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?: blocked
?: blocked
I: contributor experience
I: contributor experience
Quality-of-life improvements or changes to project contribution processes or resources
I: discussion
I: discussion
Open discussion for new ideas and thoughts
I: good first issue
I: good first issue
Good for newcomers
I: help wanted
I: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
I: in-progress
I: in-progress
metric idea
metric idea
This idea is open for discussion. Ideally, fill out a detail page to focus the discussion.
Metric Release Notes
Metric Release Notes
Metrics Candidate Release
Metrics Candidate Release
?: needs triage
?: needs triage
Something isn't working
?: question
?: question
Further information is requested
ready for review
ready for review
Request for review!
Revisiting Metric
Revisiting Metric
Previously released metric that is being revisited and updated
T: bug
T: bug
Something isn't working
T: improvement
T: improvement
Improves on something that already exists
T: new idea
T: new idea
Adds new capabilities or functionality
X: duplicate
X: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
X: invalid
X: invalid
This doesn't seem right
X: wontfix
X: wontfix
This will not be worked on