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The Webhooks API allows you to view a list of all webhooks and to selectively resend individual or groups of webhooks.


/webhooks List webhooks
/webhooks/replay Resend webhooks

Webhook Attributes

  • id The unique identifier for the webhooks (unique across all of Chargify). This is not changed on a retry/replay of the same webhook, so it may be used to avoid duplicate action for the same event.
  • successful A boolean flag describing whether the webhook was accepted by the webhook endpoint for the most recent attempt. (Acceptance is defined by receiving a “200 OK” HTTP response within a reasonable timeframe, i.e. 15 seconds)
  • event A string describing which event type produced the given Webhook
  • body The data sent within the Webhook post
  • signature The calculated Webhook signature
  • created_at Timestamp indicating when the Webhook was created
  • accepted_at Timestamp indicating when the Webhook was accepted by the merchant endpoint. When a webhook is explicitly replayed by the merchant, this value will be cleared until it is accepted again.
  • last_sent_at Timestamp indicating when the most recent attempt was made to send the Webhook
  • last_error_at Timestamp indicating when the last non-acceptance occurred. If a webhooks is later resent and accepted, this field will be cleared.
  • last_sent_url The url that the endpoint was last sent to.
  • last_error Text describing the status code and/or error from the last failed attempt to send the Webhook. When a webhook is retried and accepted, this field will be cleared.


List Webhooks for a Site

URL: https://<subdomain><format>
Method: GET
Optional Parameters (via query string):

  • status A string indicating which type of Webhooks to return, either “successful” or “failed”
  • page and per_page The page number and number of results used for pagination. By default results are paginated 20 per page.
  • since_date (format YYYY-MM-DD) Returns Webhooks with a created_at date greater than or equal to the one specified
  • until_date (format YYYY-MM-DD) Returns Webhooks with a created_at date less than or equal to the one specified
  • order The order in which the Webhooks are retured, either “newest_first” or “oldest_first”

Response: An array of Wehooks

XML example
JSON example

XML List Webhooks for Site Example

Feature: Chargify API XML Webhooks listing
  In order to integrate an app with Chargify
  As a developer
  I want to be able to list my webhooks via the Chargify XML API

    Given I am a valid API user
    And I accept xml responses
    And I have 2 webhooks

  Scenario: Retrieve a list of all webhooks for a site
    When I send a GET request to https://[@subdomain]
    Then the response status should be "200 OK"
    And the response should be a xml array with 2 "webhook" elements
    And the response should be the xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <webhooks type="array">
        <accepted_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</accepted_at>
        <created_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</created_at>
        <id type="integer">`auto generated`</id>
        <last_error nil="true"></last_error>
        <last_error_at type="datetime" nil="true"></last_error_at>
        <last_sent_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</last_sent_at>
        <body>`auto generated`</body>
        <signature>`auto generated`</signature>
        <successful type="boolean">true</successful>
        <last_sent_url>`auto generated`</last_sent_url>
        <accepted_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</accepted_at>
        <created_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</created_at>
        <id type="integer">`auto generated`</id>
        <last_error nil="true"></last_error>
        <last_error_at type="datetime" nil="true"></last_error_at>
        <last_sent_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</last_sent_at>
        <body>`auto generated`</body>
        <signature>`auto generated`</signature>
        <successful type="boolean">true</successful>
        <last_sent_url>`auto generated`</last_sent_url>

JSON List Webhooks for Site Example

Feature: Chargify API JSON Webhooks listing
  In order to integrate an app with Chargify
  As a developer
  I want to be able to list my webhooks via the Chargify JSON API

    Given I am a valid API user
    And I accept json responses
    And I have 2 webhooks

  Scenario: Retrieve a list of all webhooks for a site
    When I send a GET request to https://[@subdomain]
    Then the response status should be "200 OK"
    And the response should be a json array with 2 "webhook" objects
    And the response should be the json:
          "accepted_at":`auto generated`,
          "last_sent_at":`auto generated`,
          "created_at":`auto generated`,
          "body":`auto generated`,
          "signature":`auto generated`,
          "id":`auto generated`,
          "last_sent_url":`auto generated`
          "accepted_at":`auto generated`,
          "last_sent_at":`auto generated`,
          "created_at":`auto generated`,
          "body":`auto generated`,
          "signature":`auto generated`,
          "id":`auto generated`,
          "last_sent_url":`auto generated`

Replay Webhooks for a Site

Posting to the replay endpoint does not immediate resend the webhooks. They are added to the background job queue and should be resent momentarily.

URL: https://<subdomain><format>
Method: POST
Required Parameters:

  • ids An array of webhook ids to replay

Response: An “ok” status message

XML example
JSON example

XML Resend Webhook Example

Feature: Chargify Webhooks Replay XML API
  In order to integrate my app with Chargify
  As a developer
  I want to replay webhooks via the Chargify XML API

    Given I am a valid API user
    And I send and accept xml
    And I have 2 webhooks

  Scenario: Replay a webhook
    And I have this xml webhook data
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <ids type="array">
        <id type="integer">`your value`</id>
        <id type="integer">`your value`</id>
    When I send a POST request with the xml data to https://[@subdomain]
    Then the response status should be "200 OK"
    And the response should be the xml:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

JSON Resend Webhook Example

Feature: Chargify Webhooks Replay JSON API
  In order to integrate my app with Chargify
  As a developer
  I want to replay webhooks via the Chargify JSON API

    Given I am a valid API user
    And I send and accept json
    And I have 2 webhooks

  Scenario: Replay a webhook
    And I have this json webhook data
      {"ids":[`your value`,`your value`]}
    When I send a POST request with the json data to https://[@subdomain]
    Then the response status should be "200 OK"
    And the response should be the json: