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UIOWA Universal Workflow


This NPM package @uiowa/universal-workflow serves as the standard way to display Universal Workflow widget and routing history in Angular. The package contains two components, workflow-widget and uw-routing-history, and a service WorkflowService.

This package depends on @uiowa/spinner which shows a loading placeholder while the Universal Workflow data is loading.



  • The Widget Component

    <ng-container *ngIf="uwPermissions?.canSign; else history">
    <ng-template #history>
      <uw-routing-history [packageId]="packageId"></uw-routing-history>
      ngOnInit(): void {
          switchMap((params: ParamMap) => {
            if (!params) {
              return of(null);
            this.formId = params.get('formId') || '';
            this.packageId = +(params.get('packageId') || '');
            this.signatureId = params.get('signatureId') || '';
            if (!this.packageId) {
              return of(null);
            this.loading = true;
            return this.svc
              .pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false)));
        .subscribe((x) => {
          if (x) {
            this.dataRows =;
            this.uwPermissions = x.permissions;
  • The Routing History Component

    <uw-routing-history [packageId]="13082237"></uw-routing-history>
  • The Workflow Service

    By default, you don't need to touch the WorkflowService. The service has two methods: getWorkflowWidgetConfig() and getPackageRoutingHistory(packageId: number): Observable<string>, which call backend API endpoints ${this.api}/widget-config and ${this.api}/packages/${packageId}/routing-history where protected readonly api: string = 'api/workflow'.

    If you decide to choose a different implementation, then you can follow the demo app in this solution to provide another service.