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Private Cloud and CloudBioLinux

CloudBioLinux can be used to create a private Cloud for Bioinformatics. Essentially, all you need is ssh access to a VM running somewhere. This VM should be a clean install of Linux. With CloudBioLinux Debian and Ubuntu distributions are supported best.

Start a VM

Start a VM and make sure there is a network defined, and ssh running. On the VM

   dhclient -v
   ps xa|grep ssh
   ssh localhost

Check the network (e.g. with Debian)

   apt-get update
   apt-get install vim

You should be able to use the IP address to login from your desktop

   ssh user@VM_IP_address

Get password free ssh access

The CloudBioLinux fabric tools work best when you have password free login. If you can login to the remote with

   ssh user@VM_IP_address

you are set. Otherwise, create a password free ssh key. To achieve this, see the many Internet resources, e.g.

Install sudo without password

Install the sudo program. Next, edit /etc/sudoers with the 'visudo' command, and add the line

   user ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/bash

where user is your Fabric username. Alternatively add user to the sudo group.

Now try:

   sudo bash

and you should be root, without a password.

Install CloudBioLinux

See the README for installing CloudBioLinux and fabric.

Run fabric

Now you should be set! To install BioLinux

   fab -f $source/ -H user@$VM_IP_address -c $fabricrc install_biolinux:packagelist=$packagelist

Where source points to the checked out source tree, e.g.

   export source=$HOME/izip/git/opensource/debian/biolinux

For example, to install the Minimal flavor on Debian stable on a VM running on IP

   fab -f $source/ -H user@ \
   -c $source/contrib/minimal/fabricrc_debian.txt \

CloudBioLinux shows the following output. First it sets up the environment

    [] Executing task 'install_biolinux'
    cloudbiolinux WARNING: Skipping fabricrc.txt as distribution is already defined
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Minimal Edition 1.0.1
    cloudbiolinux INFO: This is a minimal
    cloudbiolinux INFO: This is a Base Flavor - no overrides
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Distribution debian
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Debian setup
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Debian-shared setup
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Source=squeeze
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Checking target distribution debian
    [] run: cat /proc/version
    [] out: Linux version 2.6.32-5-amd64 (Debian 2.6.32-31) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 SMP Mon Mar 7 21:35:22 UTC [] out:
    [] out:
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Now, testing connection to host...
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Connection to host appears to work!
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Expand paths
    cloudbiolinux INFO: packagelist=/home/user/izip/git/opensource/debian/biolinux/contrib/minimal/main.yaml
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Meta-package information
    cloudbiolinux INFO: minimal,ruby
    cloudbiolinux INFO:
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Target=None

Here it modifies the source file for apt-get, as well as keys:

    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: _setup_apt_sources /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudbiolinux.list Minimal Edition
    [] sudo: touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudbiolinux.list
    [] sudo: echo '# This file was modified for Minimal Edition' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudbiolinux.list
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Source deb squeeze main contrib non-free
    [] sudo: echo 'deb squeeze main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudbiolinux.list
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Source deb squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
    [] sudo: echo 'deb squeeze-updates main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudbiolinux.list
    [] sudo:
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Update GPG keys for repositories
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Update and install all packages
    [] sudo: apt-get update
    [] out: Hit squeeze Release.gpg

and starts installing packages

    cloudbiolinux INFO: Updating 26 packages
    [] sudo: apt-get -y --force-yes install ruby1.8 ruby1.8-dev ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev axel less openssh-server rsync screen sudo tar unzip bzr cvs darcs git-core mercurial subversion vim cmake g++ gcc gfortran make patch swig
    [] out: Reading package lists... Done
    [] out: Building dependency tree
    [] out: Reading state information... Done
    [] out: gcc is already the newest version.
    [] out: gcc set to manually installed.
    [] out: less is already the newest version.
    [] out: less set to manually installed.
    [] out: make is already the newest version.
    (etc, etc)

Finally some clean ups

    [] sudo: apt-get clean
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Target=unknown; Edition=Minimal Edition; Flavor=Base Flavor - no overrides

write an entry in the log file

    [] sudo: date +"%D %T - Updated Target=unknown; Edition=Minimal Edition; Flavor=Base Flavor - no overrides" >> /var/log/biolinux.log
    [] run: uname -m
    [] out: x86_64
    [] out:
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Reading /home/user/izip/git/opensource/debian/biolinux/config/custom.yaml
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG: Packages:
    cloudbiolinux DEBUG:
    cloudbiolinux INFO: Cleaning up space from package builds
    [] sudo: rm -rf .cpanm
    [] sudo: rm -f /var/crash/*

And it is done. Minimal has no post-installation configuration, but that is easy to add.