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Prompt Guidelines

This is a framework for writing prompt copy.

A user might uncover several prompts in the same session. Having those prompts feel like they were written by the same person is reassuring.

Any of these recommendations may by disregarded for the sake clarity. "MUST" rules will rarely find a good reason to be broken.

In most cases, this framework will get you to a passable prompt.



Common Cases

SweetAlert Preferences


  • It MUST be present.
  • It MUST be phrased as a question.
  • It MUST be written in sentence case (not Title Case).
  • It SHOULD be specific to the task.
  • It SHOULD be answerable with "yes" or "no".
  • It MAY be generic.


"Delete person?"

"Stop mailing?"

"Order pizza?"

Poor but passable

"Are you sure?"



"Remove or keep?"



  • It SHOULD be present.
  • It SHOULD clearly state the outcome of continuing.
  • It SHOULD clearly state side effects.
  • It SHOULD clearly state repeatability (if any).


"Deleting Cathy will remove her from People and all other Planning Center apps. Any related activity will also be deleted. You cannot un-delete Cathy."

"Your registration is incomplete. Cancel now and your progress will not be lost."

"Generating Lists can take up to 10 minutes. Your list might still be processing. If you cancel now, you can try again later."


"You're about to take an action that cannot be undone."

"Doing this may be dangerous."

"Deleting this person has consequences."

Cancel Button

  • It MUST be positioned left of the Continue Button.
  • It MUST NOT be destructive.
  • It SHOULD look safe/neutral (like hitting escape).
  • It SHOULD read "Cancel" or be preceded with "No, "
  • It MAY NOT be present (if other close option is provided).



"Go back"

"No, keep this person"

"No, keep going" (when cancelling a kill-process request)





Continue Button

  • It MUST be present.
  • It MUST be positioned right of the Cancel Button.
  • It MUST be written in sentence case (not Title Case).
  • It's color SHOULD represent the action being taken.
  • It SHOULD read "Continue" or preceded with "Yes, "
  • It MAY be destructive.



"Yes, delete this person"

"Yes, stop importing"




Color Legend


Destroy Record

A user shouldn't be able to easily delete data. Put some speed bumps in place.

Your first line of defense is going to be the Action button. It should look pretty ominous.

Action Button

The button should answer the question posed by the headline, and include "Delete", "Remove", or the like. It should also be red.

|  Yes, delete Cathy  |    <- It's red.


Iteration 1
  • Headline: generic
  • Body: very specific. difficult to code.
  • Cancel Button: "Cancel"
  • Continue Button: "Yes, ..."
|                          Are you sure?                          |
|                                                                 |
|  Deleting Cathy will remove her from all Planning Center apps.  |
|     Her activity will be lost. You cannot un-delete Cathy.      |
|                                                                 |
|                               +---------------------+           |
|              Cancel           |  Yes, delete Cathy  |           |
|                               +---------------------+           |
Iteration 2
  • Headline: specific
  • Body: less specific. easy to code.
  • Cancel Button: "No"
  • Continue Button: "Yes, ..."

This is harder for the user to read but might spare some embarrassing gender mishaps.

|                          Delete Cathy?                          |
|                                                                 |
|         Deleting this person will remove them from all          |
|    Planning Center apps. Their profile and activity will be     |
|          deleted immediately. This can't be undone.             |
|                                                                 |
|                              +---------------------+            |
|                 No           |  Yes, delete Cathy  |            |
|                              +---------------------+            |
Iteration 3
  • Headline: generic
  • Body: less specific. easy to code.
  • Cancel Button: "Cancel"
  • Continue Button: "Yes, ..."

If the originating button clearly says what you'll be deleting, I'd probably land on this. Generic but contextually simple.

|                          Are you sure?                          |
|                                                                 |
|         Deleting this person will remove them from all          |
|    Planning Center apps. Their profile and activity will be     |
|           delted immediately. This can't be undone.             |
|                                                                 |
|                               +---------------------+           |
|              Cancel           |  Yes, delete Cathy  |           |
|                               +---------------------+           |

Discard State

Discarding transient state isn't destructive. The user shouldn't feel too concerned about going back or exiting the process. But You'll see that it's really hard to write body text for.

The action button should look pretty safe. They shouldn't be afraid to back out of a process.

Action Button

The button read "Cancel", "Go back", "Leave", etc. It should NOT be red. gray or no color are appropriate.

+----------+    +----------------+
|  Cancel  |    |  Registration  |
+----------+    +----------------+
      ^                  ^
      |                  |
 (gray/none)          (green)


This prompt is where you can find yourself in the "cancel my cancel" pit. Unfortunately, that doesn't leave us with many options. The way out is to be explicit and really force the "yes"/"no" response.

  • Cancel Button: "No, ..." (gray/no-color)
  • Continue Button: "Yes, ..." (red)
|                        Cancel registration?                    |
|                                                                |
|            You haven't completed your registration.            |
|         If you cancel now, your progress will be lost.         |
|                                                                |
|                               +----------------------------+   |
|      No, keep going           |  Yes, cancel registration  |   |
|                               +----------------------------+   |

Disrupt Controlled Process

A controlled process is one that can be halted or rerun with little consequence. Users should be adequately warned about the outcome but nothing truly destructive is happening.

The Action Button color is pretty contextual. I'd guess yellow in the majority of cases.

Action Button

The button should read as active: "Stop", "Pause", "Interrupt", etc. "Cancel" is too passive and should be reserved for cancelling your request to interrupt the process.

|  Stop importing  |    <- dealer's choice on color


So the prompt is where you can find yourself in the "cancel my cancel" pit. Unfortunately, that doesn't leave us with a lot of options. The way out is to be explicit and really force the "yes"/"no" response.

  • Cancel Button: "No, ..." (gray/no-color)
  • Continue Button: "Yes, ..." (red)
|                       Stop CSV import?                      |
|                                                             |
|            Your CSV import has not completed.               |
|   If you stop the import, no users will have been added.    |
|          You may safely import this CSV later.              |
|                                                             |
|                               +-------------------------+   |
|      No, keep importing       |  Yes, stop this import  |   |
|                               +-------------------------+   |

Disrupt Uncontrolled Process

An uncontrolled process is one that can't be cleanly stopped, rolled back, or restarted. Think mass-mailer. These are dangerous and should look like it.

Action Button

The button should be active and somewhat ominous. "Halt", "Stop", "Pause", "Interrupt", etc. "Cancel" is too passive and should be reserved for cancelling your request to interrupt the process.

|  Stop mailing  |    <- red button


So the prompt is where you can find yourself in the "cancel my cancel" pit. Unfortunately, that doesn't leave us with a lot of options. The way out is to be explicit and really force the "yes"/"no" response.

  • Cancel Button: "No, ..." (gray/no-color)
  • Continue Button: "Yes, ..." (red)
|                           Stop mailing?                           |
|                                                                   |
|     This email is being sent to 100 people. If you stop now,      |
|   a portion of those people may have already recieved an email.   |
|       This mailing cannot be picked up where it left off.         |
|                                                                   |
|                                  +---------------------+          |
|       No, continue mailing       |  Yes, stop mailing  |          |
|                                  +---------------------+          |

Don't use stock icons

Don't use the stock icons. They don't match our aesthetic and are generally overstated. If you use these guidelines, the generic graphics won't provide much user-value.


How to write user-friendly prompts






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