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Releases: charisma-ai/charisma-sdk-unreal

v0.12.0 - SDK Example Scene

05 Jun 15:30
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This release includes a simple blueprint based example scene that can be used as a basis for Charisma implementation in your own projects.

The Plug-n-Play still has its own example implementation, although this one is simpler.

Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.12.0

v0.11.1 - uPlugin Cleanup

03 Jun 16:22
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This release contains a small clean-up of the uPlugin file. No developer facing changes.

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1

v0.11.0: UE 5.3 support!

22 Dec 16:51
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This release adds support for Unreal Engine 5.3!

Note: The msgpack implementation needed to change significantly to keep the compiler happy, so please report any issues here.

v0.10.0: Mac support

15 Dec 11:43
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This release adds Mac support!

v0.9.0: Unified speech recognition, multiple TTS encoding support

04 Sep 16:33
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  • Adds the unified speech recognition API. See for more details.
  • Multiple text-to-speech encodings can now specified as an array, to support more voice services out the box.
  • Fixes an issue using the Actor component when no audio was generated by Charisma.

v0.7.2: UE5.2 support

15 Jun 13:28
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  • Ensured compilation on UE5.2.
  • Connection state handling has been refactored: OnConnect and OnReady have been removed as Playthrough events, and OnChangeConnectionState has been added.
  • PlaythroughEventsManager, which provided AttachPlaythroughHandlers has been removed. Instead, bind to the events directly on the Playthrough object.

v0.6.0: Unreal Marketplace launch!

22 Nov 17:39
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In this release, Charisma is now available on the Unreal Marketplace! πŸŽ‰

To download, head to:

Other improvements:

  • Added Pause and Play Blueprint nodes to pause/play a Charisma playthrough, useful for pause screens in-game.
  • Improved logging implementation: all logs are now made under the custom Charisma category.
  • Added language code to speech recognition.
  • Added experimental Reset Playthrough Blueprint node.
  • All references to EventIds are now strings instead of int64s to align with the type sent from Charisma.

v0.5.0: Speech recognition

17 Aug 14:45
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This release adds support for speech recognition directly into Charisma! πŸŽ‰

To enable this for your story, please get in touch with us.

Also, this release:

  • Adds a Fork Playthrough node to upgrade players to the latest published version of the story
  • Adds a ping/pong mechanism to detect disconnections earlier

v0.4.0: Refactor voice clip decoding

12 Jul 14:19
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The custom functions decoding the audio data (including the Blueprint function CreateSoundFromBytes) have been removed in favour of the excellent open-source plugin RuntimeAudioImporter.

This means the Charisma Actor component now supports playing any encoding of voice audio (and no longer crashes on UE5)! πŸŽ‰

v0.3.0: UE5 support

05 Jul 11:39
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This release adds support for Unreal Engine 5! πŸŽ‰

Please create an issue if you run into any trouble using this plugin in Unreal Engine 5.

Aside from that, the way to select a speech encoding has been improved, making it possible to use encodings other than OGG if you bring your own support for converting bytes into a SoundWave.