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Fortnite Player Stats Discord Bot

Retrieve player statistics in Fortnite Battle Royale

⚠️ Note: This project is a personal project and was created for research and educational purposes only.

Table of Content


  • Asks if you want to see current squad stats when joining Fortnite discord channel

Fortnite API search (Default): If player profile is not found in, fall back to using Fortnite API

  • Show player's level
  • Calculates player overall season statistics in different Game Modes (Solo, Duos, Squads)
  • Calculates player's overall statistics

    Statistics include:

    • KD
    • Wins
    • Win Percentage
    • Kills
    • Matches Played
  • Link to player's Twitch stream if currently streaming

Fortnite Tracker search (:x: Deprecated, API no longer supported):

  • Calculates player current season statistics in different Game Modes (Solo, Duos, Trios, Squads)
  • Calculates player's overall statistics

    Statistics include:

    • KD
    • Wins
    • Win Percentage
    • Matches Played
    • TRN

  • Link to Fortnite Tracker player profile (click on username to navigate)
  • Quick view of player's KD (color of embed content)
    • Green : KD <= 1
    • Orange : 1 < KD <= 2
    • Red : 2 < KD <= 3
    • Purple : KD > 3
  • Quick view of player's current ranking and progress
  • Display current stats for the squad. If a username is provided, display only stats for that player (ex: !track LigmaBalls12).")
  • Display stats difference of a player or the squad, or average stats of the opponents played today (ex: !stats diff, !stats diff LigmaBalls12, !stats played)."
  • Display average stats of all opponents faced today
  • Show map of all upgrade locations
  • Show map of all bunker chest locations
  • Show map of all hireable NPC locations


!h EpicUsername
!hunted EpicUsername
!wreckedby EpicUsername
!findnoob EpicUsername
!player EpicUsername

!track EpicUsername
!squad EpicUsername

!stats diff
!stats today

!stats played
!stats opponents
!stats noobs
!stats enemy





Prompt when joining Fortnite Discord channel:
Alt text

Player Not Specified:


Alt text

Player Not Found:

!hunted EpicBotAccount

Alt text

Player Found (Fortnite API search):

!hunted SypherPK

Alt text

Player Found (Fortnite API search) and Streaming:

!hunted Fresh

Alt text

Stats Difference for Squad:

!stats diff

Alt text

Average Stats of all Opponent Faced Today:

!stats noobs

Alt text


Install Fortnite Replay Reader

To install the Fortnite Replay Reader pip package, you need to install the package's dependencies first otherwise the requirements.txt install will fail.

To do so, run:

pip install wheel bitstring pycryptodome


pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate Windows executable

The following environment variables must be set in .env:


In Windows, run the following:

venv/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe --onefile --windowed --paths venv/Lib/site-packages

This assumes you are using a virtual environment such as venv. If you are not, you do not need to include the path for the dependencies. The following can be removed:

--paths venv/Lib/site-packages