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Refactor and generalize plink to VCF conversion with support for more…
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chapmanb committed Feb 17, 2012
1 parent 3465522 commit 904b30a
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 34 deletions.
126 changes: 92 additions & 34 deletions nextgen/scripts/
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from bx.seq import twobit

def main(ped_file, map_file, ref_file):
pbed_prefix = convert_to_plink_bed(ped_file, map_file)
vcf_file = convert_bed_to_vcf(pbed_prefix, ped_file)
base_dir = os.getcwd()
pbed_prefix = convert_to_plink_bed(ped_file, map_file, base_dir)
vcf_file = convert_bed_to_vcf(pbed_prefix, ped_file, base_dir)
fix_nonref_positions(vcf_file, ref_file)

def convert_to_plink_bed(ped_file, map_file):
plink_cl = "p-link" # from ubuntu package, 'plink' otherwise
def convert_to_plink_bed(ped_file, map_file, base_dir):
# from ubuntu package, 'plink' otherwise
for plink_cl in ["p-link", "plink"]:
subprocess.check_call([plink_cl, "--help"])
plink_prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ped_file))[0]
work_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ped_file), "vcfconvert")
work_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "vcfconvert")
if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
out_base = os.path.join(work_dir, plink_prefix)
if not os.path.exists("{}.bed".format(out_base)):
subprocess.check_call([plink_cl, "--ped", ped_file, "--map", map_file,
if not os.path.exists("{0}.bed".format(out_base)):
subprocess.check_call([plink_cl, "--noweb",
"--ped", ped_file, "--map", map_file,
"--make-bed", "--out", out_base])
return out_base

def convert_bed_to_vcf(pbed_prefix, ped_file):
out_file = "{}.vcf".format(os.path.splitext(ped_file)[0])
def convert_bed_to_vcf(pbed_prefix, ped_file, base_dir):
out_file = os.path.join(base_dir,
if not os.path.exists(out_file):
subprocess.check_call(["pseq", pbed_prefix, "new-project"])
subprocess.check_call(["pseq", pbed_prefix, "load-plink",
Expand All @@ -50,46 +59,95 @@ def convert_bed_to_vcf(pbed_prefix, ped_file):
return out_file

def fix_line_problems(parts):
"""Fix problem alleles and reference/variant bases in VCF line.
varinfo = parts[:9]
genotypes = []
# replace haploid calls
for x in parts[9:]:
if len(x) == 1:
x = "./."
if varinfo[3] == "0": varinfo[3] = "N"
if varinfo[4] == "0": varinfo[4] = "N"
return varinfo, genotypes

def fix_vcf_line(parts, ref_base):
"""Orient VCF allele calls with respect to reference base.
Handles cases with ref and variant swaps. strand complements.
swap = {"1/1": "0/0", "0/1": "0/1", "0/0": "1/1", "./.": "./."}
complements = {"G": "C", "A": "T", "C": "G", "T": "A", "N": "N"}
varinfo, genotypes = fix_line_problems(parts)
ref, var = varinfo[3:5]
# non-reference regions or non-informative, can't do anything
if ref_base in [None, "N"] or set(genotypes) == set(["./."]):
varinfo = None
# matching reference, all good
elif ref_base == ref:
assert ref_base == ref, (ref_base, parts)
# swapped reference and alternate regions
elif ref_base == var or ref in ["N", "0"]:
varinfo[3] = var
varinfo[4] = ref
genotypes = [swap[x] for x in genotypes]
# reference is on alternate strand
elif ref_base != ref and complements[ref] == ref_base:
varinfo[3] = complements[ref]
varinfo[4] = complements[var]
# unspecified alternative base
elif ref_base != ref and var in ["N", "0"]:
varinfo[3] = ref_base
varinfo[4] = ref
genotypes = [swap[x] for x in genotypes]
# swapped and on alternate strand
elif ref_base != ref and complements[var] == ref_base:
varinfo[3] = complements[var]
varinfo[4] = complements[ref]
genotypes = [swap[x] for x in genotypes]
print "Did not associate ref {0} with line: {1}".format(
ref_base, varinfo)
if varinfo is not None:
return varinfo + genotypes

def fix_nonref_positions(in_file, ref_file):
"""Fix Genotyping VCF positions where the bases are all variants.
The plink/pseq output does not handle these correctly, and
has all reference/variant bases reversed.
swap = {"1/1": "0/0", "0/1": "0/1", "0/0": "1/1", "./.": "./."}
complements = {"G": "C", "A": "T", "C": "G", "T": "A"}
ignore_chrs = ["."]
ref2bit = twobit.TwoBitFile(open(ref_file))
out_file = apply("{}-fix{}".format, os.path.splitext(in_file))
out_file = apply("{0}-fix{1}".format, os.path.splitext(in_file))

with open(in_file) as in_handle:
with open(out_file, "w") as out_handle:
for line in in_handle:
if line.startswith("#"):
parts = line.rstrip("\t\n").split("\t")
parts = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t")
pos = int(parts[1])
ref_base = ref2bit[parts[0]].get(pos-1, pos).upper()
ref, var = parts[3:5]
if ref_base == var or ref == "N":
base = parts[:9]
base[3] = var
base[4] = ref
swap_genotypes = [swap[x] for x in parts[9:]]
parts = base + swap_genotypes
#print "swapped", pos
elif ref_base == ref:
#print "same", pos
assert ref_base == ref, (ref_base, parts)
elif ref_base != ref and var in ["N", "0"]:
parts[3] = ref_base
elif ref_base != ref and complements[ref] == ref_base:
parts[3] = complements[ref]
parts[4] = complements[var]
raise ValueError("Cannot associate ref {} with line: {}".format(
ref_base, parts))
out_handle.write("\t".join(parts) + "\n")
# handle chr/non-chr naming
if parts[0] not in ref2bit.keys():
parts[0] = parts[0].replace("chr", "")
ref_base = None
if parts[0] not in ignore_chrs:
ref_base = ref2bit[parts[0]].get(pos-1, pos).upper()
except Exception, msg:
# off the end of the chromosome
if str(msg).startswith("end before start"):
print msg
print parts
parts = fix_vcf_line(parts, ref_base)
if parts is not None:
out_handle.write("\t".join(parts) + "\n")
return out_file

if __name__ == "__main__":
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