used to refresh code regions inside docs using the output from code_excerpter

Usage synopsis

  1. One-time setup: define a builder config file.
  2. Markup your sources with (optionally named) code regions delimited by #docregion / #enddocregion pairs, each written inside a line comment. An example is given below.
  3. Run the builder.
  4. Use code_excerpt_updater to update your docs.

Repeat steps 2-4 as the code base evolves.

Examples sources

// #docregion imports
import 'dart:async';
// #enddocregion imports

// #docregion main, main-stub
void main() async {
  // #enddocregion main-stub
  print('Compute π using the Monte Carlo method.');
  await for (var estimate in computePi().take(500)) {
    print('π ≅ $estimate');
  // #docregion main-stub
// #enddocregion main, main-stub

/// Generates a stream of increasingly accurate estimates of π.
Stream<double> computePi({int batch: 100000}) async* {
  // ...

The regions defined in the Dart source above are: imports, main, main-stub, and (implicitly) the default region named ''. If you don't explicitly delimit the default region, it is assumed to be the entire file.

Some of the regions defined in the example above include:

  • imports region:

    import 'dart:async';
  • main-stub region:

    void main() async {
      // ···

The main-stub region is discontinuous, that is, it has a break in it. By default, when the code_excerpt_updater renders a region with breaks, each breaks is replaced by a (language-specific) comment line filled with a plaster marker (···).

For details concerning the processing of plasters, see the code_excerpt_updater documentation.


  • If a code region end coincides with the file end, then its closing #enddocregion can be omitted.
  • The code_excerpter supports source files in all popular languages including Dart, HTML, YAML, CSS, SCSS, and more.


As illustrated above, the region markers can be followed by zero or more comma-separated region names.

A legal region name is one of:

  • ''
  • A non-empty sequence of alphanumeric characters possibly containing a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_).

Sample builder config

To use the builder, create a config file such as the following build.yaml file:

      include: [examples/**]
        - '**/.*/**'
        - '**/build/**'
        enabled: true

Build by running this command:

dart run build_runner build --output=<some-directory>

Yaml files containing excerpts (*.excerpt.yaml) will be placed in the build output folder.


A line-based utility for extracting code regions.







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