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Merge pull request #294 from alpgarcia/efficiency
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Efficiency panels for GitHub and Gerrit
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valeriocos committed Nov 7, 2018
2 parents a59f523 + f2476da commit 2c3e663
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Showing 9 changed files with 396 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added doc/assets/images/gerrit_review_efficiency.png
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Binary file added doc/assets/images/github_issues_efficiency.png
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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Gerrit Review Efficiency

This panel offers a view of efficiency closing reviews based on two metrics:
* **REI**: Review Efficiency Index, defined as the number of closed reviews divided
by the number of open ones in a given period of time. Measures efficiency closing reviews.
* **Lead Time**: the time between the initiation and completion of a production
process, in this case, a review. Shown in average in this panel.
* **Time to Merge**: time from review creation to the moment in which it's merged or abandoned.

![GitHub Review Efficiency](assets/images/gerrit_review_efficiency.png)
###### Figure 1.Gerrit Review Efficiency Panel

Filtering by Organization and Project is allowed by using the top left corner

**REI** is shown next to filtering widget. Moving average is set to 8 weeks
to identify changes in trends. Average is also shown as reference. REI values
greater than 1 means the community is closing more reviews than those they are
opening. Values smaller than 1 means the opposite, i.e., more reviews open than
those closed during a given time frame.

**Median Time to Merge** gauge is set to show green color for less than 7 days, yellow
for values from 7 to 30 days and red from 30 to 90 days. This means we are
considering a week as a good time to merge. This is just a visual reference and
you can always rely on the number, ignoring this color scheme.

Next to this gauge, **Lead Time** shows the average Time to Merge together to its
trend. This helps to identify peaks and visualize the global evolution of time
spent in closing reviews.

Finally, a table on the right splits **Median Time to Merge** by repository,
giving an insight on the differences among them.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# GitHub Issues Efficiency

This panel offers a view of efficiency closing issues based on two metrics:
* **BMI**: Backlog Management Index, defined as the number of closed issues divided
by the number of open ones in a given period of time. Measures efficiency closing issues.
* **Lead Time**: the time between the initiation and completion of a production
process, in this case, an issue. Shown in average in this panel.
* **Time to Close**: time from issue creation to the moment in which it's closed.

![GitHub Issues Efficiency](assets/images/github_issues_efficiency.png)
###### Figure 1.GitHub Issues Efficiency Panel

Filtering by Organization and Project is allowed by using the top left corner

**BMI** is shown next to filtering widget. Moving average is set to 8 weeks
to identify changes in trends. Average is also shown as reference. BMI values
greater than 1 means the community is closing more tickets than those they are
opening. Values smaller than 1 means the opposite, i.e., more tickets open than
those closed during a given time frame.

**Median Time to Close** gauge is set to show green color for less than 7 days, yellow
for values from 7 to 30 days and red from 30 to 90 days. This means we are
considering a week as a good time to close. This is just a visual reference and
you can always rely on the number, ignoring this color scheme.

Next to this gauge, **Lead Time** shows the average Time to Close together to its
trend. This helps to identify peaks and visualize the global evolution of time
spent in closing issues.

Finally, a table on the right splits **Median Time to Close** by repository,
giving an insight on the differences among them.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# GitHub Pull Requests Efficiency

This panel offers a view of efficiency closing pull requests based on two metrics:
* **REI**: Review Efficiency Index, defined as the number of closed pull requests divided
by the number of open ones in a given period of time. Measures efficiency closing pull requests.
* **Lead Time**: the time between the initiation and completion of a production
process, in this case, a pull request. Shown in average in this panel.
* **Time to Merge**: time from pull request creation to the moment in which it's closed.

![GitHub Pull Requests Efficiency](assets/images/github_pullrequests_efficiency.png)
###### Figure 1.GitHub Pull Requests Efficiency Panel

Filtering by Organization and Project is allowed by using the top left corner

**REI** is shown next to filtering widget. Moving average is set to 8 weeks
to identify changes in trends. Average is also shown as reference. REI values
greater than 1 means the community is closing more pull requests than those they are
opening. Values smaller than 1 means the opposite, i.e., more pull requests open than
those closed during a given time frame.

**Median Time to Merge** gauge is set to show green color for less than 7 days, yellow
for values from 7 to 30 days and red from 30 to 90 days. This means we are
considering a week as a good time to merge. This is just a visual reference and
you can always rely on the number, ignoring this color scheme.

Next to this gauge, **Lead Time** shows the average Time to Merge together to its
trend. This helps to identify peaks and visualize the global evolution of time
spent in closing pull requests.

Finally, a table on the right splits **Median Time to Merge** by repository,
giving an insight on the differences among them.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions json/gerrit_efficiency.json
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
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