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Parking Lot (CLI) - Kotlin Multiplatform

Test Build (and Release) GitHub release (latest by date)

A CLI-based parking lot (low-level-design case study) implemented with Kotlin Multiplatform.

This compiles down to the following platforms

  • JVM (Java 17) - fat jar file bat/sh script to execute
  • JS (NodeJS) - single .js file to execute
  • Native (MacOS) - single binary to execute
  • Native (Linux) - single binary to execute
  • Native (Windows) - single binary to execute


CLI Operations

Create a parking lot

Parking Lot Program Started
How many floors are there in the parking lot?: 
> 1
How many CAR slots are there on floor 0?: 
> 5
How many TRUCK slots are there on floor 0?: 
> 5
How many BIKE slots are there on floor 0?: 
> 5
Lot 0 Status:
Floor 0 Status:
Type       Empty
CAR       5
TRUCK       5
BIKE       5

Park A Vehicle

Pick an opertation: (enter the number) 
1. Park a vehicle
2. Unpark a vehicle
3. Get status of the parking lot: 
> 1
What type of vehicle is it? CAR | TRUCK | BIKE: 
What is the registration number of the vehicle?: 
> KA-01-4545
What is the color of the vehicle? WHITE | BLACK | RED | BLUE | GREEN | YELLOW | ORANGE | PURPLE | BROWN | GREY | PINK: 
What is the brand of the vehicle?: 
> Mahindra
What is the model of the vehicle?: 
> Thar
MESSAGE: Vehicle parked successfully with at 0-0-0

Print Status of Parking Lot

Pick an opertation: (enter the number) 
1. Park a vehicle
2. Unpark a vehicle
3. Get status of the parking lot: 
> 3
Lot 0 Status:
Floor 0 Status:
Type       Empty
CAR       4
TRUCK       5
BIKE       5

Unpark a Vehicle

Pick an opertation: (enter the number) 
1. Park a vehicle
2. Unpark a vehicle
3. Get status of the parking lot: 
> 2
Enter the registration number of the vehicle to unpark: 
> KA-01-4545
MESSAGE: Vehicle found
Vehicle(registrationNumber=KA-01-4545, color=RED, type=CAR, brand=Mahindra, model=Thar)
Confirm unpark? Y/N (default: N): 
> Y
MESSAGE: Vehicle unparked successfully


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