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parkd126 edited this page Dec 27, 2018 · 6 revisions


Data type used for indicating the status of a test.


Name Type Description Request Methods
colorBright Long RGB Integer for status color bright getStatuses
colorDark Long RGB Integer for status color dark getStatuses
colorMedium Long RGB Integer for status color medium getStatuses
id Int The unique ID of the status getStatuses
isFinal Boolean True if the status is final and unchangeable. False otherwise. getStatuses
isSystem Boolean True if the status is a default status provided by TestRail. False otherwise. getStatuses
isUntested Boolean True if the status indicates that the test has not been completed. False otherwise. getStatuses
label String The display name for the status getStatuses
name String The internal system name for the status getStatuses


GET Requests:

1. getStatuses


Returns a list of available test statuses.

val someStatusesList = Status().getStatuses()


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