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Releases: chanind/hanzi-writer


01 Oct 08:27
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Adding a writer.updateColor(colorName, colorVal, options) method which can be used to change any color options on a writer instance. Ex: writer.updateColor('strokeColor', '#123', { duration: 300 }).


30 Sep 16:50
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Implementing a new way of setting up a HanziWriter instance to avoid having the constructor doing too much work, as described in #55. The previous method of new HanziWriter(elm, char, options) will still work but with a deprecation warning. Instead, the following methods are encouraged:

  • var writer = HanziWriter.create(elm, char, options) This works identically to the way the old constructor used to work and is a drop-in replacement.
  • var writer = new HanziWriter(elm, options); writer.setCharacter(char) This can be used to set the character later after the writer instance has been created.

Thanks to @vaab and @Mikurox for the input on this.


11 Aug 07:40
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This release includes #85 by @kkroid which explicitly sets SVG height and width instead of using height="100%" and width="100%".


20 Jul 12:19
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This release uses SVG matrixTransform as described in #84 and #83 for getting mouse and touch positions during quizzing. This should make quizzing more reliable in some environments, such as in Anki.


18 Apr 02:30
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Adding 2 static helper methods to make it easier to load and work with raw character data.

  • HanziWriter.loadCharacterData(character, options = {})
  • HanziWriter.getScalingTransform(width, height, padding = 0)


19 Mar 02:43
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Fixing a bug where setting duration: 0 in show/hide methods was being ignored #75


14 Mar 16:38
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Adding a highlightCompleteColor option, which can be used to control the color that the quiz flashes after it has been successfully completed if desired. If not set, the quiz will continue to use the highlightColor instead.


08 Mar 14:24
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Slight improvements to stroke matching:

  • a minimum length metric was added
  • the full character is taken into account during matching, so it's better at judging if a user was trying to draw a nearby stroke in the wrong order


06 Mar 02:40
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Fixing a regression on #43, where strokes become partially visible if the user draws strokes very quickly during quizzing.


05 Mar 15:33
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This release improves stroke matching, and adds a leniency param which can be set to increase or decrease the leniency of the stroke matcher in quizzes.