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File metadata and controls

381 lines (293 loc) · 11 KB


The Crucial\Service\Chargify\Subscription object provides the following methods.

Chargify API documentation for subscriptions

Many of the examples below will result in the following standard attributes on the $subscription object.

     "previous_state":`auto generated`,
     "product_price_in_cents": 1000,
     "product_version_number": 1,
     "current_period_started_at":`auto generated`,
     "current_period_ends_at":`auto generated`,
     "next_assessment_at":`auto generated`,
     "activated_at":`auto generated`,
     "trial_ended_at":`auto generated`,
     "trial_started_at":`auto generated`,
     "expires_at":`auto generated`,
     "created_at":`auto generated`,
     "updated_at":`auto generated`,
     "canceled_at":`your value`,
     "coupon_code":`your value`,
     "signup_payment_id":`auto generated`,
     "signup_revenue":`your value`,
     "current_billing_amount_in_cents": "1000",
       "id":`auto generated`,
       "first_name":`your value`,
       "last_name":`your value`,
       "email":`your value`,
       "organization":`your value`,
       "reference":`your value`,
       "address":`your value`,
       "address_2":`your value`,
       "city":`your value`,
       "state":`auto generated`,
       "zip":`auto generated`,
       "country":`auto generated`,
       "phone":`auto generated`,
       "updated_at":`auto generated`,
       "created_at":`auto generated`
       "id":`auto generated`,
       "name":`your value`,
       "handle":`your value`,
       "description":`your value`,
       "price_in_cents":`your value`,
       "accounting_code":`your value`,
       "interval":`your value`,
       "interval_unit":`your value`,
       "created_at":`auto generated`,
       "updated_at":`auto generated`,
         "id":`auto generated`,
         "name":`your value`,
         "handle":`your value`,
         "accounting_code":`your value`,
         "description":`your value`
       "id":`auto generated`,
       "first_name":`your value`,
       "last_name":`your value`,
       "masked_card_number":`your value`,
       "card_type":`auto generated`,
       "expiration_month":`your value`,
       "expiration_year":`your value`,
       "billing_address":`your value`,
       "billing_address_2":`your value`,
       "billing_city":`your value`,
       "billing_state":`your value`,
       "billing_zip":`your value`,
       "billing_country":`your value`,
       "current_vault":`your value`,
       "vault_token":`your value`,
       "customer_vault_token":`your value`,
       "customer_id":`auto generated`

Create a new subscription in Chargify.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()
    // product ID being signed up for

    // alternatively, set the product by handle

    // customer attributes
        'first_name'   => '{{FIRST_NAME}}',
        'last_name'    => '{{LAST_NAME}}',
        'email'        => '{{EMAIL}}',
        'organization' => '{{ORGANIZATION}}',
        'phone'        => '{{PHONE}}',
        'address'      => '{{ADDRESS}}',
        'address_2'    => '{{ADDRESS_2}}',
        'city'         => '{{CITY}}',
        'state'        => '{{STATE}}',
        'zip'          => '{{ZIP}}',
        'country'      => '{{COUNTRY}}',

    // alternatively, set customer ID or reference if the new subscription is for an existing customer

    // payment profile attributes
        'first_name'       => '{{FIRST_NAME}}',
        'last_name'        => '{{LAST_NAME}}',
        'full_number'      => '{{CC_NUMBER}}',
        'expiration_month' => '{{EXPIRY_MONTH}}',
        'expiration_year'  => '{{EXPIRY_YEAR}}',
        'cvv'              => '{{CVV}}',
        'billing_address'  => '{{ADDRESS}}',
        'billing_city'     => '{{CITY}}',
        'billing_state'    => '{{STATE}}',
        'billing_zip'      => '{{ZIP}}',
        'billing_country'  => '{{COUNTRY}}'

    // (Optional, used for Subscription Import)
    //->setNextBillingAt('8/6/2010 11:34:00 EDT')

    // send the request

Standard subscription output attributes.

Read a single existing subscription.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()

Standard subscription output attributes.

List all subscriptions for the Chargify site you are working with.

Listing subscriptions is paginated, 2000 at a time, by default. They are listed most recently created first. You may control pagination using the ->setPage() and ->setPerPage() methods.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()

A zero-indexed array of subscriptions, each with the standard subscription output attributes.

List all subscriptions for a given customer.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()
     // list subscriptions for customer ID 1234

A zero-indexed array of subscriptions, each with the standard subscription output attributes.

Update a subscription's product, customer attributes, or payment profile attributes.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()
    // changing the product on an existing subscription will result in a non-prorated migration.

    // alternatively, set the product by handle

    // new customer attributes
        'first_name'   => '{{FIRST_NAME}}',
        'last_name'    => '{{LAST_NAME}}',
        'email'        => '{{EMAIL}}',
        'organization' => '{{ORGANIZATION}}',
        'phone'        => '{{PHONE}}',
        'address'      => '{{ADDRESS}}',
        'address_2'    => '{{ADDRESS_2}}',
        'city'         => '{{CITY}}',
        'state'        => '{{STATE}}',
        'zip'          => '{{ZIP}}',
        'country'      => '{{COUNTRY}}',

    // new payment profile attributes
        'first_name'       => '{{FIRST_NAME}}',
        'last_name'        => '{{LAST_NAME}}',
        'full_number'      => '{{CC_NUMBER}}',
        'expiration_month' => '{{EXPIRY_MONTH}}',
        'expiration_year'  => '{{EXPIRY_YEAR}}',
        'cvv'              => '{{CVV}}',
        'billing_address'  => '{{ADDRESS}}',
        'billing_city'     => '{{CITY}}',
        'billing_state'    => '{{STATE}}',
        'billing_zip'      => '{{ZIP}}',
        'billing_country'  => '{{COUNTRY}}'

    // send the request

Standard subscription output attributes.

Perform a prorated migration on a subscription. See Chargify Documentation for more details.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()
     // set new product ID

     // alternatively, set new product by handle

     // (optional) Include trial in migration. 1 for yes, 0 for no. default: 0

     // (optional) Include initial charge in migration. 1 for yes, 0 for no. default: 0

     // send the migration request

Standard subscription output attributes.

Cancel a subscription immediately in Chargify.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()

     // (optional) Set cancellation message.
     //->setCancellationMessage('No longer using the service')

     // cancel subscription ID 1234 immediately

Standard subscription output attributes.

Cancel a subscription at the end of the current billing period.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()

     // (optional) Set cancellation message.
     //->setCancellationMessage('No longer using the service')

     // cancel subscription ID 1234 immediately

Standard subscription output attributes.

Reactivate an inactive subscription.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()

     // (optional) Include trial period (if any) when the subscription is re-activated

     // reactivate subscription ID 1234

Standard subscription output attributes.

Reset the balance of a subscription to zero.

$subscription = $chargify->subscription()
     // reset balance to zero on subscription ID 1234

Standard subscription output attributes.