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Logo Script Launcher Sources

This repository contains the Typescript source code of script-launcher. The sources are located in the src directory. This readme describes how to build and deploy script launcher it self. For the npm package documentation open the readme located in the src directory.


  • node - JavaScript runtime
  • nvm - node version manager
  • tsc - TypeScript
  • launch - Script Launcher

Basic setup

git clone
cd script-launcher

npm install
npm start

Build & Publish

npm start test
npm start build
cd dist/package
npm login
npm whoami
npm publish

Run spesific tests

npx jest --clearCache
npm start test -- -t "'npx launch --version'"
npm start test -- ./tests/debug.test.ts



  • cross-spawn - A cross platform solution to node's spawn and spawnSync.
  • deepmerge - Merges the enumerable attributes of two or more objects deeply.
  • fast-glob - It's a very fast and efficient glob library for Node.js.
  • pretty-time - Easily format the time from node.js process.hrtime.
  • prompts - Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly prompts